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Midnight Snack

Either ice cream or chocolate chip cookies

I also drink chocolate milk around midnight (and yes I can still get to sleep). I'm doing so right now.
Grilled chicken wings. I marinate a whole bunch stick them in a tupperware n stuff them in the fridge. I also like cheddar cheese as well, I have a kilo pack of it n when the mood strikes me at night I will usually take the whole thing out and gnaw on it.
Yes I have a midnight snack habit.

Whatever is available in the fridge. Usually that means sandwiches, cake or cookies. Plus milk, juice or hot chocolate.
I eat three snacks at night, one at 10:00PM then goto sleep, then one at midnight, then one at 2:00AM, I sleep inbetween those times. Usually I cook a steak, with some soy sause takes maybe 35mins to cook and the 10mis to eat. So I sleep a total of 3hrs untill 2:45AM then I sleep till 6 on weekdays and 10 on weekends. I like lots of Food I eat when I wake up in the mid day, then twice at night besides the 10PM snack Yum I think I will go make a steak. Yum
a steak at night? If I eat something that heavy after 10:00 I'd throw up in the middle of the night.
How people fall asleep before midnight I shall never understand. :lol: I am always up late at night. On a school night I normally get no more then 6 hours of sleep. :lol:
Depends on where I am at midnight. At home, if I plan to stay up a longer, it can be all kinds of stuff. When I'm out, especially when I'm drunk, it's usually stuff like Kebap, Burgers or whatever Fast Food comes around.
Cookies and milk.
Well I'm a pot smoker so almost anything. But preferably chocolate. Ice coffee or cold water to wash it down with.
rilnator said:
Well I'm a pot smoker so almost anything. But preferably chocolate. Ice coffee or cold water to wash it down with.
Laffy Taffy fan are we? :p
Generally whatever takes extremely little preparation. Which means cereal(if we don't have ice cream, which is most of the time), Wheatables(the snack usually in the pantry, and BTW Immortal, taste way better than Wheat Thins), or hot chocolate.
Pie. apple if availbe otherwise well not much I actuly try to get some sleep.
Cashew nuts or cheese. Sometimes in conjunction with a good wine or cognac; happens only at the weekend.
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