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[RD] Silver hair

What do you think of silver (gray/light gray) hair?

  • Like (positive)

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Don't like (negative)

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • All hair above the forehead is good (neutral)

    Votes: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters
Do you even Max Ernst? ^^

View attachment 691216
not sure about your point, even if i think you're making a joke of sorts.

i think you missed mine too. there's nothing inherently wrong with male pattern baldness. but lesser hair = fewer things you can do with it. gray hair can be colored at least. getting hair back is a much harder ask if you want it long.

but plenty of people look absolutely gorgeous with silver hair, bald heads, that male pattern baldness middle ground, etc, etc, etc.
I agree with you ^^
As for looks in general, imo if you can look good, it makes absolute sense to do/maintain that. After all, everything positive is still to your advantage, regardless of what fields it may be about.
Of course that's not to say it carries over to being critical of how others look; unless you are romantically interested (well, or trolling ^^)
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nothing inherently wrong with male pattern baldness. but lesser hair = fewer things you can do with it
Excuse me...

Spoiler :

not sure about your point, even if i think you're making a joke of sorts.

i think you missed mine too. there's nothing inherently wrong with male pattern baldness. but lesser hair = fewer things you can do with it. gray hair can be colored at least. getting hair back is a much harder ask if you want it long.

but plenty of people look absolutely gorgeous with silver hair, bald heads, that male pattern baldness middle ground, etc, etc, etc.
Was thinking of going with this, instead of the Ernst - which of course required some background to get, background you'd have.

That's the ideal, anyway. But if it fails, maintaining the needed, real, joy should already be enough :)
I'm fine with the "salt n' pepper" I'm getting on my head and in my facial hair. I'm a guy, though. I suppose I have to reserve the right to feel differently as it progresses further than that.

As for women, "silver vixen" is definitely a thing that's possible, if you own it. :yup: (A vixen is a female fox, if you didn't already know. That's Paget Brewster, btw.)

I'm probably not terribly far from being better described as Gori the White.
Depends on the person. Some people look really good with gray hair and others really, really don't.

Can smoking cause premature graying?​

There’s definitely a link. A 2013 study found that smokers on average went gray three years earlier than non-smokers. Scientists suspect that smoking causes chemical changes that damage the body’s melanin-producing cells.

Why Hair Turns Gray​

It’s a natural process, but stress and smoking don’t help

I'm probably not terribly far from being better described as Gori the White.
I would describe you as Gori the friend and refined poster.

I changed the thread to RD, btw. Because I don't want to read negative stuff about why hair is gray - nor I suppose almost everyone else here.
Very kind of you, Kyr.

(Not incompatible with white hair, fwiw.)
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Go and look at pictures of yourself in your late 20s with full beard and long curly hair and you will realize all of this talk of silver is a coping mechanism.

Can smoking cause premature graying?​

There’s definitely a link. A 2013 study found that smokers on average went gray three years earlier than non-smokers. Scientists suspect that smoking causes chemical changes that damage the body’s melanin-producing cells.

Why Hair Turns Gray​

It’s a natural process, but stress and smoking don’t help

Anecdotally kids cause Gray hair. After my first daughter was born I started going a tiny bit gray and then it kinda platoued @ just a lil bit until kid two born and now it's in gray free fall :(

Obviously it's genetic as well, unfortunately I seem closer to my mom (dead white by 50) then my dad (who died @ 74 w almost no gray)
Pretty sure stress causes greys (scientifically, barring genetic factors - on a mobile so nothing to hand though). Children cause stress because you're caring for another life (or lives). Many other sources of stress though, often hard to separate from the phase of your life that kids are present for.
When people tell me I don't look my age, they ask what the secret is. I tell them, I don't smoke, don't drink, stay out of the Sun, and never married or had kids. Plus genetics. My dad didn't seriously start losing his hair color until he had to start living in nursing homes. He was 84 when he died and still had some blond in his late 70s.
IMO it's genetics. Environmentally speaking I shouldn't be breathing. My doctor keeps ordering tests and I keep on passing. God has blessed me in more ways than I could tell you.
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