Do you have TXT_KEY_insert_name_here_NAME tags? Those need to be defined. Go to your text folder and copy a really short file there. Rename it to whatever you want, it's the one folder where the file name doesn't matter (unless it's named the same as an unmodded file, in which case it'll replace that file and the original won't be loaded).
There are five tags, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. I'm not sure if you need to fill all those in, but it might cause problems if you don't. Your character display name will be taken from here for each translation. In the Tag field, copy the tag from the leaderheads file. In the English field, enter whatever text you need to enter. Don't leave the other fields blank.
If you use another translation, you may want to insert gender and plural tags for proper grammar. Look to the text files for leaderheads for examples.
If you took out the name tags ( tags) and replaced them with plain text, ignore what I said above. However, if your mod MIGHT ever be translated, the tag method is the best way.