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[MOD] GreenMod (replant forest and other changes)

Thanks for your fantastic fix!

But a question, I was searching for a flak (AA) type unit and found those two.
It´s no problem to include them, but what stats should they have and which tech needed?

Exavier said:
OK Can i have a copy of those PLEASE?!? :D

You already have them here C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Assets\Art\Units\Scenario ;)
woohoo new toys to play with :p

EDIT: played with them... Created 2 versions of the Mobile SAM (as the artillary piece i got from Lost Units mod and didn't know it).
-Standerd mobile SAM: replaces SAM Infantry, 60% intercept proboblity, Avalible with Rocketry + Radio (rocketry for the missles it launches, radio for the guidence system).
-Patriot SAM System (could also be called an Anti-Ballistic Missle system in RL): Upgrade from mobile sam, 90% intercept, Avalible with Composites + Robotics (had to make it high as it obsolete most aircraft if attacked by them, Composites for rocket materials, Robotics for tracking systems).

These are what i plan to use in my Mod. Feel free to adjust them if you like but i think they will work quite well :)
Exavier said:
woohoo new toys to play with :p

EDIT: played with them... Created 2 versions of the Mobile SAM (as the artillary piece i got from Lost Units mod and didn't know it).
-Standerd mobile SAM: replaces SAM Infantry, 60% intercept proboblity, Avalible with Rocketry + Radio (rocketry for the missles it launches, radio for the guidence system).
-Patriot SAM System (could also be called an Anti-Ballistic Missle system in RL): Upgrade from mobile sam, 90% intercept, Avalible with Composites + Robotics (had to make it high as it obsolete most aircraft if attacked by them, Composites for rocket materials, Robotics for tracking systems).

These are what i plan to use in my Mod. Feel free to adjust them if you like but i think they will work quite well :)

Did you integrate them into your exisiting files?
I haven't yet. right now it is sitting in the v1.6beta folders for my mod as I am still making other changes and minor tweaks. basicly reshuffling things because my initial designs i posted won't work... I confused the SAM Infantry (avalible with rocketry) with the Bazooka guy I have (Avalible with artillary) so I messed up the techs.

So I think what i am going to end up doing is using Composites and Computers for my techs and just making 1 version that has a 70% intercept probability... if you want the code i could post it for you.

EDIT: Figured I'd add the code anyway.



				<ShadowAttachNode>BIP Pelvis</ShadowAttachNode>
Please note that it still needs a button (I used Mech Infantry as a base so thats what button I used), also you will need Description/Pedia/Stratagy info as welll I just included the Unitinfos and the ARTDefines :)
Though my luck i will have screwed something up and it won't work when you copy it into your files :p
Master Lexx said:
nice, but i made mobile sam, defend only and +100% against air units and strength 20, and i gave it air range 2, you will see it in version 2.0 on friday.

um sounds like you made it a normal attack unit. What did you set its Intercept ability at? (look in my example and its 70 for 70% intercept)

Giving it a +100% attack bonus vs a unit that it will never have a real combat battle with doesn't do any good and neither does giving it a strength based off that. I set mine as i did so it could still take on obsolete units :p
I made my mob sam, to intercept at 90% with 20 strenght and +100% against airunits, and air range of 2. It works good, even if the enemy aircraft flies next to the title where the sam is, the sam has a chance to intercept it. I made it cost 200 and need tech robotics and satellites. And even if the enemy aircraft is no stealthbomber it still misses sometimes. Maybe 90 % is too high.... but the stealths will still do the job.
hmm i didn't then of adding an areal ZOC to it... I like that idea. still don't see the need for the +100% bonus vs planes because the strength modifyer doesn't effect planes and so the +100% bonus is kinda useless.
ZOC - Zone of Control... Fighters on Intercept mode have a ZOC of their flight range.

the reason the +100% vs Air Units bonus won't do anything is because it only effects combat situations where the units Strength is taken into account. If a plane is intercepted then it has a random chance for damage similart to a nuke going off. It can take anything from 1 point of damage to insta death on a random roll.

Now if it was possible for your Mobile SAM to litteraly drive up and shoot the plane directly (like say a tank attacking a mech infantry unit) then the +100% bonus would be applied because that takes the strength into account. Since interception is a one sided combat type the bonus doesn't mean anything :p
So, Version 2.0 is out, I still need to include some changes to my workers and so, and somebody else wants to help me with making the python files modular.

My next project is to make a second unique unit for each civ, so any ideas?
I am just looking through other mods and so to find skins and minicons which I can use. I already have the Zero for japan, a jetfighter for usa and maybe a horse for another civ.

Does somebody know more civ4 sites where I can post my mod? (with link)
As I had problems just installing a "panzer" skin I trieyed the green mod.

After a couple of years :D I must say I like it very much. The potatoes aren't that bad. Especially when you build a farm house they look great.

Thanx :goodjob:
Just Wanted to say that I asked about creating resources awhile ago and you and another guy gave me some brief instructions which I figured out easy enough, but you also said to check out your mod and I did and I love it :)

Also wanted to mention that I am looking forward to reading what you have to say about resource graphics, As I have been tooling with some now for quite awhile (and even examining yours) and I still can't get them to look anything close to as good as yours.

Okay, everybody who has a problem with inquisitor or demolitiontroop or replant forest or whatever the bug is: make a textfile, write your problem and where it happens (city or so), and compress this text file with your savegame in an archive, and upload it to me. Maybe you can write your name into this too and maybe also how I can reach you for answers.


Please send me only GreenMod 2.00 savegames, I will look though all of them.
Use zip/rar/ace/uha/7z, i can extract any of those.
Master Lexx, since you seem to care about new resources ( which I do too ;) ) , I just wanted to ask you what do you think about adding the Hemp resource to your mod. aside from being green, which fits the mod well :D , it has been a HUGELY used resource for millenia ( for example, all the ropes used on ships until steel plated ships were made of hemp etc. ) , and has been put aside only during the most recent years ( the reason is that the guys with the oil feared it could ruin their dark plans for the future development of the world [I'm pretty sure 90% of the things we use oil for nowadays could be made equally nicely with hemp-derived products...], which has placed the whole humankind in the horrible situation in which it is now : economies totally dependant on oil, wars to get control of oil, you name it... but here I digress) . I feel that it would be a senseful addition to your already eccellent work. you may let it be obsoleted by combustion ( or whatever tech it is that allows you to use oil, I'm not an expert of the civ4 late-game ;) ) . furthermore, it could decrease ancient eras' ships buildtime by 50% just like stone and marble do with many wonders ( I figure this would make sense, as hemp fiber was by far the best back then, and I suspect it would fare well even nowadays if given the chance) . well, I wrote way too much I guess, hope you did find my monologue interesting and worthwhile, and I'm looking forward to hearing a reply from you. keep up the good work! :goodjob:
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