[MOD] Realism:Resurrected

Exavier said:
@KGrevstad - in responce to the previous poster I have a question. Have the Howitzer (Modern Artillary) and the Mobile SAM Truck been added into realism yet or not?

I pulled the Howitzer out of Lost Units Mod and was pointed to the models for the Mobile SAM (yes both have unique models that were in the vanilla release but not given code for) which will be in the next version of my mod if you need a copy of them.

The howitzer is part of Lost Units and is in the Realism mod. It's called UNIT_MARI, but I don't know why. I have not inserted the mobile same unit yet.

@keldath -- I have not yet included the promotions and traits mod, it is on my list of things to do. As for MP, I don't play MP, so I don't know if this mod is compatible or not. dbkblk has reported out-of-sync errors, and believes they are related to this mod, but others have reported generalized OOS errors with mods.

KGrevstad said:
The howitzer is part of Lost Units and is in the Realism mod. I have not inserted the mobile same unit yet.


Ok well as far as I know only me and the guy with the Green Mod are playing with the script for the Mobile SAM so if you want a copy of it let me know.
Fanatic Demon said:
First of all, I think your Mod is the best ...

Thank you. It's been a lot of work, and most of it's not mine.

I therefore added the following units:
- Dragoon (situated between Knight and Cavalry, using cavalry graph)
- Trebushet & Bombard (situated between Catapult and Cannon)

CivII had a dragoon unit that was real effective. But I do think the timeline is too quick in this period. It often seems I go from horse archer to knight to the mark v tank, but maybe that's just an artifact of how I play the game. Most of the time, I'm not warring too much from knights to armor. This mod does already have a trebuchet, available with the guilds tech.

We also needed some aditional units for more realistic gameplay
- AntiTank kannon (Defence only, +50% vs Armored units, using artilery graph)
- Selfpropeled Artilery (Double movement)

I do agree that we need some more effective anti-armor unit. And a faster movement artillery would (perhaps) be useful. Usually when I go conquering, I load up on armor and air units, using the latter for bombardment to reduce defenses and strike to reduce HP. If it's a water assault, then I use naval bombardment to reduce the defensive bonus and throw the troops at the city, establishing a beachhead where I can subsequently base air units. I very seldom get involved in amphbious assaults before the modern era. I guess what I'm saying is that the current artillery is not real useful to me because it can't keep up with the armor.

Some units were altered to increase strategic realism
- All artilery units gain 25% advantage versus soft infantry targets (meglee, anchers, firearm unirs)
I thought artillery was strictly siege/bombardment.

All cavalry units gain 25% bonus siege units, (making them more effective defending or artacking siege units)
- All firearm units gain 25% bonus city attack (making them realisticly more effective assaulying cities)
- Crossbowman gain 25% bonus vs Knights (crossbow bols could easily penetrade armor knights)
-Longbowman gains 25% bonus vs anchery units when attacking (missile bombardment)
- Swordman gains 25% bonus versus Anchers (making them more effective attacking ancher located in cities then macemen)
- War elephant gain trapling bonus (max 3 unit calateral damage) making them more effective agains stacks
- Horse ancher +50% more effective versus War elephants (Dhendis Khan defeated persian War elephants with ease by running in circles around elephanhts)
- Nuclear weapons damage increased by 50%to justify their high political costs

I think it would be very appropriate and useful to have a protracted discussion about the various units from an historical and realism perspective, about their strengths, weaknesses and bonuses. I am not a military historian so I rely upon the kindness of strangers to give me the information.

heyhey! Someone apart of me have tested it in multiplayer??? because it doesn't work !!! (at most, it work during 10min..then OOS) ??
Thanks for the work done so far...

Is there any though to making arty able to bombard adjacent tiles/units without taking damage, seeing as that is what real arty can do - they can fire over the horizon if big enough.

dbkblk said:
heyhey! Someone apart of me have tested it in multiplayer??? because it doesn't work !!! (at most, it work during 10min..then OOS) ??

No. I was referring to what Exavier said about OOS errors showing up when playing other mods. I don't know if anyone but you is playing this mod MP.

jimdeb said:
Thanks for the work done so far...

You are quite welcome. I hope you're enjoying this mod and that there aren't too many flaws.

Is there any though to making arty able to bombard adjacent tiles/units without taking damage, seeing as that is what real arty can do - they can fire over the horizon if big enough.

Yes, there's been plenty of thought concerning that, as well as allowing unit damage and maybe even lethal damage, which should include defensive naval bombardment. The problem, though, is I don't know if this is changeable without the SDK. Whether with artillery or navy, you will note there is no targeting reticle, such as you get with aerial bombardment. Perhaps some adaption of the aerial bombardment is possible, but there may be some unwanted side effects with that.

I have not looked into any of this, though, so I may be completely lying to you. :)

KGrevstad said:
I thought artillery was strictly siege/bombardment.

Not quite...you can use stacks of arty as offensive units. They act jsut like any other military unit in the game.
KGrevstad said:
No City Razing defaulted to true. I dont like this option. You should be forced to deal with a capture.

I never understood why this was in the Realism mod. I think you can find plenty of instances in history where conquering armies basically wiped out and torched cities they had just conquered and then enslaved and shipped off the population.

Also this feature might be ok in a game with just humans. But not being able to raze stupidly placed computer AI or barbarian cities kinda blows..
naf4ever said:
I never understood why this was in the Realism mod. I think you can find plenty of instances in history where conquering armies basically wiped out and torched cities they had just conquered and then enslaved and shipped off the population.

Also this feature might be ok in a game with just humans. But not being able to raze stupidly placed computer AI or barbarian cities kinda blows..

I didn't understand either why Jaynus put this in, so I removed it.

I was just wondering if the Barbarians were meant to be as brutal as they are - before I even have archery, they are throwing chariots at me. It's a little disheartening, but a challenge nonetheless...
OTZ said:
I was just wondering if the Barbarians were meant to be as brutal as they are - before I even have archery, they are throwing chariots at me. It's a little disheartening, but a challenge nonetheless...

Yes, they are meant to be that brutal. To make them a little easier, you can tweak the values in Assets/XML/GameInfo/CIV4HandicapInfo.xml for the level you're playing on. Compare that file to the original to get some suggested values, checking all the tags that have "barbarian" in them. There are several. On the other hand, for a real exciting experience, you could always switch on "Raging Barbarians" on the game options page! :)

A very nice mod. But why are all the maps being generated almost entirely of grassland and no plains or desert? That doesn't seem very realistic to me. Also the arid and rocky options in the beginning don't seem to have any effect on the de map generation anymore.
tyball said:
A very nice mod. But why are all the maps being generated almost entirely of grassland and no plains or desert? That doesn't seem very realistic to me. Also the arid and rocky options in the beginning don't seem to have any effect on the de map generation anymore.

I toned down the generation of deserts (I HATE deserts), probably too much, so in the next release I'll tweak things a bit. As for the arid and rocky options, there's no reason why they shouldn't still work, unless it's because of changing the percentage of desert.

If you want to change it for yourself, this is what I changed, in Mods/Realism/Assets/Python/CvMapGeneratorUtil.py:

< # $Id: CvMapGeneratorUtil.py,v 1.2 2005/12/30 02:16:12 kristine Exp $

< 	def __init__(self, iDesertPercent=5, iPlainsPercent=20,
< 	             fSnowLatitude=0.9, fTundraLatitude=0.8,
< 	             fGrassLatitude=0.5, fDesertBottomLatitude=0.2,
> 	def __init__(self, iDesertPercent=35, iPlainsPercent=20,
> 	             fSnowLatitude=0.7, fTundraLatitude=0.6,
> 	             fGrassLatitude=0.1, fDesertBottomLatitude=0.2,
i not sure if anyones tryed this but what i would like to see from a realisim mod like if enough people in your nation become unhappy it would be cool if like they were unhappy long enough they would revolt and the city could become like a new nation or somthing not sure how you could do this mabe barbarian states or somthing.
can someone tell me as to remove the possibility from the privateer to go to the ocean? because in 1000 already the whole world is known and is not for me a very realistic fact. I hope to have been clear and I apologize me for my language. hi to everybody
Hola! I am not nearly as technically saavy as any of you, I'm sure, but I spend a lot of time thinking of ways to make Civ4 more realistic :crazyeye: - chronologically and historically. The first thing that jumps out at me is building a Spaceship to Alpha Centuri, seemingly the easiest and quickest way to win, should come lastly in the game. All of that technology should be in Future tech, no? Maybe future tech should have a separate tech tree that would allow you to build that ship. Being able to build nukes should come waaay before flying into space...

My 2 cents...what do you think?
Thanks for the mod.

A few points you should address:

I really love the increase in exp from fighting the barbs... one problem i see in it though... when i upgrade , say a horse archer to knight, the total exp needed to get the next level stays the same but your accumulated exp drops to 10 ( for horse archer to knight) ( this i noticed from my 12 hours straight playing the mod) ... example i had a horse archer with 36/38 exp, upgraded to knight, it's exp was 10/38. notice the drop in exp?

the other thing i noticed about your mod is in the top left of screen, the game has a running list of the happenings in the world. ( so and so built this and so and so built that etc..) while i was playing with 0.63 of your version numbers would come up instead of whatever the number represents. I would see a number come up and if i click on the log it would show that one of your barbarian cities was destroyed. this would have to be fixed sometime.
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