MOD request: Wikileaks Wonder


Sep 4, 2010
Benefit: drastically lower the reputation of one civilization

How to play:

Variant 1: Give the player a special unit (disguised as a great merchant) that the person can move onto the territory of the other civilization to launch the reputation attach.

Variant 2: Just open a drop box to pick one civilization whose reputation to lower. AI randomly chooses one of the top 20% (excluding self).

What do you think?
rofl :)
+1 but only if the civ you decide to lower the rep of can trump up some charges on you.
Now thinking of it again, it should affect the reputation of the 25% of all civilizations that have the highest numbers of allies or spent the most amounts of gold on city states. This should include your own civilization if necessary.
Wikileaks wonder could cause one of these event (to which the builder will be immune) to happen every 10 turns:

War documents leak: a random civ with the Honor policy gets -25% :c5strength: Strength when attacking for 5 turns.
Extrajudicial prison manual leak: a random civ with the Liberty policy gets -25% :c5culture: Culture for 5 turns.
Secret bible leak: a random civ with the Piety policy gets 5 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness for 5 turns.
Bank corruption leak: a random civ with the Commerce policy gets -50% :c5gold: gold per bank for 5 turns (i.e. 25-50=-25 so it balances to -25%:c5gold: per bank).
Toxic dump incident leak: a random civ with the Tradition policy has the cost of :c5plus: buying land increased by 250% for 5 turns.
Politician mail hack: a random civ with the Freedom policy gets -25% :c5greatperson: rate at which Great People are born for 5 turns.
Assassination order leak: a random civ with the Autocracy policy gets +25% :c5war: units maintenance for 5 turns.
Scientific controversy leak: a random civ with the Rationalism policy gets -25% :c5science: Science for 5 turns.
Internet censure leak: a random civ with the Order policy has -25% :c5production: production for 5 turns.
Cablegate: a random civ with the Patronage policy has its :c5influence: influence with city-states degraded 250% faster then normal for 5 turns.

Actually values would have to be balanced.
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