[MODCOMP] Enhanced Foreign Advisor


Jan 16, 2006
Note from TheLopez
As you all know several excellent modders have left the community, but their work has not. To enable the community I have taken up the support of some of their work that includes this mod, the Enhanced Foreign Advisor by SupremeOverlord. As part of the support I have updated it to be compatible with v1.61. Please note that if SupremeOverlord decides to come back to the community I will relinquish the ownership of this mod component back to him if he wants it back. In the mean time, I will try to continue to make improvements on his mod as time permits.

Enhanced Foreign Advisor
By: SupremeOverlord
Currently Supported By: TheLopez

Last Updated 11/08/06
Version: v2.2w
Patch Compatibility: Warlords v2.0.8.0
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v2.2w

Version: v2.1
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v2.1

Version: v2.0
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v2.0

This mod changes the resources and the technologies view in the foreign advisor
screen. It is designed to give a better overview of all possible and active
resource deals. It does not change the rules of the game.

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Enhanced Foreign Advisor
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.

Spoiler :

- Displaying the names of the leaders of the other civs can be switched on or

- The border around the rows can be switched on and off.

- At the top of the screen the available amount is shown for all the resources
that a player has extra's of.

- The amount can be configured to show the total available amount or the extra
available amount (total - 1).

- The resources that a player can trade with another civ are shown on the same
row as the resources that that civ will or won't trade with the player.

- The resources that a player can trade are divided into two groups. One for
the resources for which the player has extra's available and another for
those resources for which the player has no extra's.

- It is possible to group the columns showing resources together as export or

- The amount of gold that a civ can pay per turn is displayed

- It is possible to show two extra columns to display the resources that are
traded in active deals.

- When the active deals are displayed the total gold amount that is traded is
also shown, a positive amount means that the civ is paying the player, a
negative amount means that the player is paying the other civ

- For each other civ three columns are used to display the techs that civ
wants, the techs that civ will trade and the techs that civ won't trade.

- An extra column is used to display the amount of gold that the civ can pay

- You can use small (32x32) and large (64x64) icons for the technologies.

-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use the Enhanced Foreign Advisor Mod in your mod I have tried
to make things as easy as possible for you. In the Python files I have added
#< Enhanced Foreign Advisor Start > and #< Enhanced Foreign Advisor End > in
all of the places that I have made changes to the original files.

-----Version Information-----


- Updated and reformatted read me file

- Integrated Dr. Elmer Jiggle's INI parser code.

- Converted all of the configurable options found in SupremeOverlords original
Enhanced Foreign Advisor CvForeignAdvisor.py file into INI configurable
options found in the "Enhanced Foreign Advisor Config.ini" file.

- Renamed the CvForeignAdvisor.py found in SupremeOverlords original Enhanced
Foreign Advisor to CvEnhancedForeignAdvisor.py

- Changed the CvEnhancedForeignAdvisor class to extend the CvForeignAdvisor

- Stripped down the CvEnhancedForeignAdvisor class to its bare essentials since
it now extends the original CvForeignAdvisor.

Spoiler :


- Enhanced Foreign Advisor taken over by TheLopez

- Updated to be compatible with the v1.61 patch


- made compatible with v1.52

- added gold and gold/turn columns


- switched back to a complete copy of 'CIV4ArtDefines_Interface.xml' instead of
using 'CIV4ArtDefines_Enhanced.xml' that only contains the changes.


- added spanish language


- added a border around the rows


- fixed a bug when the number of civs was smaller then the number of rows

- refactored common functionality between resources and techs view into class

- added the option to show active trade in a seperate group


- added new technologies view


- fixed problem with higher resolutions


- first release

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format

[TAB]For providing the original Enhanced Foreign Advisor code
- Dr Elmer Jiggle
[TAB]For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
[TAB]customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!
It was the Exotic Foreign Advisor by Requies, updated by Elhoim.
This is my 2nd post! This one looks really interesting too! Does it allow the ability to add multiple things to the trade window?

Currently I can get from computer
Farming + 20 gold + World Map
for my
Divine Right
I would like the ability to do the following:
from computer
Farming + 20 gold + World Map + Chariot + Great Prophet + Copper
for my
Divine Right + Theology + Machinery + Rice + Worker

It is driving me crazy, trying to trade a tech to a computer - then next turn they get a Great Person and discover an old tech! Surely they would trade 1 GP for multiple stuffs right?

your mind numbed robot awaiting your next command.
Nope, this mod just displays information about the current state of foreign relations between you and the other civs in the game.
TheLopez, thank you so much for taking care of those wonderful mods that have been abandoned by their makers!! :goodjob: I appreciate that very much. Keep up your great work!

Is this mod compatible with old savegames? I installed it but when I try to load an old save game wants to restart without a mod... Did I do something wrong?
No, this mod is not compatible with old save games.
Does anybody know if it will be compatible with Warlords? THX!
Elhoim said:
Does anybody know if it will be compatible with Warlords? THX!

Elhoim, none of my mods are currently certified to work in Warlords. As it stands right now, I am not planning on releasing any of them as Warlords compatible due to time constraints.
This is a great mod. I like it better than Exotic. Any chance of update to make it work with Warlords 2.08?
Added a Warlords version compatible with the v2.0.8.0 patch.
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