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[MODCOMP] Inquisition Mod


Jan 16, 2006
Inquisition Mod
By: TheLopez

Last Update: 11/09/06

Version: v0.4.1w
Patch Compatibility: Warlords v2.0.8.0
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.4.1w

Version: v0.4.1
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.4.1

Yes, this is another mod that adds inquisitor units to the game but that is
where similarity ends between this mod and the others. The first and most
distinctive difference between this inquisition mod and others is that the AI
fully understands how to use the new inquisition units.

Don't think that your inquisitor unit can just stroll into any city and just
remove a religion from the city without any difficulties or ramifications.
Religions in cities that are well established will be harder to remove than
ones that have just spread to the city. If an inquisitor unit does manage to
remove a religion from a city don't be suprised if it causes a couple of your
neighbors to become upset with you.

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Inquisition Mod
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.

-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :

- Missionary units can be upgraded to their respective inquisitor unit

- Removing religions from cities worsens relations between the civilization
removing the religion and other civilizations depending on certain
- Relations worsen by one between the civilization removing a religion
from any city and any civilizations having that religion as a state
- If a religion is removed from a city not belonging to the owner of the
inquisitor unit then the relations worsen by one between the two

- Certain conditions make it harder for inquisitor units to remove religions
from cities:
- -50% Removal chance if the target city is the holy city for the target
religion attempted to be removed
- -25% Removal chance if the target city is a holy city for any religion
- -15% Removal chance if the target religion is the state religion of the
city's owner
- Each building related to the targeted religion reduces the chance that the
religion will be removed.

- If a religion is removed from a city then all of the buildings related to the
religion are removed from the city. If the target religion isn't removed from
the city there is still a slight chance that the targetted religion's related
buildings could be removed.

Spoiler :

Buddhist Inquisitor:
- Costs: 100
- Movement: 2
- Combat: 0
- Requires
- Buddhism
- Theocracy Religious Civic
- Buddhist Temple
- Abilities
- National Unit (3 Allowed)
- Can remove non-state religions

Christian Inquisitor:
- Costs: 100
- Movement: 2
- Combat: 0
- Requires
- Christianity
- Theocracy Religious Civic
- Christian Temple
- Abilities
- National Unit (3 Allowed)
- Can remove non-state religions

Hindu Inquisitor:
- Costs: 100
- Movement: 2
- Combat: 0
- Requires
- Hinduism
- Theocracy Religious Civic
- Hindu Temple
- Abilities
- National Unit (3 Allowed)
- Can remove non-state religions

Islamic Inquisitor:
- Costs: 100
- Movement: 2
- Combat: 0
- Requires
- Islam
- Theocracy Religious Civic
- Islamic Temple
- Abilities
- National Unit (3 Allowed)
- Can remove non-state religions

Jewish Inquisitor:
- Costs: 100
- Movement: 2
- Combat: 0
- Requires
- Judaism
- Theocracy Religious Civic
- Jewish Temple
- Abilities
- National Unit (3 Allowed)
- Can remove non-state religions

Taoist Inquisitor:
- Costs: 100
- Movement: 2
- Combat: 0
- Requires
- Taoism
- Theocracy Religious Civic
- Taoist Temple
- Abilities
- National Unit (3 Allowed)
- Can remove non-state religions

-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use the Inquisition in your mod I have tried to make things as
easy as possible for you. In the XML files I have added
<!-- Inquisition Start --> and <!-- Inquisition End --> in all of the places
that I have made changes to the original files.

In the SDK files I have added // < Inquisition Start > and
// < Inquisition End > in all of the places that I have made changes to
the original files.

In the Python files I have added # < Inquisition Start > and
# < Inquisition End > in all of the places that I have made changes to
the original files.

-----Version Information-----


- Integrated Dr Elmer Jiggle's event manager and INI parsing code.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to indicate if the religion
of the inquisitor should not be required to be present at the city where an
inquisition should be started.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to indicate if the state
religion of the owner of the target city should not match the state religion
of the owner of the inquisitor unit to start an inquisition at the target

- Added the configurable option allowing players to indicate if inquisitors
should be able to remove religions from any city they can enter.

- Updated to be compatible with Warlords v2.0.8.0 patch.

- Fixed the issue where players could not remove non-state religions in their
own cities. Reported by Orion Veteran.

Spoiler :


- Fixed the issue where inquisitors could remove their own religion after the
changes were made to the code that picked the weakest religion. Reported by

- Inquisitors now require their respective's religions temple instead of


- Fixed the issue where when a religion is removed from a holy city the
religion screen still showed the city as being the religion's holy city.
Reported by Donegeal.

- Increased the length that the AI is upset with a civilization when their
state religion is removed from a city or when a religion is removed from one
of their cities. Requested by Dom Pedro II.

- Inquisitor units can no longer explore rival's territories. Requested by by
Dom Pedro II.

- Updated the religion removal code so inquisitors pick the weakest religion
for removal instead of randomly picking one.


- Setup the Inquisition Mod infrastructure

- Merged in the Unit Civic Prereqs Mod v0.1

- Added the tag bRemoveNonStateReligion and the underlying code needed to use
the tag.

through the SDK and the required code needed to enable the AI to use
inquisitor units correctly.

- Added inquisitor units that reflect their missionary counterparts.

- Added a new button for the Buddhist Missionary unit.

- Updated all missionaries so they can upgrade to their respective inquisitor

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier
[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format

- C.Roland
[TAB]For his Mages reskins of the missionaries and prophet
- Donegeal
[TAB]For inspiring me to develop this mod.
- Testers
[TAB]Jeckel, Aussie_Lurker, Dom Pedro II and Donegeal
I shall mark today on my calendar, as religion has made two great steps forward. I can't wait to see what comes out next. :king:
TheLopez can I get one request, your buttons are Sooooo good I would hate to break the visual feel. Can we get a button for Zoroastrianism and Shinto Inquisitors... (Same with units)
TheLopez: Does this utilize the latest changes to the Unit Civics Prereq modcomp and if so, I'm assuming that if we integrate this modcomp, then we won't need to integrate the new version of the Unit Civics to use that, correct?
Lets say Delhi is the Buddhist holy city and you roll in and remove Budhhism, does another Budhhist city become the holy city? It should, and if not that is the only downside I can see with this mod, great work!
I dont realy think its should be possible, can anyone think of a historical example of a HolyCity lossing a religion even after some realy brutal forign ocupation and religious opreshion. A religion would have to be wiped out all over the world before the HolyCity could "fall" as the pillgrams/diasporia from other places are always reinforcing and bolstering the sect in the HolyCity.
Well, the mod makes it extremely difficult to remove the religion of a holy city... so I think that's something.

But, of course, there has been at least one instance where a religion has been so completely depleted in a holy city that they don't make up a significant portion of the population to really be counted among the city's religions... however, none of that causes the city to stop being the holy city...

I guess what I'm wondering is: if you remove the holy city's religion from the holy city, is it still the holy city for that religion?
Dom Pedro II said:
Well, the mod makes it extremely difficult to remove the religion of a holy city... so I think that's something.

But, of course, there has been at least one instance where a religion has been so completely depleted in a holy city that they don't make up a significant portion of the population to really be counted among the city's religions... however, none of that causes the city to stop being the holy city...

I guess what I'm wondering is: if you remove the holy city's religion from the holy city, is it still the holy city for that religion?

You are correct, it is really hard to remove the holy from a holy city, and no once a holy city's religion is removed it is no longer the holy city for that religion.
Impaler[WrG] said:
I dont realy think its should be possible, can anyone think of a historical example of a HolyCity lossing a religion even after some realy brutal forign ocupation and religious opreshion. A religion would have to be wiped out all over the world before the HolyCity could "fall" as the pillgrams/diasporia from other places are always reinforcing and bolstering the sect in the HolyCity.
Actually, yes, what about Teotihuacán? It was the holy city until it was abandoned and no one visited there for the purposes of worship.

But thats my point, the WHOLE religion was basicaly wiped out (along with 90% of the population). I'm thinking that the HolyCity "defence" value should be linked to the number of Cities in the world with its religion (should be easy to extract from the Dll as the game constantly tracks that value for the Shrine bonus). How about -10% chance for each other City with the religion so above about 10 cities its involnorable, as religion dies out it easier to remove the holy city, when the HolyCity is the last city on earth with the religion its as easy to remove it as a normal non-holy religion.
Impaler[WrG] said:
But thats my point, the WHOLE religion was basicaly wiped out (along with 90% of the population).

Teotihuacan was abandoned LONG before the Spanish arrived.

The real problem I see is that even if all of the population of a particular religion were wiped out from its holy city, that wouldn't stop the city from being the religion's holy city...

For example, Jerusalem, as we know, has been a holy city of three religions for centuries. But even when they were not in control of that city, and indeed, even when their religions were all but wiped out from the city, their eyes still turned toward it. That the three religions are present there today is due to people recolonizing, but there were points where the city was all but depopulated of any one of those religions. Sure, there were always some, but in numbers so insignificant that they couldn't be seriously counted as a part of the city's population.

So even if a religion were wiped from the city for a point in time, the religion should still consider that city as it's holy city even if the religion is not present there anymore... and there should be a good chance that the religion will return at some point unless the owner bars that from happening... such as under theocracy.
Well if no one is practicing the religion outside the HolyCity and no ones practicing it in the HolyCity either then the religion is basicaly extinct. I'm saying if a religion is going to go extinct from a massive inquisition or convertion to a new religion, the last hold out should be the HolyCity.

Which brings up an other possible conflict. You must possess a religion in atleast 1 city you control to make it your state religion. What would occur if the last city with that religion is lost to your empire? Dose the game force you to abandon the religion or do you convert to No-State-Religion? I think their should be some mechanism that will prevent any situation developing in which your in a StateReligion without controling a city with it (or perhaps a missionary of that type).
Impaler[WrG] said:
Well if no one is practicing the religion outside the HolyCity and no ones practicing it in the HolyCity either then the religion is basicaly extinct.

Well, if you're refering to Teotihuacan, the religion continued on long after that and Teotihuacan continued to be incorporated into the mythology... but no one still lived there, and it was no longer used as a religious center.

Which brings up an other possible conflict. You must possess a religion in atleast 1 city you control to make it your state religion. What would occur if the last city with that religion is lost to your empire? Dose the game force you to abandon the religion or do you convert to No-State-Religion? I think their should be some mechanism that will prevent any situation developing in which your in a StateReligion without controling a city with it (or perhaps a missionary of that type).

Makes sense if the system does not already provide for this..

What might be interesting is if the Inquisition of a religion in a city compelled the converts to meld their religion with the religion of the invaders... like what has happened so many times before in history... so you could have hybrid religions popping up mid-way through the game... :lol:
I'd like to see an INI file or XML file config for not allowing holy city removal,
you want to remove it...Raze it to the ground...
I can't remember if I suggested this to you or not (I suggested it to somebody):

1) When an Inquisitor removes a religion from a city, it lowers the city population by one. This would simulate the genocide of "purging" a religion from a city. Also civil unrest.

2) Missionaries/inquisitors being able to "convert" a religion in a city to your State Religion. If the city doesn't have your State Religion, the unit would remove the Non-State Religion, and replace it with your State Religion. There would be no population decrease, because nobody was "purged", only "converted". But would still cause some civil unrest.

Just my $0.02
GraveEatr said:
I can't remember if I suggested this to you or not (I suggested it to somebody):

1) When an Inquisitor removes a religion from a city, it lowers the city population by one. This would simulate the genocide of "purging" a religion from a city. Also civil unrest.

2) Missionaries/inquisitors being able to "convert" a religion in a city to your State Religion. If the city doesn't have your State Religion, the unit would remove the Non-State Religion, and replace it with your State Religion. There would be no population decrease, because nobody was "purged", only "converted". But would still cause some civil unrest.

Just my $0.02

GraveEatr, that's a fantastic point and one I'd not considered! Effectively removing one religion means you either killed or converted all of the followers of the old religion... so naturally there should be the state religion put in place if it's not already present.

Good thinking! :goodjob:
Thanks... I'm full of cool ideas.... sometimes. :)

But lets expand this a little further:

If, say, you try and "convert" a religion to your State Religion, perhaps add in a percent chance that it could fail? So this way removing/converting a religion isn't always automatic... make some kind of chance that things could go wrong. Then, if the attempt does fail, the unit is "killed".

Maybe several factors that could affect the percent chance of success... but what factors? Maybe the culture level in the city could affect your chances of success/failure?
Great ideas Grave. Currently the inquisitor unit is "killed" when performing the mission no matter if the mission succeeds or fails.

GraveEatr said:
1) When an Inquisitor removes a religion from a city, it lowers the city population by one. This would simulate the genocide of "purging" a religion from a city. Also civil unrest.

As for lowering the population by one, what I can do is add it as a boolean tag, how does that sound?

GraveEatr said:
2) Missionaries/inquisitors being able to "convert" a religion in a city to your State Religion. If the city doesn't have your State Religion, the unit would remove the Non-State Religion, and replace it with your State Religion. There would be no population decrease, because nobody was "purged", only "converted". But would still cause some civil unrest.
Hmmm.... that sounds like a good idea. What I can do is make it so religions that aren't as well established have a higher chance of being converted to the state religion, religions that are well established would be harder to convert.

GraveEatr said:
If, say, you try and "convert" a religion to your State Religion, perhaps add in a percent chance that it could fail? So this way removing/converting a religion isn't always automatic... make some kind of chance that things could go wrong. Then, if the attempt does fail, the unit is "killed".

Maybe several factors that could affect the percent chance of success... but what factors? Maybe the culture level in the city could affect your chances of success/failure?

Actually Grave, religion removal isn't automatically successful. Religions that are more established in a city are harder to remove. What is considered a well established religion in a city and how does a religion become well established? Well a religion is considered very well established if it is in it the holy city for the religion. Or if a religion's buildings have been built in a city, then that religion is more established in a city than in a city with only the monastery for the religion.

Spoiler alert, I am including the numbers for removal chances and religion establishment in the spoiler tag...
Spoiler Don't look in here, otherwise your brain will melt :

1) +40% City owned by player, otherwise its +20%

2) ((Total number of religions - number of religions in city) * (100 - total removal chance)) / (Total number of religions)

3) -50% if city is holy city for religion, otherwise its -25%

4) -15% if the religion is the state religion for the owner of the targeted city

5) -(3 * the asset value for religious buildings)%
*****-12% for temples
*****-9% for monasterys
*****-18% for cathedrals
*****-24% for shrines (i.e. buildings built by Great Prophets: Temple of Solomon, Church of the Nativity, etc.)

So for instance lets say Paris is the holy city for Judaism, on top of that Paris also has a Jewish Temple and Jewish Synagogue (cathedral). Paris additionally has 3 other religions (it doesn't matter which ones). Last, Paris is owned by the player trying to remove the religion.

The chance that a religion will be removed from Paris will be:
+40% for being owned by the player

((7 total number of religions - 4 number religions in the city) * (100 - 40))/(7 total number of religions) = ~ +25%

Sub-removal chance total = +65%

-50% for Paris being Judaism's holy city
-12% for Paris's Jewish Temple
-18% for Paris's Jewish Synagogue

65% removal chance total - 80% religion establishment amount = -15%
removal chance. So basically, it is impossible to remove Judaism from Paris until something else happens. What can happen to improve the chance that Judaism is removed from Paris? Well, another of the city's religion can be removed, if all three are removed then the removal chance changes from -15% to 11%. Still low since Judaism is a well established religion in Paris.

I hope all of this provided a more in-depth explaination on how removing religions works in the Inquisition Mod.
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