Jack of All Trades
This is my attempt to add a Tech Tree to Civ4Col. I have been able to do lots more than I thought I would. This is a work in progress as are all my mods
I have worked hard to make this very modder friendly so you can add your own new techs and build upon what I have started. I explain things below.
Download Link v. 1.1c
Core Mod 1.0 Download
This is the Core Mod for the Inventor w/Tech Tree mod meaning that it is a stripped down version for Modders. There are no extra mods, art, etc. only the basic components that make the Mod work. If you load up this mod without any changes you will be playing Vanilla Colonization and the Reasearch Advisor will show no techs. This version is to make it easier for Modders to integrate this Mod into their own projects. Then, by adding new techs you can change how the game plays.
Patches for Previous Versions
All Previous Patches to v 1.1d fixed
Just unzip and place this in the Mod/Inventor folder. Combines all previous patches/updates.
This is the "fixed" version of the patch as I copied the wrong dll.
Search for Update 1.1 in the SDK for Patch Changes
Also, added two new defines to the GlobalDefinesAlt.xml
TK_ALLOWS_NATIVES_TO_RESEARCH - set to 1 to allow Natives to research. I have not tested the effects of this. The current Tech Tree was not designed for this feature. This feature is added for modders to who create thier own Tech Trees.
TK_NATIVES_GET_FREE_TECHS - If this is set to 1 natives get all techs that are listed as NATIVE_TECH in the CivicInfos.xml.
-Techs that Allow certain classes should display the correct class in the Help Text.
-The completed Research project is no longer selectable in the popup.
Androrc the Orc (Coding and Ideas)
KJ Jansson (Button Art and Ideas)
Aymerick (MultiYields Consumed Mod)
Deliverator(Unit Art)
The_Coyote(Culverin Unit)
Tech Trees
If you create a good tech tree let me know and we can post them here for others to check out
Current Things to note and bugs
-When playing a "Custom" game sometimes the Tinker's House is not given as a free building when you found a city. If this is the case just hit ctrl-W and add one in through the world builder.
Feature Planned in Coming Updates
- make it so you can select any tech and you will start to reseach all previous techs in order
- add a feature to Hide Techs you can not research as to add to the feel of the Unknown
- New Founding Fathers and points gained from Researching
- New Goodies that award Techs
Version Changes
v 1.1
- The changes I made in the SDK are maked with ///TK Update 1.1
- Fixed a few graphical errors
- Adjusted the tech tree somewhat
- the Balloon unit can now move in none friendly territory
- fixed crash bug when Canceling a Deal
- If a Yield is not allowed and it has a profession such as Tobacco for example, if you Learn from Natives to be an Expert Tobacco planter you will automaticly learn the Tobacco Technology. This gives you several ways to learn these techs. Learn from Natives, Trading on the Trade Screen, Demanding tribute, or Researching the Tech
- I edited the Worldbuilder.py so you can select any profession for a Unit. I would not select City professions when you have no city.. not sure of the side effects of this
v 1.0
-I have added Text to the GlobalAltDefines.xml and the CIV4CivicInfos explaining what the attributes do
-Tech Tree is vastly improved
-Prolific Inventors are aquired from doing research. You gain Prolific Inventor experience from research. The amount can be see at the bottom of the Research Advisor Screen.
-Industrial Victory is now available. See in game tech tree for explanation.
-The Culverin Unit can be upgraded to a Cannon. You need to be in a city that can create Cannons. Also the Icon for upgrading units is kinda large by default, I'll fix this in an update hopefully.
-The following FF have been adjusted to keep the Ballance between Techs and FF. Ben Franklin, Sor Juana, Alexis De Tocqueville, John Jay, John Smith
-Balloon units are not used by the AI atm, it was causing a crash as they don't know what to do with a scout unit that isn't a Colonist
v0.9a Quick Fix
-Fixed a CTD bug and a few other bugs
-If you have a partner in Research its Icon is shown at bottom of the Research Advisor. I'll add more info to this later.
-Fixed a few bugs Namely Tech Yields will now be consumed
-Players can now make Research Pacts with other Nations. This will allow you to share Research points per turn gained. Must have Open Borders Pact and both sides must be able to Research the Tech. Also, the AI will somewhat determine if the Pact will be of any benefit to them. If you don't have any research points being accumilated or not enough or if they are almost done with the project themselves the AI want agree to this.
-Added some GlobaDefineslAlt.xml defines explained below
-Techs Now show turns to complete
- AI Techs is here! They will research Techs and you can trade techs now. Indians start with all the Native techs and you have to befriend them to purchase techs from them. Natives don't want white man techs so don't bother trading that to them. AI will sometimes try to make Tech deals with you.
- several minor tweaks
-You should be able to add as many new Techs as you want
-Added Aymerics MultiYield Produced Mod
-Added a few more XML tags listed below
-Added some example techs for the new xml tags
-Changed the Layout of the Research Adviser
-Research Progress is no longer lost when changeing research
-Added Aymerics MultiYield Consumed Mod
-Techs can now take multiple Yields (Haven't tested for non cargo Yields)
-Added another Category to the Tech Tree called Trade
Note: the Tech tree is not filled in and the techs I have are for examples for modders to go by
-Added several new xml Tags explained below
-Fix the issue of resolution in the Research Advisor and slightly improved functionality
-Inventors want spend tools if there is nothing to Research. I will fix it later so that you will get a pop up to select research if you don't have a project going
-turns to complete is no longer shown in the Research Help. It will take some time in coding to get that to work properly
-Added new Research Advisor. It can be accessed from the Top buttons or by pressing F3. Revolution Advisor is now Shift + F3.
-A lot of the new XML tags mentioned below are there in the xml but they don't do anything yet in the game
-added New Native tech Flora
There is a new "Research" Icon at the top of the screen. Click on that to bring up the Research Advisor. In current state of the mod, Techs are divided into 5 Categorys and you can add as many Categorys as you want. The Categorys are: Native, Military, Invention, Trade, and Medicine. You can only research one Project at a time. Open the Research Window as show below:
The New Research Screen is similar to the Civ4 Tech screen. You can scroll up or down to see all the techs. Mouse over all the techs to see what they have to offer. Techs that you can research will say "Click to Rearch". The current Tech you are Researching will be Highlighted. Turns to complete will appear at the bottom of the screen. Completed Research is Labeled in Green with a darkened backgroud.
New Unit
Prolific Inventor: May be found on your Docks or can be purchased in Europe but with increaseing cost. Doubles the output of Research.
Now, to the City Management Screen.
To start Learning new techs drop one of your colonists into the "Tinker's House". The Tinker's House has two upgrades, Workshop, then Laboratory. Mouse over the Tinker's House "Research" lightbulb icon to see the current project, current progress, and turns to complete. You can also change projects here by clicking on the Research Icon below the Tinker's House as shown in the screen:
Projects Complete:
To see what projects you have already completed click on the Domestic Advisor and select the "Research Completed" icon as show in the screen shot. *This while still a feature is no longer needed as you can see what Research you have completed in the Research Advisor. I plan to convert this to some other use*
AI and Techs
The AI will start to do their own Research Projects. You can trade techs and form Research Pacts to help each other learn new techs. AI will accassionaly ask to make Tech trades with you. The Indians all know the Native Techs.
Explaining the XML:
-I have added Text to the GlobalAltDefines.xml and the CIV4CivicInfos explaining what the attributes do
Here are the xml tags and what they do. There are two files you Mod so you can add new Technologys they are the CIV4CivicInfos and the CIV4TraitInfos. The one to know most is the CIV4CivicInfos:
- TK_RESEARCH_IDEAS_MOD: Hels Determines the cost in Yields to do Research
- TK_IDEAS_CITY_VALUE: this is the value modifier of Research in AI Cities. The lower this number the more the AI will want to do research
- TK_RESEARCH_TRADE_VALUE: This is the initial value in gold for your Techs. The other modifier is iAIWeight in the CivicInfos.xml
- TK_RESEARCH_PACT_IDEAS_THRESHOLD -the higher this is the less likely Nations will want to form Research Pacts with you.
Adding new Research Categorys
First open the Civ4CivicInfos.xml. Add the Category but don't give it any attributes other than its name and leave the <InventionCategory/> not filled in as such. Techs with no <IventionCategory> are automaticly assigned as Categorys in Python. Now simply add your new Techs using this new Category in the <IventionCategory> field.
Remember all the new Techs and Categorys must have the label <CivicOptionType>CIVICOPTION_INVENTIONS</CivicOptionType>. Also, new Techs must be placed in order they are required.
Examply new Category:
Example new Tech:
Remember all the new Techs and Categorys must have the label <CivicOptionType>CIVICOPTION_INVENTIONS</CivicOptionType>.
Attribute Request
If you have any suggestions for attributes other than the ones listed above please feel free to let me know and I just may can add them to the mod. The possiblities are endless
Example application
If you must research say, "Tobacco" and it requires a "Converted Native". You will first have to set up a mission at an Indian Village, aquire a Converted Native then have him assist one of your Researchers in order to learn to Grow Tobacco

Download Link v. 1.1c
Core Mod 1.0 Download
This is the Core Mod for the Inventor w/Tech Tree mod meaning that it is a stripped down version for Modders. There are no extra mods, art, etc. only the basic components that make the Mod work. If you load up this mod without any changes you will be playing Vanilla Colonization and the Reasearch Advisor will show no techs. This version is to make it easier for Modders to integrate this Mod into their own projects. Then, by adding new techs you can change how the game plays.
Patches for Previous Versions
All Previous Patches to v 1.1d fixed
Just unzip and place this in the Mod/Inventor folder. Combines all previous patches/updates.
This is the "fixed" version of the patch as I copied the wrong dll.
Search for Update 1.1 in the SDK for Patch Changes
Also, added two new defines to the GlobalDefinesAlt.xml
TK_ALLOWS_NATIVES_TO_RESEARCH - set to 1 to allow Natives to research. I have not tested the effects of this. The current Tech Tree was not designed for this feature. This feature is added for modders to who create thier own Tech Trees.
TK_NATIVES_GET_FREE_TECHS - If this is set to 1 natives get all techs that are listed as NATIVE_TECH in the CivicInfos.xml.
-Techs that Allow certain classes should display the correct class in the Help Text.
-The completed Research project is no longer selectable in the popup.
Androrc the Orc (Coding and Ideas)
KJ Jansson (Button Art and Ideas)
Aymerick (MultiYields Consumed Mod)
Deliverator(Unit Art)
The_Coyote(Culverin Unit)
Tech Trees
If you create a good tech tree let me know and we can post them here for others to check out
Current Things to note and bugs
-When playing a "Custom" game sometimes the Tinker's House is not given as a free building when you found a city. If this is the case just hit ctrl-W and add one in through the world builder.
Feature Planned in Coming Updates
- make it so you can select any tech and you will start to reseach all previous techs in order
- add a feature to Hide Techs you can not research as to add to the feel of the Unknown
- New Founding Fathers and points gained from Researching
- New Goodies that award Techs
Version Changes
Spoiler :
v 1.1
- The changes I made in the SDK are maked with ///TK Update 1.1
- Fixed a few graphical errors
- Adjusted the tech tree somewhat
- the Balloon unit can now move in none friendly territory
- fixed crash bug when Canceling a Deal
- If a Yield is not allowed and it has a profession such as Tobacco for example, if you Learn from Natives to be an Expert Tobacco planter you will automaticly learn the Tobacco Technology. This gives you several ways to learn these techs. Learn from Natives, Trading on the Trade Screen, Demanding tribute, or Researching the Tech
- I edited the Worldbuilder.py so you can select any profession for a Unit. I would not select City professions when you have no city.. not sure of the side effects of this
v 1.0
-I have added Text to the GlobalAltDefines.xml and the CIV4CivicInfos explaining what the attributes do
-Tech Tree is vastly improved
-Prolific Inventors are aquired from doing research. You gain Prolific Inventor experience from research. The amount can be see at the bottom of the Research Advisor Screen.
-Industrial Victory is now available. See in game tech tree for explanation.
-The Culverin Unit can be upgraded to a Cannon. You need to be in a city that can create Cannons. Also the Icon for upgrading units is kinda large by default, I'll fix this in an update hopefully.
-The following FF have been adjusted to keep the Ballance between Techs and FF. Ben Franklin, Sor Juana, Alexis De Tocqueville, John Jay, John Smith
-Balloon units are not used by the AI atm, it was causing a crash as they don't know what to do with a scout unit that isn't a Colonist
v0.9a Quick Fix
-Fixed a CTD bug and a few other bugs
-If you have a partner in Research its Icon is shown at bottom of the Research Advisor. I'll add more info to this later.
-Fixed a few bugs Namely Tech Yields will now be consumed
-Players can now make Research Pacts with other Nations. This will allow you to share Research points per turn gained. Must have Open Borders Pact and both sides must be able to Research the Tech. Also, the AI will somewhat determine if the Pact will be of any benefit to them. If you don't have any research points being accumilated or not enough or if they are almost done with the project themselves the AI want agree to this.
-Added some GlobaDefineslAlt.xml defines explained below
-Techs Now show turns to complete
- AI Techs is here! They will research Techs and you can trade techs now. Indians start with all the Native techs and you have to befriend them to purchase techs from them. Natives don't want white man techs so don't bother trading that to them. AI will sometimes try to make Tech deals with you.
- several minor tweaks
-You should be able to add as many new Techs as you want
-Added Aymerics MultiYield Produced Mod
-Added a few more XML tags listed below
-Added some example techs for the new xml tags
-Changed the Layout of the Research Adviser
-Research Progress is no longer lost when changeing research
-Added Aymerics MultiYield Consumed Mod
-Techs can now take multiple Yields (Haven't tested for non cargo Yields)
-Added another Category to the Tech Tree called Trade
Note: the Tech tree is not filled in and the techs I have are for examples for modders to go by
-Added several new xml Tags explained below
-Fix the issue of resolution in the Research Advisor and slightly improved functionality
-Inventors want spend tools if there is nothing to Research. I will fix it later so that you will get a pop up to select research if you don't have a project going
-turns to complete is no longer shown in the Research Help. It will take some time in coding to get that to work properly
-Added new Research Advisor. It can be accessed from the Top buttons or by pressing F3. Revolution Advisor is now Shift + F3.
-A lot of the new XML tags mentioned below are there in the xml but they don't do anything yet in the game
-added New Native tech Flora
There is a new "Research" Icon at the top of the screen. Click on that to bring up the Research Advisor. In current state of the mod, Techs are divided into 5 Categorys and you can add as many Categorys as you want. The Categorys are: Native, Military, Invention, Trade, and Medicine. You can only research one Project at a time. Open the Research Window as show below:
The New Research Screen is similar to the Civ4 Tech screen. You can scroll up or down to see all the techs. Mouse over all the techs to see what they have to offer. Techs that you can research will say "Click to Rearch". The current Tech you are Researching will be Highlighted. Turns to complete will appear at the bottom of the screen. Completed Research is Labeled in Green with a darkened backgroud.
Spoiler :
New Unit
Prolific Inventor: May be found on your Docks or can be purchased in Europe but with increaseing cost. Doubles the output of Research.
Now, to the City Management Screen.
To start Learning new techs drop one of your colonists into the "Tinker's House". The Tinker's House has two upgrades, Workshop, then Laboratory. Mouse over the Tinker's House "Research" lightbulb icon to see the current project, current progress, and turns to complete. You can also change projects here by clicking on the Research Icon below the Tinker's House as shown in the screen:
Projects Complete:
To see what projects you have already completed click on the Domestic Advisor and select the "Research Completed" icon as show in the screen shot. *This while still a feature is no longer needed as you can see what Research you have completed in the Research Advisor. I plan to convert this to some other use*
Spoiler :
AI and Techs
The AI will start to do their own Research Projects. You can trade techs and form Research Pacts to help each other learn new techs. AI will accassionaly ask to make Tech trades with you. The Indians all know the Native Techs.
Spoiler :
Explaining the XML:
-I have added Text to the GlobalAltDefines.xml and the CIV4CivicInfos explaining what the attributes do
Here are the xml tags and what they do. There are two files you Mod so you can add new Technologys they are the CIV4CivicInfos and the CIV4TraitInfos. The one to know most is the CIV4CivicInfos:
Spoiler :
- iAIWeight -this modifier helps determine the Value the AI places on this tech. Only used during trades atm
- <CivicOptionType>CIVICOPTION_INVENTIONS</CivicOptionType> - All new Inventions have to be labled as such.
- InventionCategory -I explain adding new categorys below
- RequiredUnitType -Must be a UnitClass, UnitTypes want work. If a UnitClass is listed here Research requires this unit to be assisting on the project in the City or no Progress will be made.
- RequiredInvention -You must have this Inventioned Research first. The order of the CivicInfos is important here. If a Project requires an previous Project it must be listed before this one in the CIV4CivicInfos
- RequiredInvention2 -Same as above The second Invention requirement
- RequiredInventionOr -If a tech is listed here the code will check for RequiredInvention. If RequiredInvention not there it will check to see if the Or tech is there. If RequiredInvention2 is present it will check the Or for the 2 Required tech but not the first.
- iCostToResearch -This is Currently the second Modifier to Number of Tools each project requires. The first Modifier is found in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml, the "TK_RESEARCH_IDEAS_MOD" attribute. The Formula for Cost in Tools is (iCostToResearch * TK_RESEARCH_IDEAS_MOD)
- RequiredYields -This is where you put the yields that are required for research. The number needs to be positive but other than that it has no effect in the game. The Default is tools.
- iX_Location & iY_Location this two are not fully funtional yet
- AllowsYields -This allows Yields to be Harvested and Processed. If a Yield is listed here you want be able to Purchase, Produce, or Harvest, or even Identify this Resource. Nor be able to build any buildings associated with the process of this resource. See Screen shot:
- AllowsBuildingTypes --Buildings can not be Built until they are Researched
- AllowsUnitClasses -Units can not be built until they are Researched
- AllowsPromotions -Your units can not recieve these Promotion until it has been Researched
- AllowsProfession -Units can not aquire these Professions until it is Researched
- AllowsTrait -This allows you to use the TraitInfos to add even more Techs with the attributes found there.
- iCheaperPopulationGrowth -Reduces the Growth ThresHold. Currently it takes 200 food for Population growth... this reduces that by the amount added here
- iCenterPlotFoodBonus -This Increases the Food output of the Center Plot of each City by the amount Shown
- iGoldBonus -free gold for discoverying this tech
- iGoldBonusForFirstToResearcholdBonus -Currently not used
- AllowsBuildTypes -This is actually Improvements and not builds. List improvements here. Set the varable to 1 or -1 to allow or disallow. I have an example Plantations in the game for this that takes the place of farms.
- AllowsBuildTypesTerrain -If an Improvement is listed above the code will check to see if Terrans are allowed. This for example would allow Plantations to be build in Hills. I haven't fully tested this yet though
- RouteMovementMod -Increases movement along roads for all units. For example set this to 1 to allow all your units 1 extra movement along roads
- TK_RESEARCH_IDEAS_MOD: Hels Determines the cost in Yields to do Research
- TK_IDEAS_CITY_VALUE: this is the value modifier of Research in AI Cities. The lower this number the more the AI will want to do research
- TK_RESEARCH_TRADE_VALUE: This is the initial value in gold for your Techs. The other modifier is iAIWeight in the CivicInfos.xml
- TK_RESEARCH_PACT_IDEAS_THRESHOLD -the higher this is the less likely Nations will want to form Research Pacts with you.
Adding new Research Categorys
Spoiler :
First open the Civ4CivicInfos.xml. Add the Category but don't give it any attributes other than its name and leave the <InventionCategory/> not filled in as such. Techs with no <IventionCategory> are automaticly assigned as Categorys in Python. Now simply add your new Techs using this new Category in the <IventionCategory> field.
Remember all the new Techs and Categorys must have the label <CivicOptionType>CIVICOPTION_INVENTIONS</CivicOptionType>. Also, new Techs must be placed in order they are required.
Examply new Category:
Example new Tech:
<Description>Native Flora</Description>
Remember all the new Techs and Categorys must have the label <CivicOptionType>CIVICOPTION_INVENTIONS</CivicOptionType>.
Attribute Request
If you have any suggestions for attributes other than the ones listed above please feel free to let me know and I just may can add them to the mod. The possiblities are endless

Spoiler :
While in the City Management Screen hold shift and Ctrl and hit "=" to complete the current research project.
Example application
If you must research say, "Tobacco" and it requires a "Converted Native". You will first have to set up a mission at an Indian Village, aquire a Converted Native then have him assist one of your Researchers in order to learn to Grow Tobacco