Modified Scenarios Workshop

Hello Strelok22: I learned with the instructions of Catfish. His guide is so good that a clumsy like me, has managed to turn scenarios.
After I use the magnificent graphics of the same Catfish, Fairline, Tanelorn, Curt Sibling... and if there is no alternative I modify the graphics :crazyeye:

Saludos, Petit

Yep worked it out already...never before used such programs and I did it. I am proud of myself. I am now working on the modification and maybe in a four days Fairline's WW1 set will have its baptism by fire.

Hellol. Before I saw the magnificent graphics Fairline, I had changed the adapting Catfish Komnenai: adapted with Fairline's graphics.
In Moria scenario seems to be no solution. I try to change it again but still the same problem.
Saludos, Petit

If you add the line @DEBUG just after the @BEGINEVENTS line then begin the scenario you should find that after a long delay a file called Report.txt is created in the scenario folder. This will tell you if there are any errors (If there are any errors in the events file a pop up message will appear while the scenario is starting). If there are no errors it will tell you how much space is left in bytes. I think if there are too many events this counts as an error. I hope this helps and that I explained it Ok.
Hello, two new scenarios Tot and a new modification of BalkanWars...
I turned that forum section upside down and I could not find a general "Help" section ... and I wont make the mistake I made with my last scenario to start a thread before I am sure I can handle the whole process.

So ... I need a basic guide.Or a simple explanation how to modify the ingame years so they turn into days.Like in !MALTA! scenario and some other ones.One turn=one day.If I get this ... the scenario goes on FOR SURE.

It's been ages since I did this butyou can rename BC and AD in pedia.txt to "day". It's as simple as that. And ofc have the year multiplier set to 1.
Sorry, didn't care to read the beginning ;)
Hi all, sorry for the delay in responding.
Peregrine Mexico is a stage adaptation of THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO (THE AZTEC EMPIRE'S ROAD TO) of my neighbor Jesus Balsinde for TOT. In the txt MexRead is the explanation.
Techumseh I will send for Christmas adaptation of that scenario.
If I have the space for it, I sent six new adaptations. Hope you like.
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