It's one of my changes, introduced in v0.20.
When a civilization is destroyed, all of its culture becomes barbarian.
When a civilization is destroyed, all of its culture becomes barbarian.
have you borrowed allot from advance civ by the way?
and how about you harvesting my code for stuff?
are you keep on developing this one?
1> "D:\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\bin\cl.exe" /nologo /MD /O2 /Oy /Oi /Og /G7 /DNDEBUG /DFINAL_RELEASE /Fp"Release\CvGameCoreDLL.pch" /GR /Gy /W3 /EHsc /Gd /Gm- /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /Yu"CvGameCoreDLL.h" /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"D:\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"E:\oldWINSDK/Include" /I"E:\oldWINSDK/Include/mfc" /FoRelease\CyInfoInterface3.obj /c CyInfoInterface3.cpp
1> CyInfoInterface3.cpp
1>Boost-1.32.0\include\boost\mpl\if.hpp(67): fatal error C1204: compiler limit : internal structure overflow