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[ModMod] Kek-Mod 0.3.1

Moderator Action: Renamed the thread as requested.
I know it's been almost a year since the question was written, but I think this has been addressed now in one of karadoc commits for v1.45.

Thanks for your good work. I will try out your Mod.

Other things I notice in the later versions of K-Mod and this includes v1.45 is that:

1. The AI no longer makes colonies. The AI does accept vassals but has anyone seen a colony recently? I play huge maps with several land masses. Often there are large overseas unsettled areas where the AIs does found cities but I never see a colony formed. For the human player, the maintenance costs for more than 3 cities overseas are very large even with courthouses. Can the AI decision of creating a colony be increased?

2. The AI still wages war against another AI that is just too far away, especially in the early part of the game. They just burn any cities they take. If they keep a city with a wonder then the maintenance costs severely slows down their empire. The AI would be better waging a close war to add cities to their core empire. Can the decision of waging a far war be reduced?

Note that I play extra large marathon maps so this may make a difference.
Hello @DarkLunaPhantom and all modders here,
I just have some questions about this Kek-Mod v0.10

Can i understand it this way, it is Basic K-Mod v1.45 with additional bugfixes and improvements about it ?
So the work from @karadoc will not continue beyond K-Mod v1.45 ?
What is the difference in compile about this 48 civ dll and additional 18 civ dll ?
( I just have to moddify two files in the DLL for my own mod, i found the Kek-Mod Source in the share
when i use this to compile a new DLL what will be the result of the dll -- 48 or 18 Civ ?? )

1. The AI no longer makes colonies. The AI does accept vassals but has anyone seen a colony recently? I play huge maps with several land masses. Often there are large overseas unsettled areas where the AIs does found cities but I never see a colony formed. For the human player, the maintenance costs for more than 3 cities overseas are very large even with courthouses. Can the AI decision of creating a colony be increased?

I see colonies extremely rarely and when I do it's usually just some worthless island with 2 cities (which is a good example when a colony should be made, but there are others where a colony would be more useful).

2. The AI still wages war against another AI that is just too far away, especially in the early part of the game. They just burn any cities they take. If they keep a city with a wonder then the maintenance costs severely slows down their empire. The AI would be better waging a close war to add cities to their core empire. Can the decision of waging a far war be reduced?

This is a noticeable problem, yes. It's especially obvious when you can bribe AI to declare war on someone whose lands it can't even reach.

Like the above thing with colonies, I am somewhat reluctant to try and change AI behaviour because that needs a lot of testing to make sure that something isn't broken and it probably needs a better player than myself to evaluate the consequences. So these questions might better be suited for the main K-Mod thread or here. It's not that I won't try to change some such things, but probably not a lot of them and not soon.

Can i understand it this way, it is Basic K-Mod v1.45 with additional bugfixes and improvements about it ?

In short, yes. Although not all changes are strictly bugfixes or improvements, some are changes in game mechanics or flavour like changes to barbarians or defensive pacts.

So the work from @karadoc will not continue beyond K-Mod v1.45 ?

I have no idea will we see any further updates from karadoc. For now, he seems to appear with a new update every year or so and I hope that this will continue. This modmod will always be updated so that it is based on the most recent version of K-Mod.

What is the difference in compile about this 48 civ dll and additional 18 civ dll ?
( I just have to moddify two files in the DLL for my own mod, i found the Kek-Mod Source in the share
when i use this to compile a new DLL what will be the result of the dll -- 48 or 18 Civ ?? )

The default version for the release and source code are different. If you download this modmod, you will get both 18 civ and 48 civ DLL, but the 48 civ DLL is the default one, i.e. the one you will play if you just start the modmod without any changes (file renames).

But compiling the source code will result in 18 civ DLL. To change this, you need to edit line 58 of CvDefines.h file.
#define MAX_CIV_PLAYERS                                               (18) // note: default is 18, some people like 48. They are not compatible
many Thanks DarkLunaPhantom. This explanations help me a lot. Its good to see that modders will continue at karadoc work.
In sum is K-Mod the most traditional Civ4 modification i can see so far. Nothing be overloaded and very good improvements to BTS.
It it also a perfect basis for additional art mods.
The K-Mod modmods :yup: are always welcome and may with a little bit hope we can see something new from karadoc this year :dance:

personally i love Civ4 BTS and the open mod community.
This platform has in final no crazy copy protection anymore, do not need Steam or online enforcement for play.
It is a real evergreen for me :bowdown:
In my mod - MMod (which I am currently waiting on Karadoc to help me to post an update), I also have the 48-civ DLL. But, from memory, the 48-civ DLL has a LOT of memory leaks which immensely slows down the game. Are you able to fix these issues (for example, say there are only 5 civs left alive when starting with 48 ... the game checks all 48 civs, which takes time ... instead of only checking the remaining civs). Is this something you are able to help plug?
I don't think that this can really be fixed. It's just the way the whole game is structured. I didn't do any tests to check how much does this really impact the game, but it seems to be reasonably fast on newer PCs. Another structural problem is a lack of parallelization so the game utilizes only one core on multicore CPUs. I don't think we'll see any fix for that either.
(And this problem is not called memory leak, those are usually not too hard to fix.)
I found a weird bug that appears to be associated with the 48 civ DLL. Whenever you create a custom game and use more than 18 civs, horse does not appear on the map under temperate conditions. Ive had to generate 50 maps and it just doesn't cause horse to appear. Even on arid they hardly every appear.
I don't have this problem, I just started some custom games (using not too big or small with temperate climate) with 30 civs and there were horses in each of them. Which mapscript are you using and can you upload a save?
I am using pangaea ... small map size, temperate climate, and go over 19 civs (up to 34).

Uploads attached


Also have the same issue on Fractal ... and you'll notice there are seemingly dozens of fur on this map, as well


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If you try huge map size, there will be horses. The problem is when you have a lot of civs, small map size is too small and when the game is placing resources there are not many adequate places left for horses.
I have uploaded a new version, v0.20, now based on K-Mod v1.46. Changelog is in the first post (and a more detailed one is in the commit logs on GitHub). WARNING: This breaks savegame compatibility.
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I have uploaded a new version, v0.21. Changelog is in the first post (and a more detailed one is in the commit logs on GitHub).
I have uploaded a new version, v0.22. Changelog is in the first post (and a more detailed one is in the commit logs on GitHub).
hi Dark,
whats up?
ive merged this mod into my kmod build,
i see your fixes are quite nice. good job.

could you explain to me what is this pbem new mod of yours?

ive merged various mod parts into my kmod build, maybe you could take a look if you can harvest some from it.


hi again - this part in the cvteam.cpp
causes a compile error in the "il" something with re scope,

so i had to mark it out :

Spoiler code :

    // DarkLunaPhantom - AP resident and UN secretary general teams need to be updated if that team will not be used anymore.
/*    for (int iI = 0; iI < GC.getNumVoteSourceInfos(); iI++)
        if (GC.getGameINLINE().canHaveSecretaryGeneral((VoteSourceTypes)iI) && GC.getGameINLINE().getSecretaryGeneral((VoteSourceTypes)iI) == eTeam)
            for (int iJ = 0; iJ < GC.getNumVoteInfos(); iJ++)
                if (GC.getVoteInfo((VoteTypes)iJ).isVoteSourceType((VoteSourceTypes)iI) && GC.getVoteInfo((VoteTypes)iJ).isSecretaryGeneral())
                    VoteTriggeredData kData;
                    kData.iId = FFreeList::INVALID_INDEX;
                    kData.eVoteSource = (VoteSourceTypes)iI;
                    kData.kVoteOption.eVote = (VoteTypes)iJ;
                    kData.kVoteOption.iCityId = -1;
                    kData.kVoteOption.ePlayer = NO_PLAYER;
                    GC.getGameINLINE().setVoteOutcome(kData, (PlayerVoteTypes)getID());
    // DarkLunaPhantom end
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could you explain to me what is this pbem new mod of yours?

You mean pitboss? It's not mine, you can read about it here. Basically, it is an improved version of pitboss that makes it easier to host pitboss games by providing various admin tools and improvements.

hi again - this part in the cvteam.cpp
causes a compile error in the "il" something with re scope,

so i had to mark it out :

It seems that your compiler is more sensitive than mine. Mine only gives a warning there. (That might be possible to change somewhere in compiler settings.) If you rename variable iI in that block to something else unused outside that might resolve your problem.
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I don't know if it's your mod or K-Mod, but in my current game the barbarian culture is out of control.
I've got 88% barb culture in an enemy capital I captured in 1800AD

I suspect when a civ is eliminated, all their old culture is converted to barbarian?
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