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MODS compatible with Vox Populi (VP)


Been wanting to include support for CBP for quite some time now, but since I don't play with it myself (I'm only using the CP) - I have now idea where to start. The obvious thing would of course be to just try out the CBP I guess, and I intend to do that as well, but I would really appreciate a manual/changelog of some kind giving the overview of what is changed balance-wise, etc...

Can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance.
At the moment that mod [Barbarians Evolved] crashes the game with used with CBP anyway (it may actually be CSD or C4F that causes it, not sure).

When it was working, the only thing you couldn't do with CBP is liberate spawned barbarian cities. The exact changes are on the mod's page under "Compromises for Compatability".

It's a great mod, so I'd keep an eye out for that update which will presumable restore compatibility with CBP.

Barbarians Evolved has updated, and is no longer incompatible with CBP, provided you set its options properly. There's plenty of instructions on the mod's page itself, but in general, make sure you're using the CBP compatible settings and the barbarian major Civ.
Hi people!

A simple question..can modded civs be added or does it crash the game?

Thank you!!!

The answer isn't so simple. :(

For the most part, modded civs are fine when it comes to not crashing the game. Sometimes you will see a civ that does crazy LUA stuff that's hard to make compatible (ask Vice Virtuoso about all the crap he does to maintain compatibility) but in general, you can add random mod civs and not expect them to CTD.

HOWEVER, many mod civs will have issues. First, most mod civs are balanced assuming they will play against vanilla civs. CBP civs have all been buffed, meaning mod civs will generally be UP. Second, many mod civs were/are written in puny outdated XML code rather than modern awesome 1337 SQL code. The difference? Here's an example:

A mod civ has a UU that comes with the range promotion (giving it +1 range) but is otherwise the same as the unit it replaces.
In XML, this unit is created by manually assigning it all the same stats as the unit it replaces, except adding in the promotion on top.
In SQL, this unit is created by copying all the stats from the unit it replaces, except adding in the promotion on top.
This means that if CBP changed that unit, the SQL version will copy the CBP stats if you're running CBP. But the XML version will still have the [unmodded] stats assigned to it, so it may be wildly UP or OP.

So you may need to edit the mod civs a bit if you want them to work *well* with CBP. I personally converted several mod civs to SQL just to use them with CBP. :crazyeye:
So you may need to edit the mod civs a bit if you want them to work *well* with CBP. I personally converted several mod civs to SQL just to use them with CBP. :crazyeye:
You have these personal several mod civ conversion for the public to view? :)
You have these personal several mod civ conversion for the public to view? :)

I'll see if I can post them in the "How do YOU Customize CBP" thread.

Edit: I actually tried to post the mod but the filesize is much too large. Any suggestions?
Whoward's UI - City Expansion not compatible with EUI version, but with Non-EUI it works just fine.

If playing this mod with EUI version, it doesn't allow you to produce anything in your city.
"City Limits - Shows workable tiles around cities, overlapping cities, etc. - Not exactly this mod, but the same functionality is already included in CBP"

Should this line be moved to "Incorporated into CBP"?
EUI does the same thing already.
Hello, I'm having a problem where, even though all of the mods stated as incompatible were disabled, my game immediately closes itself moments after I finish setting up a game. Any ideas? Also, I want to give you a list of my mods, but is there any way to copy the titles of all my activated mods? I also don't know how to determine if these mods edit dll or not. Any reply is greatly appreciated. I'm starting to lose my mind with this! :wallbash:
Oh, and another problem I have is that the one-coloured civ mod isn't working either. And here's a list of my active mods:

-R.E.D. Xtreme (both for units and landmarks)
-Exploration continued expanded
-Cities in development
-Dynamic improvements yield
-Espionage building buff
-Extra victory conditions
-Named prophet mod
-Extended religion diplomacy
-Faster and wider border expansion
-Japan: chained country
-Regional Asia
-Granary includes cow
-Granary includes bison
-City states: Asian-only
-Steampunk: BNW
-Jungle yields mod
-Culturaly linked starting eras
-Enlightenment era
-R.E.D. hotfix
-City defense re-balance
-Medieval battering ram
-Cheaper units mod
-Optimized national wonder mod
-More happiness
-Citadel buff autocracy remix
-Statue of Zeus tweak
-Siege range increase
-Lancers to cavalry
-Tempo temporal
-Tectonic map script
-City limits
-Faster aircraft animations
-Water tiles don't suck
-Submarines ignore borders
-Scout to explorer
-XP from forts
-Smart AI
-Barbarians - unlimited XP
-AI - no free tech
-Better AI
-Conquest population lost only 33 percent
-Alt warmonger mk II
-Warmonger debuff
-Landsknecht mod
-No supply penalty
-Weak AI civ boosts
-Really advanced setup screen
-3 units per tile
-Unhappiness reduction
-AI fair play
-One colour civs
-Unique cultural influence
-Decisions mod
-Slavery mod
-civ 5 gold rush
-Elimination of tech costs per city
-Diplomacy values
-City-state pact mod
-Units at half cost
-Unit production mod
-Copper buff
-Mint includes copper
-Infinite empire
-Faster plot expansion
-Workable mountains
-+1 range for post industrial units
-Civ names by policies
-More city-state luxuries
-Fort borders
-More luxuires
-Starting scout
-In-game editor
-Era building packs
-Improved building packs
-Civ 4 diplomacy (the version that came with the community mod)

And that's it. I hope this can allow for some kind of assistance. It;s too bad, I can't wait to play this mod :sad:
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