Another good round. Keep the story coming.
Those random events in BtS seem to nearly always affect the capital. It is particularly annoying to get a slave revolt in the middle of a race to build a wonder or to research some vital tech. The losses of each turn of revolt are huge as the capital often has 50% of your, and my, empire's research beakers and the best production hammers. It is painful that the special investment of settled GPs and the academy are affected by these revolts. One trick I did notice is that you can take "advantage" of the revolt to change civics in the rest of the empire and the two periods of anarchy run together so the capital doesn't lose the anarchy of a civics switch. That's making the best of a bad job.
I wonder if it would be worthwhile to move the capital to another city? As long as you're not running Bureaucracy of course. That might avoid most of the negative random events.
Good idea to get rid of 2 birds with one stone during anarchy!
I actually like playing bigger maps and many civs, but my slow computer and iffy graphics card means that I try to compensate by playing low sea level maps with lots of land. Unfortunately this means I'm hemmed in and we have a rather short list of candidates for capital:
1. Paris. Already lots of settled specialists. Mucho wonders and GP output. Bureau gives +50% hammers which is very useful when wonderspamming.
2. Sickly whipping boy Orleans. Nice cottages and not much else because it's my default place to build settlers, workers, and missionaries.
3. Lyons. Takes on the overflow from Paris. Maybe a nice capital if I convert some farms and mines to cottages and windmills, but it's double holy and probably will be my Wall St city. So not worth moving here.
4. Stone city. Too many bloody water tiles. Already has Moai statues, not good for Oxford/Natl Epic combo that I have mind for Paris. In some wonderspam games though I actually make my capital a cottage heaven while my wonderspamming takes place mostly in a coastal city with Moai and National Epic.
5. The 2 cities that are barely starting out.. no way they can be capitals.
Interestingly enough, and as a study in contrasts: in my current Emperor game (Big and Small with all defaults; Standard size; Normal speed), I am Dutch and got a very seafood-heavy and forested-hill heavy capital. I did move my capital in that game. I moved it to a faraway gold/floodplain/forests city and that's worked out well, because it frees up my former capital to be my Heroic Epic/West Point production powerhouse.
Ironically in that game I have yet to get any wonder other than Great Library (only cause I beelined it), and I have yet to get any free great people other than from Music. Not to mention that I did not find stone, barely found iron (found it practically on the other side of my continent) and had no horses or copper anywhere near my starting position, marble got culturally taken over by my neighbor, and I am being gypped on golden ages without that +50% from Mausoleum. (I burned Music's great artist for 8 turns of golden age, and then completed a colosseums quest much later on for another 8 turns.) Lost liberalism race by about 6 turns. Got screwed by vassal system; I wanted to finish off Persia and capture the Statue of Zeus in the process, but they capitulated to Germany and then the AP owner Ethiopia forced us to declare peace. I just reignited the war by finishing off Persia and hoping Bismarck sends a ton of soldiers to die within my borders so I get no war weariness. Only Bismarck has a higher power rating.
Like I said, it's a stark contrast to my Monarch Wonderspam game where my military sucks, I have barely fought at all, and where I have almost all of the wonders.