Forests definitely get a bonus in every situation. But they only give 20 base hammers pre-mathematics.
Really? I stand corrected then. But still, I try to save some forests in the hope that more will grow for later chopping!

Forests definitely get a bonus in every situation. But they only give 20 base hammers pre-mathematics.
lurker's comment:
for posting all this, axident.
Keep the updates coming, it's very interesting and I read it all the way through.
On the slavery and production bonusses thing. I think whipping gets all the same production bonusses just as chopping and normal hammers do. But whipping is a form of rush buying, like using gold under US, and it has two special limitations.
One limitation is a 50% increase in costs (IIRC) if you rush complete a unit or building on the first turn. That is removed after one turn of normal production has been used . You effectively get 20 hammers per pop for first turn whipping.
The second limitation is for building wonders and that is a 100% decrease in hammers available from whipping, you get 15 hammers per pop instead of the normal 30 hammers. All production bonusses are then applied to these 15 hammers per pop including Industrious and Stone/Marble and OR and forge.
As far as I remember (and it was over year ago when I last tested this in Warlords) that is the situation and I presume they've kept BtS the same as Warlords in that respect as it worked well.
I've been following your thread. Good job so far.
However.... I'm a bit worried that your military is so weak, that you will get jumped (and I mean dog-piled) by the AI sooner or later - probably sooner.
My humble suggestion would be to IMMEDIATELY found a 5th city. From looking at your map, that area to the north of Paris, with the Sheep and the Bronze, should do quite nicely. I would implore you to build a Granary and a Barracks right away, and no other infrastructure. Also, spread Confucianism there ASAP.
What should this city build? Nothing but military units and missionaries! I would probably try and rotate in 1 missionary for every 2 or 3 military units. This will have 3 immediate effects:
1. Your Power rating will finally start to climb, greatly reducing the chances of getting jumped by the AI.
2. By taking advantage of those Open Borders to spread your religion to your neighbors, you'll also greatly improve realtions with them, further reducing the risk of war.
3. In sync with #2, by spreading your religion as far as possible, you'll be raking in the $, seeing as how you've already built the shrine.
My first win on BtS was a Cultural Victory with the Netherlands. In that game, I never went over 5 or 6 cities, but I was able to avoid war because I had a dedicated Military City doing nothing but cranking out the units (along with the occasional infrastructure, like a Forge, Aqueduct, Factory, Coal Power Plant, etc.)
Please devote more attention to your military, or your game will end in frustration at an early date! (I know this from painful experience.)
axident said:So this game is kind of weird because of what happens next.