Most Common Victories for FfH

Victory Conditions

  • Points

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Domination

    Votes: 27 27.6%
  • Conquest

    Votes: 27 27.6%
  • Religious

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Tower of Mastery

    Votes: 18 18.4%
  • Altar of Luonnatar

    Votes: 14 14.3%

  • Total voters
I know it's quite against the flavor of the Infernals but sometimes it's also funny to make up a reason why an absolutely non-fitting combination is fitting. Something like that Hyborem only came to Erebus because he's bored by the entertainment possibilities in hell :D
I finally finished a hotseat game I've been playing for about 2 weeks, yesterday.

We won by Tower of Mastery, technically, but we were 5 turns from a conquest victory in any case, so the two were kind of interchangeable, and I just wanted to see what ToM does.
My favorite victory condition is shiny thing syndrome, where I get the overwhelming urge to try out another race, and kind of abandon my current game.

I've never completed a game of FFH yet, despite having played a great many games.. But I started a calabim game on a Duel sized world last night, and I'm determined to finish that one.

I kind of wish the AI could recognise when they're hopelessly outclassed, and just capitulate to save the effort of going over there and invading them.

Agreed completely.
Where's my culture victory? I was once about 10 turns away from conquest (huge map, all civs) and bang I win.
My favorite victory condition is shiny thing syndrome, where I get the overwhelming urge to try out another race, and kind of abandon my current game.

Yeah, I was just gonna say, "Victory? What's that?" :lol:

But seriously, I turn off Cultural and Time as possible victory options just because they tend to sneak up on me and end the game before I've accomplished all the other things I want to do (i.e. "achievements"). Well, at least that happened a few times before I turned those options off.

Come to think of it, since then I haven't completed a single game. :lol:
Domination or conquest are the most straightforward. Other victories are very complicated, but then again, FFH2 is a complicated game.

One complaint I have with this mod is that there is no "space race" to wrap up the game. Good game designers generally make a game in a way such that at some point, there has to be a built-in mechanism that encourages the game to end. Ending the game after a number of turns with a "time victory" is poor design. The Armageddon counter's effect on diplomacy provides the gunpowder, but not the spark to light it up.

ToM's pretty close. Both need tons of commerce, but where Space race's commerce goes into beakers, ToM's goes into money. You need a baseline minimum of land and a mage with metamagic 2, but the latter is easy enough to get and the former, you need for a space race win in high-level BtS play anyway.
I almost never allow any condition but Conquest, so that is the victory I most often achieve.

that's the main reason i only get that victory. i turn off cultural, religion, domination, and time especially, because i hate it when my game ends early, and i figure no one's going to be building the altar or tower so i might as well get the bonuses from the buildings.
I think as far as Religious Victory is concerned that it should be in general tougher to go about to convert cities (and force civs to adopt a "hated" religion as their official one), but that the total % score required to win should be lowered however. I think this style of play might become more popular as a result. Based on current results so far, Religious Victory isn't all that popular a strategy.
Lute, Lyre, hell, they're both musical instruments with a cultural connotation, right? ;)

As I mentioned before, you can really add culture to the three cities you picked for the victory by using certain civics. Liberty is a must as it gives you 100% culture in your civ. Even Nature's Revolt can help a lot as you will get animals you didn't have before (+Culture) for your Carnivals. Of course, the Grand Menagerie is one of the best Wonders for a culture victory!

I finished a game (Elohim/standard size Erebus/Prince) and got a Cultural Victory on turn 499 without breaking a nail (didn't even resort to Corlindale's Peace spell -- but did use the Sanctuary for my own survival). Actually, the game didn't turn out to be as boring as I thought it'd be. Pretty much everyone dogpiled on my Elohim at some point. Fun. Thanks for all the advice! :D
You should make a poll about how often people actually finish their games. If I have the highest score, 1s across the board in the demograohics screen and a superior military, I just start a new game with another civ. I voted domination, but I rarely ever have the patience to finish a game unless it's a tight race. Back in Vanilla Civ 4, I won cultural with Chi Huang two turns before Freddy flew to outer space. Now that was a victory worth racing for.
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