Most despicable thing you have ever done to your or another civ

missionary spamming that guy next to monty.. of course you're not really going to back him up.
missionary spamming that guy next to monty.. of course you're not really going to back him up.

oh how true. Better yet, missionary spam the guy between monty and Isabel of Spain lol

I just completed something truely barbaric. Domination/Conquest of Earth 18 civs. I had nuked enough cities and captured enough cities that I went from 10 cities to over 40 in a few turns. (FYI this took a long time to prepare for. It was alot of Shift-Enter while I waited for hundreds of nukes to be built.

Well I nuked the heck out of everyone in europe/africa/middle east/asia, so I had more than enough territory for domination. The only problem was I was not close to the population needed as I had nuked all the cities i had capture and there was so much radiation, it would have taken forever to clear it and build farms, so I did the next best thing.

I took my entire nuclear arsenal and nuked the crap out of the rest of the world just so I could get my population percent needed quicker. Global Warming tried to fight me a little, but after 10 turns of nuking/capturing, I reached my goal.

I was king of Earth 18civs Radiation Version.
I once played an RP game as Ragnar where my ultimate goal was the raze every wonder in the world. Friend or foe, boarder cities or deep in enemy territory, I didn't care who had it, where it was, but when it was built my goal was to seek it out and destroy it.

I had a truly wonderless world. Well, except for everybody wondering what I was going to do next...
If Monty decides to spawn next to me...well, I am NOT below WBing in a stack if he is pissing me off :mwaha:
Honestly, Monty is in more of my games than Shaka...and I hate him with a passion.
I thought I was fine until I read you guys' despicable stories... I build 3-4 SoDs, even at -30/turn at 60% science, just to run the rest of the world over, razing every city if it doesn't have a resource I need... If I already have iron at my capital, and the only resource here is iron, then I might as well burn it...
Later in a game, I tend to accept an early capitulation instead of dragging out an already costly war. Especially if none of the cities left are worth keeping. I tend to take the heart of an empire out, and literally leave a shell of non-connected, crappy cities. They usually have weird borders because I automatically get the BFC of captured cities. I spam culture in the new cities to stop revolt and take anything and everything I can get from my new pet while offering nothing. For the rest of time, they are at my complete mercy with no power to retake their core area. That's what I feel worst about.
Later in a game, I tend to accept an early capitulation instead of dragging out an already costly war. Especially if none of the cities left are worth keeping. I tend to take the heart of an empire out, and literally leave a shell of non-connected, crappy cities. They usually have weird borders because I automatically get the BFC of captured cities. I spam culture in the new cities to stop revolt and take anything and everything I can get from my new pet while offering nothing. For the rest of time, they are at my complete mercy with no power to retake their core area. That's what I feel worst about.

I read that as "weird boners" and your post ended up having an whole different meaning...
I once rescued Roosevelt on his last few cities from Montezuma. Then about 5 turns after wiping the Aztecs off the map. I redeployed my armies and decided that the appropriate thanks for bailing America out would be joining the thousand nations of the Persian Empire.
I once rescued Roosevelt on his last few cities from Montezuma. Then about 5 turns after wiping the Aztecs off the map. I redeployed my armies and decided that the appropriate thanks for bailing America out would be joining the thousand nations of the Persian Empire.

In RFC or Earth18 Civs?
I just whipped a Buddhist Missionary in my last game. Thought that was kinda cool ;)
In RFC or Earth18 Civs?

Earth 18, but I'd given both monty and roosevelt some bonuses beyond the normal prince settings because I didn't want the western hemisphere to be a backwater like always. My results were modern armor/mech. inf. vs maces/rifles. Needless to say I laughed quite evilly while crushing both.
Well, 19 nukes on Japan in 10 years is as far as I got... XD
But it was far after 2050. Around 2120~
I played India in the Civ4Earth.
Ironicly, it somehow turns out that I always nuke the Japanese XD
Totally gratuitously beta testing my first nuke against Monty and his sea of medieval junk in 1822 ... Well, I probably did worst things but i though this one was pretty cool :lol:
settled next to the ai capital
expanded culture borders to get the mine its workers has just completed
declared war when the capital has only one archer and take down workers beside my borders
get other ai to declare war on him
banish ai to a single city full of jungle tiles.
continue to take in his worker or settler if any
Blocking in an opponent so he only can get 2-3 cities and then slowly squeezing him to death is imo a brutal way to treat your neighbour, but so much fun. :mischief:
I was playing RFC as America. I was bogged down in a pretty violent stalemate with Russia, losing an amphibious force, so I tried to declare peace. Russia demanded a extra city from me. So I nuked them. Then they agreed to better terms.
I dug up this screenshot. This is probably by far the worst I've done. Poor Mongols. :(
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