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My game on Immortal II - Willem van Oranje

As to war execution, I hit Ramses and then looped around with Germany then SB last. I figured I'd hit all the stronger AIs first and also you can start the war with SB with your new built troops while waiting for the main army to swoop around instead of sending all reinforcement across the whole map. Another reason was I couldn't get multiple cities in the first turn on SB or Germany. Once I started a war, the reinforcements positioned themselves to hit the next AI in an attempt to get the caps faster.

You should be whipping. Theres no point to anything but cavalry production now. No need for such big cities.
As to war execution, I hit Ramses and then looped around with Germany then SB last. I figured I'd hit all the stronger AIs first and also you can start the war with SB with your new built troops while waiting for the main army to swoop around instead of sending all reinforcement across the whole map. Another reason was I couldn't get multiple cities in the first turn on SB or Germany. Once I started a war, the reinforcements positioned themselves to hit the next AI in an attempt to get the caps faster.

You should be whipping. Theres no point to anything but cavalry production now. No need for such big cities.

Do you whip every 10 turns when the anger is gone or do you whip every other turn until the city is decimated/angry?
Ecori - Every other turn whip. Just hold down ALT and click on the city title on the map in order to select all cities and then click whip. With 10 cities thats 30 cavalry in 3 turns and then who cares if you whipped them down to 3 or 4 pop or if they are mad about it? :)
As to war execution, I hit Ramses and then looped around with Germany then SB last. I figured I'd hit all the stronger AIs first and also you can start the war with SB with your new built troops while waiting for the main army to swoop around instead of sending all reinforcement across the whole map. Another reason was I couldn't get multiple cities in the first turn on SB or Germany. Once I started a war, the reinforcements positioned themselves to hit the next AI in an attempt to get the caps faster.

You should be whipping. Theres no point to anything but cavalry production now. No need for such big cities.

Yes, it looks so easy if someone tells me what to do :). I should really think twice before clicking the mouse button :). I will convert to slavery, whip a lot and attack Freddy first.
Funny how the same map goes differently. In my game Saladin became by far the most powerful AI and actually capped Brennus after taking some of his cities.
Funny how the same map goes differently. In my game Saladin became by far the most powerful AI and actually capped Brennus after taking some of his cities.

In my game, Saladin had also a rocket start and was very powerful bat he was the only buddhist leader so everyone hated him. And later, Brennus took 2 of his cities iirc ;).
1300 AD - 1440 AD
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I started with this civic change to whip my army (I was still in a GA).

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Then, I declared on Freddy.

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I captured these 3 cities and capitulated him.

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I also helped him by this AP election.

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Then, I declared on SB.

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He was really insane since he didn't want to capitulate even after I captured virtually all his cities. So I had to destroy him completely. Some of his cities would deserve destroying but I kept them for earlier domination limit. This is his capital.

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I rushed Pentagon with a GE during the war with SB.

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And now, I am almost prepared war against Saladin.

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  • Deity player AD-1440.CivBeyondSwordSave
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1440 AD - 1505 AD
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After a few turns of moving my troops and healing, it was the time for the next war.

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I didn't like the idea of Saladin capitulating to Brennus, so I did this.

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I captured 3 cities...

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...and capitulated Saladin.

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Meanwhile, I finished Pentagon.

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This is an overview of our land.

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The diplomation, tech, resource and military situation.

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First, I intended to attack Hannibal soon, but his cities are very well defended with riflemen.

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So what should I do? Ignore his defenses, move a stack of ~50 cavalries to his borders and attack him? Or go for tanks? Something else?



  • Deity player AD-1505.CivBeyondSwordSave
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1605 Domination

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Had a summary and lost it, posting the images for now, might finish this later. Pretty straightforward -----> glib/parth/sistine, lib around 820AD, then maces upgraded to rifles + draft rifles (globe included) starting around 1200 AD and going until the end. Nobody I hit quite had rifles yet, though I made sure to hit the more advanced guys 1st after SB.

Rather early finish date with that slooowly riflemen instead of horses :goodjob:.
Post Sitting Bull empire 25AD
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125AD this was unfortunate:
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Didn't see that coming. Who says the AI are dumb. :sad: I played on a couple of turns and took Egypt's 8 wonder capital with a dozen HA's. So frustrating.

Don't worry. I like your HA rush.
Shadow, shadow game 1570 domination. :)
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I played a peaceful start this time concentrating on getting the southern stone and a couple of other cites down there before scrambling north to take what was left. SB build a city behind my capital then quickly gave it up. I got my 9th city from the barbs. Religion was split 3 ways so I chose the German, SB gang. I pretty much exclusively traded techs with the German while SB was a general douche who took all the heat for me. Losing the music race in the BC's was the only glitch, I built the Pyramids and a heap of marble wonders and cottaged most of my cities. I took Democracy from Lib to get some towns going then teched rifling and MT. I took out Hannibal's vassal, Egypt just before 1300 then capped hannibal, Killed SB as he wouldn't talk, :crazyeye: and vassaled the Germans. I used Cavalry exclusively without spies as nobody got to rifles.
Edit to add: I took out Saladin just after the Germans, I'd forgotten about him because he was down to 3 cities as he was constantly at war with everyone.

1490 Domination
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I went with a peaceful REX strategy in the early game. I chopped like crazy and had 4 cities settled by 1500bc and 9 by 1ad. Won lib in 840ad and took MT. I cuirassier rushed SB while teching to rifling then mopped up the rest of the continent with cavalry. I could have won a few turns earlier but I foolishly let Saladin take 2 of his cities back. I've attached the 1ad save and the 1490ad save.

:goodjob: Not going for Democracy was clever. I considered Democracy as my goal number one but it probably only delayed my victory.
Still continuing my game.

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Built 3 cities and grabed Oracle and took monarchy. Expanded to 6 cities.

Decided to attack SB with Phants and catapults. He is one mean defender. Took his 3-4 main cities.

Everyone seem to declare on Egyptians so i took 2 of her cities too.

Main issue is the AP. I keep defying motions and the world considers me a villan to -10 unhappiness.

Currently have 11 cities and should get liberalism as I have monopoly on Edu. I am behind on other techs as carthage has curs! Most Ai seem somewhat small in size. A lot of religious wars going on. I need curs to finish this off.

I got really lazy and clicked this to an AP win around 1750ad. Loved up everyone and switched out of the Ap religion. Pretty much had to spread the religion to everyone but Freddy. 3rd immortal win. Woah!!!!

It looks like a tough start which really slowed your tech rate. Nice to hear that you won!
And I couldn't sleep so heres the 1250 domination:
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After getting to cavalry at 800 AD I just alt-clicked to select all my cities *cavalry and then whip'd them all every other turn. Used 4 GAs to lib rifles. Went from 1000 beakers per turn down to 200 from all the whipping and farming over of towns.

:goodjob: I delayed whipping and built my cavalries slowly for a long time. I thought it was a good idea with all those towns and US. Now, I agree that slavery is much more powerful. :p
Some impressive stuff. Leading the scoreboard with no wars whatsoever is a feat not to be underestimated. GJ :goodjob:

It might be a time to crank up the difficulty. ;)

p.s.: On a side note - I notice that you do not hesitate to trade for lesser techs like hunting and AH. Are you not afraid of the dreaded "WFYABTA"?
It might be a time to crank up the difficulty. ;)

Definitely not ;).

p.s.: On a side note - I notice that you do not hesitate to trade for lesser techs like hunting and AH. Are you not afraid of the dreaded "WFYABTA"?

I trade for such techs since I don't know exactly what triggers "WFYABTA". If I knew, maybe I would be more careful :lol:. In fact, I had to face "WFYABTA" from some leaders for a while iirc.

You'll never get WFYABTA with a friendly civ. Otherwise you can only trade techs if either you AND the AI you are dealing with are in the lower halve of the scoretable, otherwise you are limited to a certain number of tech trades that depends on the AI leader personality (NoTechTradeTreshold parameter from CIV4LeaderHeadInfos.xml) and difficulty level (NoTechTradeModifier parameter from CIV4HandicapInfo.xml).

On a normal (immortal) day you can trade some 10-15 techs before you hit the limit with most AIs. NoTechTradeTreshold ranges between 5 (Shaka, Sitting Bull and ~10 others) and 20 (Mansa Musa).
Each AI leader has a certain number of tech trades before they become WFYABTA. Mansa Musas are very high (he will trade with you even when you have traded alot) wile others have a very low number. I think someone here has made a spread sheet sometime. I am not certain if the number is based on your total tech trades with all AI or just for the particular AI (I believe it is the first).

Getting an AI to friendly overcomes WFYABTA.

Trading 15 techs with an AI gives +1 "You shared your discoveries with us"

edit: shpeka beat me to it :)
Ok guys, I turned this into a video. I found the map to be pretty easy and I was wondering whether this really was immortal. First 2 parts are up.

Part 1
Part 2

if you have any comments or criticism just tell me.

I have just watched your video and I have really enjoyed it. It is very instructive to see someone more experienced to play the same game as me. I realized many mistakes which I did and which I probably wouldn't realize without watching your video. Thanks for that!

Now, I am looking forward to watching AbsoluteZero's video.

EDIT: If I will start another online game, I will consider using the HOF mode and turning events and huts off.
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