Napoleonic Europe

Yes, that's the next thing to do. As well as making the unitflags work. But as those don't really have to do with gameplay I thought it would be better to make the scenario work before going into the cosmetics :)

But as soon as I find big-enough flags for the different nations I'll be making the flag-leaderheads for all of them.
Well, the next patch is here, as v1.15. I've made Trade Embargos, Open Borders, Defensive Pacts & Alliances much easier to achieve. Also, all infantry units (except militia) have an extra 10 AI Weight, which makes them more attractable for the AI. And finally, more compticated relations in the start than everyone hates Ottomans shoudl create more realistic wars.

You say that like you've already released it... but I can't find it... where is it?

I ask only because this is currently by far my favorite scenario

(are you just changing the first file? If so it would be less confusing if it didn't say "download 1.0")
I'm trying to finish with one version to test the next one. Further to the above remarks, I have following:

1) There is not much to do about diplomacy, everybody is cautios, annoyed or furiuos against France for clear reasons, can't change that? would be nice to have at least one friend (I don't mean a vassal) to deal with, and as far as I remember Denmark was a partner of France through that period, never mind, but is just an idea to form some coallitions at the beginning.

2) To be totally honest France is too much powerful for the rest of the guys, but I read that you will do something about it.

3) Spies. Why only Britts have spy capabilities? :confused: I think that everybody should have that commodity, as it is war times. Maybe you can add some new missions to the spies beside from the vanilla version. The vanilla missions in my opinion really sucks. More missions: Decrease population, sabotage city improvements, kill garrisons, destroy roads, and terrain improvement, kill a rival spy... well, I think that would be handy :yeah:

4) Now that I played a lit bit more, I got the feeling that the cost of the techs is still too low. I have finished the tech tree by 1802, I don't know how many turns to run yet but I think that a lot, as my guess is that scenario will finish around 1815. Maybe the cost for universities and public schools should be increased as well.

For the rest I'm quite happy with the battle balance, only miss a little bit the Dale Combat Mode, that simplify life a lot, but it is a personal choice I understand that.

I will change the leaderheads by myself because is really annoying all those napoleon heads around. :lol:
great mod!

the AI are working perfectly

everyone is forging defence packs with each other and yes the ottomons are greatly hated

verry good scenario!
Hey, cool scenario! It downloaded and ran flawlessly. That was nice since this tends to be my pet peeve when running new applications. So kudos for that bit! I liked the treatment of the period. Look & feel seem good. I did not run into game bugs other than small items that have to do with the fact this is a work in progress.

I had fun with my second try out. I ran the German States. First I took over Hannover with little trouble. Then I conquered the Danish peninsula and forced the rest of Norwegian Denmark become my vassal. This provoked the Swedes to invade Norway and attack me. I sent the Swedes packing from Straslund, sunk a good number of their corvettes (target practice!). Sweden eventually accepted peace. Then I turned on Saxony and I started getting corner looks from everyone except the French. That was a good move as Leipzig generates a ton of cash as the "Holy City" of Protestantism. I finally launched an invasion of Bavaria, which prompted Prussia (and a bunch of Italian allies) to declare war upon my Greater German States. Oh well. I guess I deserved that for not being exactly neighbourly. (Really, I just wanted to unite all these German-speaking nations under one flag... mine. Honest.)

There is a small glitch in the screen showing government choices. On the far right, IIRC under the choice of religion administration (Org Religion & Theocracy), one of the labels is messed up. It gives a bonus in the millions for the state religion.

I didn't think the cost of techs is too low, especially if you run one of minor states. In my first try out I ran Sardinia and it takes forever to learn a new tech. I really could not do much at all with Sardinia other than hitting the end-turn button, and eventually gave up. For the German States it was slow, but achievable. It looks like the major CIVs can get through the tech tree way faster. Don't know what the answer is here.

Keep up the good work!
Did France make peace with Russia before conquering all of it in your game? In my game as sweden they're knocking the gates of St. Petersburg, and have advanced as far as the Germans in WWII.

In both my two tryouts. France kicked the snot out of Russia, taking both Moscow and St Petersburg, and forcing Russia to become its vassal. Also in both cases, Austria turned on the Ottomans and made them an Austrian vassal. :)
If you load the mod with a language that is not english you won't see any written option.

I tried the mod for a while, playing Sardinia. It's a nice mod. Sardinia has very little hopes to do anything, maybe they should start with Turin too, since in the date the game starts Turin was not under the French if I'm not wrong.
If you load the mod with a language that is not english you won't see any written option.

I tried the mod for a while, playing Sardinia. It's a nice mod. Sardinia has very little hopes to do anything, maybe they should start with Turin too, since in the date the game starts Turin was not under the French if I'm not wrong.

IIRC, Sardinia was part of the House of Savoy before the scenario starts. By May 1796, The House of Savoy had given the County of Nice to France. In March 1799, the Savoys fled their capital in Turin and moved to Sardinia. At that time Turin falls under Austrian control, until Napoleon kicks them out. Control of Turin does not return to the House of Savoy until 1814. By 1815, the House of Savoy controls Turin, Genoa, Nice, and Sardinia. :king:
I love the scenario! It's one of the few that I had no problem downloading, installing or playing, and that's so small feat! I also like that all of the minor nations are playable so we can try to really change history. That being said, I thought it was funny that "history" in my game really didn't follow history...In my game I started out as Bavaria and took over Saxony, then I moved on to Germany who ended up becoming my vassal state. Then France and Russia finally declared war on one another, but Russia won...Then France killed Prussia and Spain started demolishing the Ottomans. I took over Hannover and one of the Danish cities when Spain declared war. I was able to hold my own until Russia came in against me when all was lost. Although by that time Russia had already won a domination victory.

This game is freaking awesome! Great job!
IIRC, Sardinia was part of the House of Savoy before the scenario starts. By May 1796, The House of Savoy had given the County of Nice to France. In March 1799, the Savoys fled their capital in Turin and moved to Sardinia. At that time Turin falls under Austrian control, until Napoleon kicks them out. Control of Turin does not return to the House of Savoy until 1814. By 1815, the House of Savoy controls Turin, Genoa, Nice, and Sardinia. :king:

exactly, so in short at the game start Turin shouldn't be french... might be an idea to help the Kingdom of Sardinia.
Played as England. No big problem trouncing the French. Totally unable to negotiate any type of alliances with anyone. Very much like scenario. Will probably try plying as Russia next.

Why so hard to make alliances. England should have found taht easy.
Now then... Answers!

LaCiencia said:
I'm trying to finish with one version to test the next one. Further to the above remarks, I have following:

1) There is not much to do about diplomacy, everybody is cautios, annoyed or furiuos against France for clear reasons, can't change that? would be nice to have at least one friend (I don't mean a vassal) to deal with, and as far as I remember Denmark was a partner of France through that period, never mind, but is just an idea to form some coallitions at the beginning.

2) To be totally honest France is too much powerful for the rest of the guys, but I read that you will do something about it.

3) Spies. Why only Britts have spy capabilities? I think that everybody should have that commodity, as it is war times. Maybe you can add some new missions to the spies beside from the vanilla version. The vanilla missions in my opinion really sucks. More missions: Decrease population, sabotage city improvements, kill garrisons, destroy roads, and terrain improvement, kill a rival spy... well, I think that would be handy

4) Now that I played a lit bit more, I got the feeling that the cost of the techs is still too low. I have finished the tech tree by 1802, I don't know how many turns to run yet but I think that a lot, as my guess is that scenario will finish around 1815. Maybe the cost for universities and public schools should be increased as well.

For the rest I'm quite happy with the battle balance, only miss a little bit the Dale Combat Mode, that simplify life a lot, but it is a personal choice I understand that.

I will change the leaderheads by myself because is really annoying all those napoleon heads around.
1) I'll check wikipedia for the various alliances & try to make the relations as realistic as possible. Which isn't saying much... ;)

2) France is powerful against 1 nation at a time, but not against several. Too bad the AI doesn't know this...

3) Oopsy. I'll generize the National Wonder names so that they're more acceptable to be built by all (Scotland Yard = Intelligence Center, Oxford University = Great University), civ3 style.

4) Well, they're low for the big countries, but high for the smaller ones... The simple solution would be to search for the min research time for a tech, so no matter how much money you pour into it it simply won't be invented.

What is this Dale Combat Mod(e)?

I think I'll be able to make all of the flags. Also, I'll make the unitflags work for old & new cards.


Ambreville said:
Hey, cool scenario! It downloaded and ran flawlessly. That was nice since this tends to be my pet peeve when running new applications. So kudos for that bit! I liked the treatment of the period. Look & feel seem good. I did not run into game bugs other than small items that have to do with the fact this is a work in progress.

I had fun with my second try out. I ran the German States. First I took over Hannover with little trouble. Then I conquered the Danish peninsula and forced the rest of Norwegian Denmark become my vassal. This provoked the Swedes to invade Norway and attack me. I sent the Swedes packing from Straslund, sunk a good number of their corvettes (target practice!). Sweden eventually accepted peace. Then I turned on Saxony and I started getting corner looks from everyone except the French. That was a good move as Leipzig generates a ton of cash as the "Holy City" of Protestantism. I finally launched an invasion of Bavaria, which prompted Prussia (and a bunch of Italian allies) to declare war upon my Greater German States. Oh well. I guess I deserved that for not being exactly neighbourly. (Really, I just wanted to unite all these German-speaking nations under one flag... mine. Honest.)

There is a small glitch in the screen showing government choices. On the far right, IIRC under the choice of religion administration (Org Religion & Theocracy), one of the labels is messed up. It gives a bonus in the millions for the state religion.

I didn't think the cost of techs is too low, especially if you run one of minor states. In my first try out I ran Sardinia and it takes forever to learn a new tech. I really could not do much at all with Sardinia other than hitting the end-turn button, and eventually gave up. For the German States it was slow, but achievable. It looks like the major CIVs can get through the tech tree way faster. Don't know what the answer is here.

Keep up the good work!
Fortunately the graphics & texts missing are only a nuisance, but as the scenario works pretty nicely I'll attack them next :)

Isn't Bavaria an ally of Austria? Ah, you're playing v1.11 I guess?
It seems easy to just nab all of Germany, but it makes the big powers very angry. In a game of Spain I've done differently, I've stayed out of conquests (rather made my nation stronger & richer) but I've been in war with Austria, Bavaria, Britain, Ottomans & Naples as a diplomatic act. I haven't actually fought (except get my navy destroyed by the brits) anyone. Austria (& it's vassal Bavaria) were done to get diplo-points with France, which doesn't like Spain that much. So was the British war. The Ottoman war came after Austria declared war on them, so I decided to get extra point with Austria by declaring war. I didn't actually bother to do anything, but our relations got fixed.
The latest war with Naples was done by request of Portugal (a vassal of Russia = I definately won't threaten Portugal), and I might actaully do something this time, as I have Open Borders with France, Austria & the Papal States.

Yeah, that's supposed to show -2 :) for every non-state religion or +2 :mad: for every non-state religion (2 for state religion, 4 for theocracy), but for some reason civ can't do that :crazyeye: Hopefully someone who knows how civ works could help me with that.

As I said earlier, the min research time for techs could be the answer, if it works at all.

I will :)


onedreamer said:
If you load the mod with a language that is not english you won't see any written option.
That's because I don't know any of the other languages, so I haven't bothered with the other languages then. Learn to play in english, that's how it's supposed to be! ;)
If someone wants to translate, please say so.


griff09 said:
I love the scenario! It's one of the few that I had no problem downloading, installing or playing, and that's so small feat! I also like that all of the minor nations are playable so we can try to really change history. That being said, I thought it was funny that "history" in my game really didn't follow history...In my game I started out as Bavaria and took over Saxony, then I moved on to Germany who ended up becoming my vassal state. Then France and Russia finally declared war on one another, but Russia won...Then France killed Prussia and Spain started demolishing the Ottomans. I took over Hannover and one of the Danish cities when Spain declared war. I was able to hold my own until Russia came in against me when all was lost. Although by that time Russia had already won a domination victory.

This game is freaking awesome! Great job!
What version was this on? Note that as with all civ scenarios, as soon as you start you throw history out of the window. Without events & AI manipulation the game can't be historical. Which means more fun gameplay as you don't know what's coming up ;)
The game shouldn't be that easy for Russia, how long did you play for? If you start a game with Russia, you'll notice how appaling the economy & infastructure are in the beginning :p
In my Spain game Russia vassalized Portugal, Hanover & German States, while Prussia vassalized Saxony, Naples & Papal States (btw, I'm thinking of renaming vassals into allies, as they sort-of are allies and it would sound better). Anyway, When Russia then declared war on Prussia, I had a lot of war declarations as 8 nations went into war :D
It ended with Saxony going for the German States & Warsaw for the Russians.

Again, I will, and thanks :)


As for Turin: It isn't completely accurate historically for gameplay reasons. In the start, France is fighting a losing battle in Germany & Italy, but it rises & wins. In Germany the battle is for Strasbourg & Bavaria, while in Italy France has it's last stronghold in Turin while the Austrians surround them. Will they get reinforcements fast enough, or will it fall? It creates some hectic fighting in the beginning :) Ofcourse I could give all of Italy to Austria & make them fight for Marseilles, but that would be too close to France, don't you think?

Also, what do you think of me naming the cities by their local names? Nice touch or confusing?

Finally, sokar: There are 3 reasons for that. 1) you were a human player, and AI's don't like doing deals with humans as they do with other AI's. I'll see if I can crack down on that. 2) They have a different religion. This I can't do much about, except give everyone a +5 relation with Britain in the beginning. 3) The AI doesn't like to declare wars for money, especially as their red. This can only be changed by using the SDK, which I have no idea how to do.

So, I can search for different xml files for some forgotten setting which could make the AI easier to approach. The easiest way would make everyone love the Brits from the beginning though...


As for the next patch, any other suggestions than leaders, unitflags, formations, diplo relations, national wonders, tech min time & renaming vassal to ally?
Just to report on my game. I started out as Prussia and decided that the best way to expand was to hit Austria hard and early. I vassalized Naples, Rome, Hanover and Saxony. Bavaria got taken out and together with my Italian allies and the French (who still hated me but made for nominal allies) we were able to weaken the Austrians.

I was tempted to take them out completely but I noticed Russia massing on my border so I hurridly vassalized them, leaving the Austrian Empire a thin but constant line of cities from Italy to the Russian border and went to war with Russia and its Portuguese vassal. In the peace years, Hanover stopped being a vassal but other than that I maintained my network of "allies."

Right now I'm beating back Russia, despite their larger military and superior production capabilities. I have a veteran army of troops with several warlords so my army, while smaller, is far superior in terms of quality and Grenediers with three city attack upgrades are virtually unstoppable in attacking cities. My plan is to take the more clustered western half of Russia, vassalize the rest and then turn around to deal with either France or the Ottomans.

France is still a beast though and I think the war with them might be the biggest challenge of the game- their production far outpaces mine even with the addition of numerous Austrian cities and their army is the biggest in the game now that I've destroyed so much of Russia's.
I'm guessing your points are through the roof? Before taking on France, you might want to try & get Spain on your side, that should create a nice diversion ;) Also, hopefully the brits understand to make marine assaults once the AI clears his shoreline of troops.

You might want to take Saxony rather than vassalize it, as the Protestant Holycity creates a nice influx of money. Same thing with Rome.

For some reason the Russian AI is the most aggressive one, but once I add leaders to all nations I can change that.

Having Strength Tactics & Thorough Training + Barracks & Elite Barracks really does create very very good troops.

What about hte AI's troops? Are they still mostly cavalry, or have they switched to infantry based armies? Have any of your units got the promote to Guard promotion?
What about hte AI's troops? Are they still mostly cavalry, or have they switched to infantry based armies? Have any of your units got the promote to Guard promotion?

It looks better. I deleted version 1.11 with which I had started, and replaced it with 1.15 -- then loaded my saved game. No problem there. Everything still runs pretty flawlessly. The AI does not seem to use just cavalry. Typically they now start off with one or two artillery attacks, followed with a blend of infantry and cavalry. Much better I'd say.

Yes, I've pretty much maxed out my allotment of Guard units. Economically, I was stretching it with this many units, so eventually I "banzaied" Norwich as a show of German support for the French cause. (Napoleon still snubs me.) I promoted a bunch of Grenadiers with the sea assault skill plus one city assault skill, effectively making them into 19th Century Marines. Awsome! The biggest problem was getting my fleet from Hamburg down to Calais without getting caught by both the English and Swedish ships (the Swedes keep declaring war on me, oh well...) It was fun for a awhile -- but of course, there was no way I could hold on to Norwich after taking it. Too bad France's AI is worthless in this situation. It would have been a perfect bridgehead for the French Empire.
Also, what do you think of me naming the cities by their local names? Nice touch or confusing?

Not confusing at all. I like it better that way.

Man, this is a long game! I made it so far to Dec 1804. When does it end? 1814 or later? My computer is really stretching it here, with just 1/2 gig mem. I have to wait about 2-3 minutes for the other CIVs to complete their turns. It's still bearable though. :-)
Isn't Bavaria an ally of Austria? Ah, you're playing v1.11 I guess?

Yes, I started with 1.11 and switched to 1.15 in mid-play. For some reason, Bavaria became a vassal of Russia.

It seems easy to just nab all of Germany, but it makes the big powers very angry.

Quite... So far I've managed to get every one of the major CIVs at best annoyed with me. One thing I noticed is that everyone hates the Ottomans, so trading with them is bad news. In the current game, the Ottomans are Austria's vassals. I made some trades with them (as the German States) and managed to get Austria to declare war on me since they didn't want me to trade with their Ottomans vassals. Sheesh!
Other stuff:

No fortifications? Why not?

I had a "We love the Sultan Day" in one of my cities (I am the German States). Hmmm... Maybe everyone thinks I'm really an Ottoman Turk trying to pass himself off as a German.

Military Academy -- this one's weird. Although it's listed as a national wonder, it keeps popping up in other cities' possible builds, even though I've already built it elsewhere.
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