Napoleonic Europe

Talking about elite troops -- I dumped every single one of my Great Generals into Frankfurt, exclusively to improve the experience of troops produced there. So far, troops generated in Frankfurt (Das Uberkriegmachine!), come out with 26 XP for infantry and artillery, or 28 XP for cavalry. I have one Royal Guard Cavalry unit with a total of 101 XP!

Mein Gott, it's a four-legged panzer! :-)
You might want to take Saxony rather than vassalize it, as the Protestant Holycity creates a nice influx of money. Same thing with Rome.

I was going to, but if I went to the second turn without taking them out, Russia would vassalize them, along with all the other nations I took on as vassals plus Portugal. Unacceptable for a nation already as powerful as Russia.

What about hte AI's troops? Are they still mostly cavalry, or have they switched to infantry based armies? Have any of your units got the promote to Guard promotion?

I'd say about half and half. The main problem with the AI is that it doesn't coordinate the strengths and weaknesses very well so it's easy to pit your units against what they're specialized to defeat. It's a good thing in defeating the enemy but I could see it being frustrating if you start winning battles you shouldn't be able to. (It certainly hasn't come to that point in my game.)
Am I the only one having this problem? I start of with just a horseman, and 3 workers. No settlers, no cities. And few turns later the game is over due to space victory...WTH? What mod do I need to play this Scenario properly?
Thanks. Mod sounds brilliant by the way. :goodjob:
Blake, have you started a scenario or new game? As that sounds like New Game, but this is a scenario ;)
You don't need anything else to play NapEuro, just NapEuro.

The Sultan thing was because you had Federal Monarchy as your government civic, didn't you? It's supposed to be a divide & rule form of government the Ottomans had at the time, hence the Sultan ;)
Fortifications aren't buildable? I'll see to that. And the Military Academy can be built for every 5 Elite Barracks. I think writing a bit of Sid's Tips could help with the game eh?
Yeah, it is a long game. It's 48 weeks * 15 years... I think I'll make a shorter version with months instead of weeks :p
I might want to remove the +25% exp for every promotion then :D And reduce the amount of extra exp from civics & barracks, eh?

The AI is, and always will be, stupid. The only way to counter this is to simply give it more production so it can afford to keep killing it's units. :(
The Sultan thing was because you had Federal Monarchy as your government civic, didn't you? It's supposed to be a divide & rule form of government the Ottomans had at the time, hence the Sultan ;)

Correct. Cool, we're Federal Germanic Ottomans! :D

I might want to remove the +25% exp for every promotion then :D And reduce the amount of extra exp from civics & barracks, eh?

NO! I like the +25% XP bonus as a choice. It works fine!
Just a small spelling error. The danish capital should be either Copenhagen or København. Not Cöpenhavn:-D

Oh, and 'Kristiansand' (Oslo) was called Kristiania. Actually Christiania up until 1877, when it changed to Kristiania. The city was then named Oslo in 1925.
Thanks, fun mod, But France wasn't very good. They didn't invade anyone, only stayed on the defense. Is that normal? I was expecting them to go sweeping across invading everything.
Thanks, fun mod, But France wasn't very good. They didn't invade anyone, only stayed on the defense. Is that normal? I was expecting them to go sweeping across invading everything.

So far, what I've seen of the game (only two try outs), France does invade Russia, conquers more than half of its land, and forces Russia to make peace. France also remains at war permanently with England, but does not seem to want or be able to launch a sea invasion of Britain. That's about it. Somehow, France remains reluctant to pursue its original war against Austria, makes peace earlier on after conquering a few cities, and it does not invade Prussia at all. I think what the AI does with major CIVs is to stay put once it scores a comfortable lead. It's good for the contenders, at least it makes it possible to catch up, but sometimes that can be bad as the game bogs down into a sluggish stalemate. It's not this scenario, it's just the way the IA seems to work in CIV4.

One of my gripes in CIV4 is the diplomacy. All the AI CIVs are initially pleased with one another and remain cautious with the player CIV. I don't like that as it makes it hard to hammer out a clear strategy, especially when running a minor CIV. Down the line, when the game bogs down, you can't really do anything for fear of angering a major CIV and getting involved in an unwinnable war. It's too hard to establish a defense treaty or a permanent alliance.

The other gripe -- again not against this scenario -- is the following situation. You have a neighbor with whom you do not have open borders. That neighbor allows troops of another CIV with which you are at war to cross through its lands. These foreign troops ought not to be allowed to attack through these borders unless the neighboring CIV also declares war. That would be more in line with real world politics.
I noticed a few numbers in the leaderheadinfos: WarNearPowerRatio, WarFarPowerRatio & WarRand (or something like those). Anyway, I increased the WarFar Power Ratio into 200 (from 100), lowered the Near (to 100 from 120) & changed the WarRand for France from 40 to 80. Let's see what that'll do ;) If that doesn't work, I'll have to remove the permanent war between england & france. They would still hate each other with a -100 relation set at the beginning though.

For some reason I simply can't make the flags work properly :( Some work, others don't, and when I start messing with the Alpha Channels They just go into strange colours... Could someone do these for me? I can send the 128x128 png's your way, you'll just need to (I think) add a black alpha to make them wok on new 3d-cards (and completely white on older ones), and white alpha's to make them work on older ones (which will be the white-flag fix).

I've tried to make the AI accept diplo relations more easily by changing the RefuseAttitude's to cautious or furious, and it has helped a bit. I've also played around with some other numbers in the Leaderheads, let's see what happens :)

You guessed it, I've uploaded v1.2! Go get it, just click the download link on my sig. Oh, how do you like the new leaderheads? I rather fancy them, some (RUS, HOL, AUS) might need a bit of improvement, but otherwise they look nice to me.
For the flags to work correctly you also need the WhiteFlag=1 in the WBS for every civ. Not setting that causes weird colors to show up.

For custom flags to work on older card you will also need the secondary color of every civ color to be white, or the flag will be covered with a transparent layer or whatever it is set to.
I just started a game on 1.2 as the Ottomans... are citizens suppoesd to not eat food? Just... curious :-P
Yes, that prevents starvation. Although I might raise it to 1, so hat sieged cities will die of starvation. But having every city in (let's say.. Spain) go from their original sizes to under 5 is sad. Especially when it takes so long for them to grow back up.
You guessed it, I've uploaded v1.2! Go get it, just click the download link on my sig. Oh, how do you like the new leaderheads? I rather fancy them, some (RUS, HOL, AUS) might need a bit of improvement, but otherwise they look nice to me.

Cool -- thanks for that! I'll be trying that after Xmas.

By the way, the fortification builds are fine. I don't why I was having problems with that.
Thanks for the info Ambreville. My only quirk with this mod is all the leader heads are the same. It really should be changed, even the original leader heads of other nations would be fine. And the very bland basic flags need changing. Apart from that, very good fun mod. Cheers Paasky!
Thanks for the info Ambreville. My only quirk with this mod is all the leader heads are the same. It really should be changed, even the original leader heads of other nations would be fine. And the very bland basic flags need changing. Apart from that, very good fun mod. Cheers Paasky!

This is a work in progess. We've have at least two new versions in the past week. So I'm sure Paaski will get aorund to adding all the colorful niceties!
Tried the latest version. Everything works fine. I noticed the changes with the units. I was a bit disappointed to see that the XP bonuses went away. Oh well. The recruits were a good idea. Why is it that militia cannot be upgraded? What about line units?

CIV4's general AI shortcomings (from my point of view) unfortunately detract from this otherwise great scenario design. It's at best difficult to deal with the other CIV's from a political standpoint. In this scenario, minor CIVs are in a straitjacket and are railroaded to take suicidal decisions in an attempt to "please" major CIV's with little in return. Can't even trade anything. Within 4 years of starting this scenario, all major CIVs are at best "Cautious" with a player-controlled minor CIV. Eventually, everyone ends up declaring war on the player CIV with little or no means of avoiding war. I find CIV's diplomacy (or lack thereof) to be absolutely frustrating, unmanageable, and basically worthless from a game standpoint. It is an annoyance rather than a feature. Since this scenario is based in a large part on diplomacy, it makes the game a pointless excercise in dealing with international raving maniacs. Eventually, I lost interest and dumped my last game because of this. Too bad. The folks at Firaxis need to fix their so called "diplomacy" mechanics.
So far, what I've seen of the game (only two try outs), France does invade Russia, conquers more than half of its land, and forces Russia to make peace. France also remains at war permanently with England, but does not seem to want or be able to launch a sea invasion of Britain. That's about it. Somehow, France remains reluctant to pursue its original war against Austria, makes peace earlier on after conquering a few cities, and it does not invade Prussia at all. I think what the AI does with major CIVs is to stay put once it scores a comfortable lead. It's good for the contenders, at least it makes it possible to catch up, but sometimes that can be bad as the game bogs down into a sluggish stalemate. It's not this scenario, it's just the way the IA seems to work in CIV4.

I don't totally agree with your conclusions. I have played as Ottomans, (btw Ottomans weaponry sucks) and Austria was giving France a hard time taking Strasbourg, Genova & Milano, and achieving to attrack Russia to the battle against France, and later on (I was boring like hell with the Ottomans as I couldn't dare to fight against anybody :sad: ) as Britain, and again France landed twice in 1801 I kicked them out very fast as I was bulking in the south coast in order to take one or two french cities, and at the end of 1801 I took Amsterdam and Brest at the same time. They couldn't afford to retake none of those cities :D

For the rest I agree with your gripes. But it is the way Civ4 works, you need somebody really engaged in the SDK to change that out.
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