I noticed a few numbers in the leaderheadinfos: WarNearPowerRatio, WarFarPowerRatio & WarRand (or something like those). Anyway, I increased the WarFar Power Ratio into 200 (from 100), lowered the Near (to 100 from 120) & changed the WarRand for France from 40 to 80. Let's see what that'll do

If that doesn't work, I'll have to remove the permanent war between england & france. They would still hate each other with a -100 relation set at the beginning though.
For some reason I simply can't make the flags work properly

Some work, others don't, and when I start messing with the Alpha Channels They just go into strange colours... Could someone do these for me? I can send the 128x128 png's your way, you'll just need to (I think) add a black alpha to make them wok on new 3d-cards (and completely white on older ones), and white alpha's to make them work on older ones (which will be the white-flag fix).
I've tried to make the AI accept diplo relations more easily by changing the RefuseAttitude's to cautious or furious, and it has helped a bit. I've also played around with some other numbers in the Leaderheads, let's see what happens
You guessed it, I've uploaded v1.2! Go get it, just click the download link on my sig. Oh, how do you like the new leaderheads? I rather fancy them, some (RUS, HOL, AUS) might need a bit of improvement, but otherwise they look nice to me.