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NBA 2009 Regular Season

Cavs beating the Knicks by 50 last night, and without a real center. For added hilarity, youtube Delonte West dunking over Tracy McGrady. Their facial expressions afterward are hilarious.

In an additional blow to the NY faithful, Lebron filled out paperwork to change his number yesterday...paperwork that is only required if he stays in Cleveland.
I thought he was changing his number so that he could help Cleveland get more $$$ from the sales of the new jerseys. Time to google some more. he could one up Kobe Bryant in their ridiculous penis contest on who has more jersey sales.

Fixed that for you.

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Man, Stephen Curry is ascending toward divinity. Simmons needs to write a column on him soon instead of his ridiculous Tiger Woods junk.
After destorying a few things I am calmed down now.:crazyeye: Oh well, lets see how they play in the next game. Now Denver is in second.:mad:
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