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Need help with the addiction

Truronian said:
Remove the Enter, b, f and Space bar keys from your keyboard. Very soon the game will be too iritating to play!

Or alternatively smash the CD (by accident :mischief: )

Nah - serous addict will use the mouse and flxed exe inside of a hour...
I have to agree that a gaming addiction often must be stopped by destroying that very addiction, in this case the game cd or the computer.

Or get a wife that yells at you and tells you that you don't spend enough time with her cuz of that game. Its often better than destroying a CD cuz wifes are really good at making you feel cheap, and if you do the right thing you get sex :D
Anastasia said:
In the end, I threw the disk out. In the garbage. Now, however, my dad has Civ4 installed on his computer. I can't exactly ask him to uninstall it or password-protect the computer (I hope it won't come to that).
A friend once hid my Civ III disk whilst I was at university for a laugh. It was most inconvenient but he did tell me where disk was hidden shortly after I began to disembowel him. :devil:
Thanks for the responses, everything. Admitting that I have a problem was definitely the first right step. Talking about this is very helpful, like coming out of the closet really.

taillesskangaru said:
4) Do NOT touch you computers for a few days. Have a rest. Maybe you could go camping in a secluded forest. Do something, anything. The point is to get your mind off the game.
5) Enjoy your freedom.
The thing is, I use the game as an escape from any stressful situations. I've got a week in the last 2 months without playing, while busy with Real Life, but when faced with any serious responsibility, I can't seem to help myself, I get sucked right back in.

IglooDude said:
Why can't you ask him to password-protect the PC? He should be aware that you're playing Civ4 waaaay too much on his computer anyway.
Embarrassing as it is, I think I'll do that. I need his computer for access to the printer, but I can just ask him to log on for me whenever I need to print, and that's it. And I think I'll say "no thanks" to the last big hurray. The last game I played (ended at 4:20am last night, right before I made the thread) was satisfying, I built a spaceship; it's a good point to stop at. Better than that unfulfilled "they think they're better than me?" feeling.

Pasi Nurminen said:
2) Find a girl.
Steph said:
Based on "anastasia", should we send her to Mathilda, or wouldn't it be better to find a boy?
I was just thinking the same thing as Steph, what would I do with a girl? I've got a sister, does that count?

Winner said:
How come you have time for this?
Heretic_Cata said:
@Anastasia: A very important question:
How long have you been adicted to it ? I have played civ3 for about 3-4 weeks at most. At the end of those, the initial "rush" faded away.
I first discovered Civ3 about 4 years ago, playing on a bootleg version. It would crash the computer regularly and that limited its appeal. Then I bought the game, and after a bad day at work I needed to "drown" in it for a couple hours every other day. It's a great way to make the time fly make, make the day end. Currently, for 2 months now, I'm in between jobs, living with my parents. So, I have all the free time in the world, which I should be using to look for a job - an activity that is never pleasant, and Civ4 is my way of totally avoiding it. Like procrastination to the nth degree. I do get to hate the game sometimes.

Mathilda said:
Anastasia - how old are you?
You said you should be looking for work, what sort of work?
Would finding work give you the opportunity to move out from your parents' house?
Oh, and the best equally dangerous way to give up civ is to start posting on CFC OT regurlarly.
I'm in my mid-twenties (also referred to as the quarter-life-crisis). Yeah, I should be looking for work (see above). I think posting on an online forum is much healthier and a good solution. At least I know how to handle it. I used to be a Robert Jordan nut (almost missed a midterm because I was in the middle of "The Dragon Reborn"), lol, I'm not new to obsessions I guess. Anyone, once I started posting on RJ forums online, I've lost all interest in the books.

Wow, I've just given out a lot of very personal information. ~experiences a bit of exhibitionist thrill~

PrinceOfLeigh said:
Much better to stay in and play CIV. At least conquering other nations on CIV gives you a sense of achievement, you won't get that in the real world.
That's totally it! I get a real sense of achievement from Civ. It's completely under my control. I get to dominate and to win.

Gr3yL3gion said:
Why stay addicted to only Civ when you can be addicted in
2)Total War
3)Diablo 2
Vary your addiction a little, then you'll have a life.
LOL, isn't that the truth? I think I have an addictive personality. Aside from the top 3 (more video games, I assume) and smoking, every one of these dominated my life for some period of time. There were months at a stretch when I would do nothing but work too much, play Civ, get drunk, and have sex.

Shopping as a hobby is one severe detraction - it's expensive. Drinking too, especially to your health. As for the rest, none are currently within reach, but Civ is. Although this gives me ideas... Stock up the fridge with beer and every time I want to play Civ, start drinking until the urge passes. Ought to be a fascinating experiment. Should I do that in addition or instead of making the computer off-limits (password protected)? Hmm.
I would say find a job. Or get your parents to kick you out. Once you really can not afford to play all day long, your addiction will vanish in the haze.

But if you know you're only gonna get two months and after that it's back to normal life, then I would say play every single minute of it :)
Screw civ. try heroin.
Now that the forum knows you're female you could make a few hundred posts over the next few days, put a note in your signature telling everyone to send you flirtatious Private Messeges and reply to them all. THat ought to keep you busy for awhile. :D
I'll share this with you, I'm horribly addicted to World of Warcraft and for the same reasons -- I dislike a lot in my life, I feel I'm going no where, I feel like I fail at everything I try. When I play WoW, all the sudden I can accomplish tasks, work towards goals, see progress ect....

Like, no matter how much I didn't do today (blew off class, didn't look for a job) I at least got to the next level. I at least got the 8th piece of my tier 2 set. I at least got past 900 healing. None of that makes sense to probably anyone here -- which is what makes it so sad. It only matters to me and I can't even share it with my fiancé.

So I'll share this, don't fight it head on. You can't win that. You'll just find yourself thinking about "oh man, I could be getting ready to sack Berlin!" Instead, do what you did: take a break and set yourself some goals. And by goals, I mean start *****ing about what you hate about your life. You don't have a job, you're in your parents house ect... Write them down. Tape that paper to your monitor. And work on them. There's a lot of satisfaction in crossing one out.

If you're anything like me and my Civ addiction, you probably already list out how to destroy another country. "Need 40 infantry, 18 tanks and 70 artillery. Attack in 2 columns... "See? You already have the skills!

Last, I'd also recommend seeing a doctor. You sound depressed (I know I was and am). If you're not adverse to trying anti-depressants, I'd seriously recommend you explore that possibility.

Anastasia said:
I was just thinking the same thing as Steph, what would I do with a girl? I've got a sister, does that count?

Only in erotica.

edit: damn it, Cleric (who else?) beat me.

lol cleric beat me.
I recommend playing a pbem against Klarius, Moonsinger or Wacken Open Air in civ3 or Sirian, Sullla or Kylearan in civ4. This will immediately destroy your desire to play on as they will annihilate you into oblivion. The other alternative is to do what I do and get a laptop and unplug it.

Ultimately, civ saved my life or else I'd be out carousing with my friends till 3am instead.

Oh yeah and read this. It's a great help.
Barbslinger's rules for a drinking conquest.
Anastasia said:
I think I have an addictive personality. Aside from the top 3 (more video games, I assume) and smoking, every one of these dominated my life for some period of time. There were months at a stretch when I would do nothing but work too much, play Civ, get drunk, and have sex.
Working too much is dangerous. Stress can raise your blood pressure and although I have no idea why that's bad, it don't sound good. I suggest you bin off the work and focus on the other addictions.

Oh and augurey, 18 tanks, 70 Artillery? :dubious: Bombers and Cavalry is the way to go my friend.
Whomp said:
Ultimately, civ saved my life or else I'd be out carousing with my friends till 3am instead.

I dunno, i play civ a lot and am out quite a bit of the time as well!:mischief:
BCLG100 said:
I dunno, i play civ a lot and am out quite a bit of the time as well!:mischief:
There's a little thing called recovery skills. :old:
You'll learn young padawan, you'll learn.
Go to Yunnan and teach English. China is fascinating and Yunnan's as good as it gets if you like countryside. Most jobs are in the cities though. If you can get a Yunnan posting you'll be very happy about it.


And here for Yunnan specifically: http://www.tefl.cc/Yunan/index.htm

Loads of jobs here on the link. When you come back the monotony of Civ just won't do anything for you. It's the pleasant simplicity and familiarity that draws people to Civ; especially people that are risk averse. Personally I gave this game far too much time (I was there when Civ 1 came out and it blew me away), but now I find that talking nonsense with these chumps on OT is far more fun! :p Think of us like Montezuma and Elizabeth! All your cities are belong to us. :D
I agree with Narz. I kind of miss those days when I enjoyed CIV so much. I've noticed that when I get bored of something I don't necessarily find something else interesting. Besides, procrastination won't stop because you stop playing CIV, it's not that easy.

Perhaps you're not addicted but only think it's fun? Games are not a drug, play a game long enough and you will get bored.

However if it gets out of hand, Steph's tip of upping the difficulty level have "helped" me earlier (doing the opposite also works to revive the interest for the game). Also I think it's easier to create healthier habits around it while still enjoying the game instead of stopping altogether. Try to get something boring done (eg apply for a job) before you start playing.

Also remember that the game will always be there, don't choose the game before being with friends.
UPDATE: Things have been good. Ever since posting here, the craving and the desire to play really left (thank you civfanatics for killing my "libido" hehe). I played once or twice for a few hours and it was totally not a big deal. I'm happy :) thank you all
Cold Turkey is the way to go.
Gr3yL3gion said:
Why stay addicted to only Civ when you can be addicted in
2)Total War
3)Diablo 2
Vary your addiction a little, then you'll have a life.

These are the only two games I have on my computer. I got rathered bored of Civilization IV and uninstalled it. For some reason, I've never been able to find a game that lives up to sheer joy I got out of Civ II.

I'm not sure whether I should be thankful or not that Oblivion crashes/freezes so often, otherwise I'd never stop.
Or you could do like me and just have your computer be unable to play games for 3 months.

That will drop your desire to play them by more than you can imagine. It really is something.
oblivion is an amazing game however it requires sooo much time.

After beating most of the side quests, main quests, wandering around for hours increasing your attributes. There is not much left to do, so after i spent hours doing that, i didnt play anymore.

Or you could do like me and just have your computer be unable to play games for 3 months.

That will drop your desire to play them by more than you can imagine. It really is something.

Or the opposite can occur. EAgerly waiting and imagining different momnets in the game, then those 3 months would be agonizing. After that much time to suddenly being able to play, will cause you to play for hours on end.(to curb the thirst that you have developed over the 3 months)
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