#nes, the NESer Chatroom!

warrensofthought.com is down. Use the backup link, irc.synirc.net. I explain how to do it in While We Wait, and also in the first post of this thread.
Maybe we should keep WWW chatter to #nes, I'd highly encourage any and all to come on chat :)
A lot of active discussion is going on in #nes and #neverending. I would encourage our guests from IOT to join the chat -- no registration required.

mibbit.com or kiwiirc.com have good, free, web-based IRC clients; you want to be joining channels #nes and #neverending on warrensofthought.com

Hope to see you there!
Not sure where else to ask this? Does anyone know (someone who knows) how to set up Morde on an IRC channel? it's been requested for #iot
Currently camped out in #nes on irc.mibbit.com while warrensofthought is down.

EDIT: Whelp, that was fixed quickly
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There is also our backup room in irc.synirc.net that I have been maintaining for years, but yeah, warrensofthought is back up, mostly.
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