I’m excited for a future Philippines modern civ in DLC. esp if it comes with national/aquatic national parks
the RizzlerThe first look cut off the first word of the line, took a few tries to understand the whole quote. Crazy hearing Tagalog in a civ game now, and his abilities (especially his agenda) really match my Philippine Civ design (whose main schtick is endeavors)
Excited to see his own narrative events*, and seems to be a good fit for Mexico.
*expecting to see some about his travels and studies, some about his novels, his political works, but the one I'm most excited about is to see J. Rizz's flirting narrative events
I, on the other hand, hate it with such a burning passion that I cannot wait for someone to make a mod to make the other leader address the camera like they should.I salute the innovation of the new diplomatic screen allowing you to see your own leader
the Rizzler
I have no problem with that “Mortal Kombat diplomacy screen” insofar as the Leaders face each other, but I do hate the flag backgrounds. It’d look so much better if both Leaders were standing in front of the art screen for either your civilization or theirsI, on the other hand, hate it with such a burning passion that I cannot wait for someone to make a mod to make the other leader address the camera like they should.I hate the Mortal Kombat diplomacy screen more than anything else I've seen in the game.
To each their own. I like seeing the character I'm playing more than playing through the eyes of my character. When I'm playing a boardgame, sure, I look the other player in the eyes, but I'm also looking at my pawn looking at the other player's pawns.I, on the other hand, hate it with such a burning passion that I cannot wait for someone to make a mod to make the other leader address the camera like they should.I hate the Mortal Kombat diplomacy screen more than anything else I've seen in the game.
Yes, the backgrounds look bad.I have no problem with that “Mortal Kombat diplomacy screen” insofar as the Leaders face each other, but I do hate the flag backgrounds. It’d look so much better if both Leaders were standing in front of the art screen for either your civilization or theirs
Yeah, I see myself as playing against the other leaders as players, but I see my own leader as just a set of bonuses.To each their own. I like seeing the character I'm playing more than playing through the eyes of my character. When I'm playing a boardgame, sure, I look the other player in the eyes, but I'm also looking at my pawn looking at the other player's pawns.
Larian would have to hire at least one writer more mature than a 13-year-old before their roleplaying would be wonderful.Same thing in Larian's game: you don't play in first person, and it never prevent the roleplay aspect to be wonderful.
As long as I can mod out the ugly diplomacy screen for one that looks better, it's fine. It should be possible since we see the leaders face-on in leader selection.However, you had six games with leaders facing the screen. Let people like me have their treat for at least one game![]()
That would be the main menu and leader selection screensI think there are clearly some front-facing leader scenes in the game. Otherwise, where have these First Look clips been coming from? That makes me feel a little bit better about things.
I’m from an earlier generation who was also taught Jose Rizal’s romantic escapades at school, so hearing younger people call him “J. Rizz” is both appropriate… but also feels weird lolthe one I'm most excited about is to see J. Rizz's flirting narrative events
On that note, I really like how the traditional "leader introduction" now plays during game setup. It's flavourful and I don't feel like I have to skip it everytime like in pasts civs.I'm gonna probably choose him for my first playthrough (also, I salute the innovation of the new diplomatic screen allowing you to see your own leader.
Those banners have so much potential, right now they are serviceable and clear but very boring (emblem and Jersey). But they could be historical inspired banners, and even have elements to denote the government choosen. Just as a few examples, I'd love to see actual Roman banners when playing Rome, or Sashimono when playing Japan. I think that would communicate the point across way clearer than just emblem and color.I have no problem with that “Mortal Kombat diplomacy screen” insofar as the Leaders face each other, but I do hate the flag backgrounds
Probably a different map type. Better than before, but still suffering from fill-out-the-rectangle-ism.Look at the minimap! I am more and more inclined to think many of the blocky maps we’ve seen are a result of the generator still being a WIP. Those continents look *way* better than many of the earlier ones we have seen!
Look, it's not her fault her clothes fell in a vat of rice starch...and then a vat of cement.Himiko still looking a bit wonky.