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pre-release info New First Look: José Rizal

pre-release info
Probably a different map type. Better than before, but still suffering from fill-out-the-rectangle-ism.

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So, will this be the first Civ in the modern era to ship without an Earth map?
That right rectangle has Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and the British Isles in the Northwest. And the left one has the southern 80% of Africa.
Himiko's model looks a lot better than before. Praise the goddess for that.

Rizal is an inspired choice and I like the flavour behind this abilities. They vibe as underpowered however, and I don't really care about narrative events, so probably not a high priority to play for me. But if I do draw him randomly, I won't complain about it.
But aren't the goody huts also narrative events? I am not sure. From the plays it seems like there are a lot of them and it might be quite powerful no matter what style you're playing.
Part of that mini map looks like someone cut two separate maps at the equator, swapped the halves, and stitched them back together. Help me unsee this.
There are definitely some weird horizontal artifacts. It looks like they have a growth algorithm that's running up against preset boundaries. I guess that follows from a "start with civ placement and grow landmasses from there" model.

Himiko's model looks a lot better than before. Praise the goddess for that.

Rizal is an inspired choice and I like the flavour behind this abilities. They vibe as underpowered however, and I don't really care about narrative events, so probably not a high priority to play for me. But if I do draw him randomly, I won't complain about it.
Still feel augustus and himiko's models are botched. we can see the triangles 😅
Still feel augustus and himiko's models are botched. we can see the triangles 😅
Agreed. Hatshepsut is not quite as bad as those two, but her model is also not the greatest.
Those banners have so much potential, right now they are serviceable and clear but very boring (emblem and Jersey). But they could be historical inspired banners, and even have elements to denote the government choosen. Just as a few examples, I'd love to see actual Roman banners when playing Rome, or Sashimono when playing Japan. I think that would communicate the point across way clearer than just emblem and color.
For me, and that's an absolutely personal and subjective opinion, it helps more with immersion seeing a scene of the nation that's being led by a particular leader, rather than a flag. Also, many in-game civilizations had no flags. It's much more interesting seeing a historical setting associated to every civilization (landscape, city, building, etc.) than a boring flag. That's why I thing that Civ5 leader backgrounds were some of the best we've seen in the series thus far.
For me, and that's an absolutely personal and subjective opinion, it helps more with immersion seeing a scene of the nation that's being led by a particular leader, rather than a flag. Also, many in-game civilizations had no flags. It's much more interesting seeing a historical setting associated to every civilization (landscape, city, building, etc.) than a boring flag. That's why I thing that Civ5 leader backgrounds were some of the best we've seen in the series thus far.
I like the more dynamic leaders of Civ6 and Civ7, but I do miss the more interesting lighting, poses, and scenes of Civ5. If I have to choose only one, I want the dynamic leader...but I don't think there's a good reason I should have to choose only one.
I wonder how you can play to maximise the number of quests you get?

I guess that exploring a lot early helps trigger more quests?

What more can you do to maximise that part of his ability?

The Oracle gives Culture from events so it wiuld synergies well.

The celebrations will of course benefit from maximising happiness.
Probably a different map type.

Looks like it might be the archipelago map? Which would make sense to choose if they're playing with Majapahit and Hawaii
Himiko's model looks a lot better than before. Praise the goddess for that.

Rizal is an inspired choice and I like the flavour behind this abilities. They vibe as underpowered however, and I don't really care about narrative events, so probably not a high priority to play for me. But if I do draw him randomly, I won't complain about it.

It seems like there's a lot of narrative events, so this might be something where his LUA is impactful cause it kicks in before most others with some early game boosts.
There's a "Tropical" terrain type, so I'd assume that there's a difference in lattitude.
I'm sooooo going to play as him in my first game. I even read my first 40 pages of "Noli me tangere" today! One small curiosity I noticed is that the quote "let arms yield to the toga" which appears with one of the civics, is also mentioned by Rizal.
I remember many years ago when José Rizal was the leader for the Colonialist Legacies Philippines mod for Civ 5! Great to see him finally make the official cut.
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