New IPhone 13 compatibility?


Jan 30, 2007
The Midlands UK.
Hi, I’m in the process of renewing my IPhone 8 and was considering either the 11 or 12 which are both listed as compatible by the Devs.
However, these are still costly phones considering the age they now are. This has urged me to consider going for the IPhone 13.
I appreciate that this is very early days yet but would appreciate any feedback regarding news from the Devs or anyone who has tried playing on a “13” before I take the leap into the unknown and buy one.
The game plays fine on the 8 btw but I’m seeking to use a larger screen.
I tried it on my iphone xr. It worked, but… i much prefer ipad. The interface wasn’t tiny, but still a bit cramped.
its a free download to try, so that part isn’t an issue. I’d rather get an ipad for civ than an expensive iphone, at least.
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