New units: French, Italian, Japanese WWI infantry 11/08/2004

Steph said:
Japanese "marines" can be represented with both uniforms. I selected the blue one because I think it's nice to be differentiate more easily between marines, infantry, paratroopers, etc.

Even though it's nice to differenciate, I'd rather go with olive drab instead of navy blue for the naval landers (yes, they are the Japanese Marines, est'd in the 1920s) - simply because it's the battle/field uniform and not the parade uniform.
Mobilize said:
If everybodies military was weak.. it wouldn't change much.. because you'd still have some militaries which are better than others. It would just make war last longer and have more casualties.

wouldn't it change much? more casualties?
Mobilize, with all the respect to USA, but i disagree with strong military nations; are a stone and a club like a nuclear bomb? A war fighted with stones and clubs ends like in "2001:a space odissey": 1 died!
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