[R&F] New Years Clues

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There is a chief called Duckhunter, but Wikipedia only has a picture of him.
If the clues are hinting at the leader, the buffalo pound makes since as well as the peace pipe for Chief Poundmaker.
If the clues are hinting at the leader, the buffalo pound makes since as well as the peace pipe for Chief Poundmaker.
Clues always referred to civ (like the maps) as well as leaders (the rest).
So maybe the decoy is the hint for the Cree in general? Or the peace pipe is a general hint for NA civ?
Personally I think it will Chief Poundmaker or Big Bear. And they will be a cultural/economic focused civ. Based on everything I read they were not a warlike tribe. They tended to sell weapons to other tribes, like Blackfoot, who would in turn protect them. So I think they will be centered around trade and gain bonuses from them. As for the UU, possibly a Unique Great Merchant? Not sure there though
A made pound. I would guess poundmaker as well.
Sounds like Big Bear;

"Great ones press onward"

He resisted signing the treaties and wanted to keep fighting much longer than the others. He also has, by a mile, the longest entry of all the potential Cree leaders in the Canadian encyclopedia, which is usually a pretty good indicator, I think.
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Well, unless someone can figure out how to tie the decoys to a leader, I guess Pihtokahanpiwiyin is the most likely suspect.
So tomorrow we will see city names like Moose Jaw and A Pile of Bones . Cut Knife Hill should be the capital of a poundmaker cree
I think there has to be a mix of them as usual
It's a difficult ask since 99% of their audience wouldn't be able to pronounce the Cree names and some might not fit in the city UI.
It is not like Rome was called Rome or anything
Hopefully they did enough research to mostly have Cree city names rather than English or French.
I can see Cut Knife being the capital if Poundmaker is the leader. Other cities can be Saskatoon and maybe Winnipeg.:shifty:
It is not like Rome was called Rome or anything


All this talk about decoys makes me think it's a decoy...

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