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NiNES: A Broken Galaxy

Indeed. We just need some new players to breathe in life again to the NES.
Thanks for the praise guys, that's the reward that makes the tedium of updating all worthwhile. :)
Of course, looking at the stats of some other factions I do feel a bit intimidated :p
Indeed, some factions our outright scary to look at. Which is actually one of the problems with the ruleset I was hinting at - there are no restraining forces in play.
Indeed. We just need some new players to breathe in life again to the NES.
If you know any, hit them in the head and drag them over here.
There shouldn't be restraining forces other that story based ones... Countries can evolve forever...

BTW Symphony is this listed as the player for USC so I assume the front page isn't updated either?
There shouldn't be restraining forces other that story based ones... Countries can evolve forever...
Those are not the kind of restraints I'm talking about. I'm talking about restraints within the rules. Since this ruleset is close to a board game, I don't have the rather arbitrary or story-based constraints that work in "normal" NESes.
BTW Symphony is this listed as the player for USC so I assume the front page isn't updated either?
Sorry, my mistake, I'm not used to updating player names. The stats are updated, and now your name is there too.
OOC: As you have the tech for it, you should know! So instead of asking the mod something that you have at your fingertips, go look for it yourself :p
OOC: You can calm your paranoia too, they're sheerly defensive weapons for the most part ;)
Correct, they are for defense only, and only work once.
to Democratic Autarchy of Huris and colonists of Lacaille
The problem of the rights of ownership in Lacaille are becoming rather silly. We believe this tiny problem must be solved quickly before the mouse will make a mountain. Already more aggressive factions in Lacaille and Huris look to seed a war among us all.

The USC believes that the solution to this problem is either the creation of Lacaille self government or some sort of a sharing papers for the system.

What do my good friends think?
To: United Systems Coalition and the Inhabitants of Lacaille
From: Democratic Autarchy of Huris

The USC continues to overlook the past. The way the government of Huris sees it, the USC moved onto a planet which it had no claim to, in order to dispense humanitarian aid to the refugees of Lacaille, who prior to that date had struggled unknown.

This, we applaud.

However, the USC then proceeded to take advantage of the situation, and by the time Hurisian representatives arrived, the Lacailleans perceived us as a force of evil and callousness, and joined the USC. The Hurisian settlers settled elsewhere on the planet and system, bringing about today's situation.

There is fault on both sides. The DAH could have been more thorough in its scouting of the system, the USC could have informed us of the situation so that we could dispense aid and help recuperate civilization of Lacaille (It should be noted that DAH vessels were about to arrive at Lacaille when the incident occurred).

To the previous Coalition administration, Huris suggested that the local population on the planet be given Hurisian citizenship and local self-government. We repeat this offer, to the people of Lacaille, and the USC.

-William Enseth, Democratic Autarch of Huris
to Huris:
We see. We will await response from the citizens of Lacaille if they would prefer the suggestion made by Huris.
I seem to be doing nothing but apologizing these days, but here we go again. First I had some problems with the Jump Drive that set me back a few days. And this past week I've had a pretty nasty backlash with my enthesopathy (wee, I learnt a new word), so my shoulders prevent me from being at the computer more than a few minutes here and there. I'll get the PMs out first chance.
Health is the most important thing in life; if you don't have it, then everything else is meaningless. Or so I've been taught.
Alright, I guess it's time to stop lying to myself. I've now been going well over six months with these shoulder problems and it seems there's no release in sight. I'm working at my PhD studies at 25% pace, from home, and barely managing. I'm spending way more time at the computer than I really should, but I tell myself (probably rightly so) that I need the social interaction, since not being at work makes me otherwise isolated. Still, I've had to cut down much of my time around here as well, compared to how it used to be.

In the light of all this, there is simply no room for me to spend the kind of time I needed for the updates of this NES. Spread out over (long) time I could of course sum up enough time, but at the expense of most other things (those that give me that social interaction that keeps me at the computer in the first place). And I simply don't have the tenacity to work piecemeal on the updates like I should. There is also the issue that as the game has progressed on, we've ventured into uncharted territory (rules-wise), and I've had to 'wing it', something I realize I'm not actually comfortable with. Had we still been at the beginning of the game, updating would have been much simpler because the rules covered all cases.

All this together means I can't continue running this game. I realize most of you had probably already given up hope, but this game still deserves a formal note of ending: Sorry, but this game is over.

It was a good game, not to say a great game, for a long while one of the best that was running on these boards. It wasn't due to me, I merely provided you with a setting in which to live out your fantasies. We had thirteen (IMO) really interesting updates, again not possible without the immersive and highly interesting environment you all helped create. The many fantastic stories written for this game by so many of you is what I'll take with me and remember for a long time. We all deserved a much better ending than this, but life ain't always fair.

I hope I will still leave some sort of legacy though - I encourage all of you to head over to Chandrasekhar's new NES that will be starting for real in not too long. I've told him about my experiences running this game, and I have good hope that he will avoid the pitfalls I sometimes stumbled into. I really hope I will be able to participate in that game, it would be fun to play with and against you all, instead of just playing the impassive universe. So see you there. :)
yes, it was an excellent NES, and it was good for you to end it, and just not leave it hanging indeffently. if you ever start another NES, I am sure most of us will be eager and waiting for it!

that said, awards would be nice.
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