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North Korea finally joins the modern world

This is a great letdown. Now we'll have to find a different country to mock.
errrrrr............cuba? they are like the poorest communist nation on earth, they cant afford e-mail censoring :lol:
I thought France was always the official back-up in these situations? ;)
Originally posted by Pillager
I thought France was always the official back-up in these situations? ;)

Well it was, but they found out and threatened to revoke the license on French Fries, so we had to make it unofficial. (You don't think at this point we are going to call them chips do you? We already have another fried potato product with that name!)

BTW, what do you call potatoes thinly sliced, fried in oil and put in a bag or can? Examples would be Pringles, Lays, some Frito Lay products, etc.
Originally posted by Greadius
After 50 decades of heads in the sand policy, North Korea is finally going[...]

500 years ?
Wow, that's a long time for a policy :p
Originally posted by knowltok2

BTW, what do you call potatoes thinly sliced, fried in oil and put in a bag or can? Examples would be Pringles, Lays, some Frito Lay products, etc.

Could be wrong, but I believe they call them "crisps".

As far as NK goes, sounds sketchy to me. We'll see what happens I guess.
As someone earlier said, there probably just setting this up to fail, after all North Koreans have all there information censored:

North Korean aquivalant of ICQ pops up:

Government: Korea and Communism have taken over the world
Korean: Can we go see ?
Government: urm.....nooo.....um...Evil capitalist Guerillas unleashed bears around your house...yes thats it
Korean: So we cant see ?
Government: No, youll just have to believe me, now go back to your Socailist paradise you working class scum
Korean: :confused:
They just figured pure Stalinist policies aren't going to work now, with the famines and what. I think they're close to total economic collapse and are trying to mimic the Chinese Communists, who had pretty much opened up the country economically but keeping a very tight lease on the political front.

I figure it'd fail eventually. Too little too late to compete with the Chinese magnet. Except for a some S Korean investments, I doubt others will be much interested, with China right next door. ;)
Ohh how nice, would they care to dismount their WMD arsenals then?? :D :) :nuke:

They they, are good guys, riight?? :rolleyes:

Ahh my capitalist hero, what a nice guy he is, Kim Il-Jong...
Originally posted by Greadius
Really? That is what I was aiming for :lol:

I say its a big step because up until now, the North Korean government refused to budge on these issues. This is just the first step in the right direction, and although a small step, is still a big turn around.

I think the difference between 'Communist' North Korea and 'Capitalist' South Korea, using the real world defintions instead of the utopia-theories, highlight why I think of one as modern and the other as backward.

I don't want to get involved involved in a communist/capitalist theory argument either, so I will just say that I also am quite relieved to see North Korea peacefully adjusting, as it is an **s-backwards country.

The alternative way to go for them, makes me shudder at the negative consequences for the region.
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