Possible scum teams I see:
2 - Kennigit, Backwards Logic
1 - Visorslash, Sprig
0 - choxorn
So close. Visor verifying your tracking ability was the only thing holding me back (which is not his fault because you apparently DID have that ability). I'm pretty sure I noted all of these at some point in the game, but mainly because:
- Your tracking list could not have possibly been more convenient. It looked totally fake, you just happening to track only living players with claims raised eyebrows. It especially raised the question of why you revealed to Visor early on if he was the only person you never tracked?
- While aggressive early on, this was all after townies and you dropped off the face of the earth in the last few days. Look at Masque of Death or Darths and Droids - townie BL doesn't go silent like that.
- Why would a claimed tracker still be alive when everyone knows there's no living doctor?
- It explained why Visor was alive (you revealed to him early to gain the town network leader's trust and lower his suspicions of you).
- You did try to push things towards choxorn on the day Kennigit was lynched, but you didn't fully commit to a vote, like you were making sure it was kosher before you did it.
That scan of Sprig (and telling Visor before Sprig revealed his actions that night) won you the game. With you being confirmed a tracker, everything above seems tinfoily.
I probably should have realized Sprig's ability was not a scum one, but it seemed of questionable use to a townie, especially with that personal goal and his chosen targets. Plus I didn't think he was acting like a townie at all.
I didn't use my ability because I didn't think its effect was that useful. Everyone I suspected had already claimed an active ability anyways. It wasn't worth killing myself over. I thought I was more useful to the town alive than dead. I hate having this kind of ability anyways, I don't want to be pressured into killing myself to be useful. I want to play the game, I don't want to die.
I dunno why I thought I had 3 strength. There's no excuse really. I make stupid mistakes sometimes, but this didn't really matter anyways.
The game balance seemed fine. Probably too many nightkills, but the setup is solid. Making BL's role a tracker is brilliant, it's great cover.
Sigh. Too little, too late. I should have gotten more involved in the game sooner, instead of relying on late game heroics. Should have pushed people besides me and Visor to post more and force them to give their reads and thoughts. Should not have thrown BL out the window as a suspect because he was a tracker.
At least I got Visor shaking in his boots from some epic trash talk last night.

Which feels even more ridiculous now than it did then. I think my original justification was trying to figure out what you were doing, but it kind of spiraled from there. And I feel silly for sending that long list of leading questions to choxorn and BL last night to convince them Visor was the orc, not me. I think I may have brought choxorn over to my side in this hypothetical world where Visor was the orc and BL was town, but it ended up not mattering anyways.