GG folks! Thanks for hosting, Auto! And well played BL and fellow orcs! 

Autolycus said:Role:Mud golem
Player: Kennigit
VC:Clan of Embers Have equal to or greater total strength to enemies, or equal numbers if only A New Hope players remain besides you.
Ability: Snares: Night Ability, prevents target from taking any actions
PG: Block someone with an active ability
You are a Goblin! After rolling around in the mud, and fully caking yourself in it, you infiltrated the dwarven camp as the vanguard to the vanguard. After discovering their planned counterassault, you informed your mistress Sheelba (played by TheForestAuro), and she returned with the hunter Backwards Logic to destroy their resistance before it could even start.
All must burn before the wrath of the Orcs (and goblins)!
QT:The Brick Oven
Autolycus said:Role:Hunter
Player: Backwards Logic
VC:Clan of Embers Have equal to or greater total strength to enemies, or equal numbers if only A New Hope players remain besides you.
Ability: Tracker: Night Ability see what actions, if any, targeted player takes
PG: Never use your personal ability
You are the right-hand orc to Queen Sheelba (TheForestAuro) Always short for an orc, this has finally come in handy with the need to prevent the mustering of the dwarvish armies, as told to you by the goblin Kennigit. While you are a hunter, for you the kill is more pleasurable than the hunt, so you'd like to do more slaughter and less stalk, now that war is here.
All must burn before the wrath of the Orcs!
QT:The Brick Oven
Autolycus said:Role:Lanun Refugee
Player: TheForestAuro
VC:Clan of Embers Have equal to or greater total strength to enemies, or equal numbers if only A New Hope players remain besides you.
Ability: Set them ablaze! Strength-based kill. In case of tie you fail, but your id is not revealed. You die if you are weaker than the target.
PG: Never fail a kill
You are Sheelba, Queen of all the Orcs (at least if you ignore that brute Jonas Endain)!!! When the goblin Kennigit told you of the dwarvish massing, you decided you wanted to quell it yourself. Accordingly, you disguised yourself as a Lanun human and infiltrated the camp with your right-hand orc Backwards Logic. You'd like to burn some dwarves and listen to them scream, but it would be highly embarrassing if one managed to survive such an attempt.
All must burn before the wrath of the Orcs !
QT:The Brick Oven
Autolycus said:Role:Nullstone Golem
Player: Jarrema
VC:Isolationists! Have equal to or greater total strength to enemies, or equal numbers .
Ability: Null: Immune to all roleblocks
PG: Kill at least one of the Orcish invaders
This talk of an assault is madness. Garrim Gyr only agreed because he knew he'd be outvoted. Accordingly, he has sent you, his finest creation, along with his fungal ally johnhughthom to eliminate the leadership of the army, these pathetic upworlder refugees, and with them, this nonsense about taking the offensive. You suspect the camp's been compromised, and being designed for war, your purpose is best met by destroying one or more the declared enemy.
Here we belong, and here we shall stay!
QT:Leave us alone!
Autolycus said:Role:Nullstone Golem
Player: Jarrema
VC:Isolationists! Have equal to or greater total strength to enemies, or equal numbers .
Ability: Poison: Reduce target's strength by one permanently, killing them if it reduces them to zero
PG: Never use the team kill
This talk of an assault is madness. Garrim Gyr only agreed because he knew he'd be outvoted. Accordingly, he has sent you, his fungal ally along with his finest creation jarrema to eliminate the leadership of the army, these pathetic upworlder refugees, and with them, this nonsense about taking the offensive. You have disguised yourself as a human priest from the Bannor lands, and will spread death to help your ally. However, physical assaults are not your style (poison's so much classier), so you'd rather let the machine do the brutality if possible.
Here we belong, and here we shall stay!
QT:Leave us alone!
Autolycus said:Role:Wood Golem
Player: Zack
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Self_immolation: Night ability. Sacrifice yourself to publicly reveal everyone who took a night action that night.
PG: Be part of the group who takes down an enemy of the new Grand Army (lynch a scum)
You are a loyal wood golem in the Excellent Grand Army of Dwarves, (E. G.A.D.) You will help eliminate all threats and usher in a beautiful new era of Dwarf-led civilization, the fourth era. You also can can make fuel for a magnificent bonfire, in a pinch.
Autolycus said:Role:Iron Golem
Player: Legato Endless
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Stand Guard: Night ability. Protect target
PG: Keep someone safe from an attack
You are a loyal iron golem in the Excellent Grand Army of Dwarves, (E. G.A.D.) You will help eliminate all threats and usher in a beautiful new era of Dwarf-led civilization, the fourth era. While not the strongest, you're durable, and therefore a good guard to protect another.
Autolycus said:Role:Clockwork Golem
Player: robbiecon
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Just keep ticking: Passive day ability: Immune to all day abilities
PG: Finely Calibrated: On at least two occasions almost get lynched (be the second highest vote-getter)
You are a loyal clockwork golem in the Excellent Grand Army of Dwarves, (E. G.A.D.) You will help eliminate all threats and usher in a beautiful new era of Dwarf-led civilization, the fourth era. Once you get started in the morning, nothing can stop you. You'd like to test your calibration, and that will require walking a close line.
Autolycus said:Role:Gargoyle
Player: spaceman98
VC: A New Hope
Ability: No erosion: Passive ability, immune to strength reduction
PG: Swift strike:Win before the end of day 6
You are well-designed flying golem of the Excellent Grand Army of Dwarves, (E. G.A.D.) You remained stationary for years, through wind and rain, and now your impatient to get moving and destroy some orcs!
Autolycus said:Role:Slinger
Player: Visorslash
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Stun: Night ability: You can reduce one person's strength by one for the next day and night. If their strength is zero, their vote loses effect, and they can't perform actions.
PG: Reduce an enemy's strength to 0
You are a top nature slinger in the Excellent Grand Army of Dwarves, (E. G.A.D.) While for battle you will use larger stones, for the moment, you only have pebbles, which will cause only minor damage, and certainly not lethal damage. Well, you'll use what you've got to serve your country!
Autolycus said:Role:Boar Rider
Player: KingMorgan
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Veteran: You served with Bsmith in the past, and thus know him to be a loyal dwarf
Gore: Injure all those who target you, preventing ability use the next night
PG: Both you and Bsmith survive
You are a brave rider of the bold swine! Ok, it's not the most glorious of roles, but it suits you to a T. You just want to make it through this alive with your buddy Porker. Oh yes, and Bsmith too. He's a bit of a bully, but at least he's a familiar face.
Autolycus said:Role:Axman
Player: classical_hero
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Fragile Guardian: Each night you can protect someone, but if they are attacked, you will die instead
PG: Leader: Be the first to accuse an enemy on the day he dies.
You are not actually an axman, but rather a bone golem. You're tired of golems not getting the respect they deserve, so you disguised yourself and joined the army incognito. To prove your equality to anyone else, you'd like to lead the charge to eliminate an an enemy of dwarfdom.
Autolycus said:Role:General
Player: landlubber
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Planner: Each night you can pick someone to plan your case against, increasing the strength of your accusation on them for the rest of the game by 1. This ability can stack twice (i.e. maximum vote strength of 3)
PG: Lynch an enemy after planning your case on them
You are Bambur, assistant commander of the Excellent Grand Army of Dwarves, (E. G.A.D.) , behind the mighty Arturus Thorne. Always deliberate, your strength lies in your careful plans and systematic methodologies. May this skill help you lead your army to victory!
Townie strength scanner. Although the scum didn't have abnormally high strength, his scans could still have been valuable, and his death early hurt the town.Autolycus said:Role:Mage
Player: Winston Hughes
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Magical Physical: Night ability. Scan any one player to learn their strength.
PG: At least two golems survive
You are a mage, pressed into medical service for the upcoming conflict. Your particular expertise is in gauging the overall condition of a person. You find golems and other sentient constructs fascinating, so you'd like some of them to be around to study when the dust settles.
Autolycus said:Role:Hornguard
Player: BSmith1068
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Veteran: You served with KingMorgan in the past, and thus know him to be a loyal dwarf
Trample: Night Active Ability: Keep your fearsome ox-steed with you, and kill all those who target you with a non-roleblock ability (This does not work on team abilities)
PG: Kill an enemy of the dwarves with your ability
You are the mighty hornguard, rider of a beast much larger than you. He's a dwarf's best friend, so sometimes you keep him with you, rather than locking him up in the stables. Some people think that's weird, but you think it's a safety precaution. You'd like to see this vindicated, and come through alive. You've seen that coward KingMorgan around. He's a bit of a weakling, but at least he's a familiar face, and doesn't have the guts to be a traitor.
Autolycus said:Role:Quartermaster
Player: EQandcivfanatic
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Golem connection: Each night you can scan 3-5 players and find out how many of them are golems, but not which ones.
PG: Take down two enemies of the alliance
You are Barnaxus, the original and perhaps only truly sentient golem. Centuries of life have made you the ideal quartermaster. You have a magical connection to all golems, and thus you have a diffuse sense of where they are. Regrettably, you can only amplify it so much, and it becomes negligible without some concentration.
Autolycus said:Role:Cannoneer
Player: Riedquat
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Fire the cannon!: Day ability. One time use. Fire the cannon at someone, killing them.
PG: Kill an enemy of the alliance with your cannon.
You are a cannoneer in the Excellent Grand Army of Dwarves (E.G.A.D.). You will wreak great destruction upon the foes of the dwarves! Regrettably, you only have enough powder with you to fire the cannon once.
Autolycus said:Roleriest of Leaves
Player: bladescape
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Hallucinogens: 3 time role-block
PG: Peace, Man: Never be one of the top two accused.
You are a peaceful refugee from the lands of the Elohim. With your magical nature connections, you can send peaceful visions to someone, making them rest for the night.
Autolycus said:Role:Sheaim Refugee
Player: sprig
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Mind Meld: Night ability You can connect any two players for the night. Any role block or kill that is successfully used on one also affects the other, regardless of protection. (This can cause someone to kill them self, but not block them self to avoid infinite loops)
PG: Kill someone via this connection
You are an Eater of Dreams, fleeing before the barbaric hordes. You've found something new, though. Rather than just eating dreams, you can merge two people's, which is much more amusing. However, this has the side effect of entangling them, to the point where one dying delivers a lethal shock to the other. Oh, well.
Autolycus said:Role:child
Player: choxorn
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Dragon: If lynched, you can kill a person of your choice as well (please send me a default choice and update as necessary, in case you're not around)
PG: Either survive or take an enemy with you
You are Cardith Lorda, once child king of the Kuriotates, now refugee. You may look like just a child, but you have the soul of a dragon, and will manifest at the last, if you have time to see it coming. This rude dwarven coalition is the last best chance of mankind, and so you will do what you must to see it triumph.
Autolycus said:Role:Vicar
Player: takhisis
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Drain: Night ability. Role block organic targets. Every two nights, you also gain one strength
PG: Reach strength 3
You are a vampire of the Calabim, disguised as a Vicar of the light god Lugus. Being underground suits you. This alliance is pathetic, but it's all that's left, so you'll support it. You're still weak, but with so much blood around, you're sure you can recover soon.
Autolycus said:Role:Elven refugee
Player: snerk
VC: A New Hope
Ability: Brewmaster: Night ability, 3 use: Increases strength by one, can self-target
PG: At least two foreigners survive (refugees, both labeled as such and otherwise)
Growing up, you were always teased for your un-elven passion for beer. While you certainly mourn the burning of your home forests, you do appreciate the diversity born of necessity that you find in this camp that's sprung up around the Excellent Grand Army of Dwarves (E.G.A.D.). Hopefully that can persist after the orcs are defeated.