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Olympics 2012 discussion

Either Federer thought it would be nice for Murray to win... or he had the flu. ;)

I think it helped a bit that the bulk of the crowd were supporting Murray for once rather than it being a close split.

Marla, your comparison doesn't work that well for the Olympics as we came fourth last time and realistically can't catch the top two. :p
I don't think that, if he could have, he would have challenged the gold medal. Maybe he was a bit tired after the marathon-match on friday, but maybe it was just that Murray was better yesterday (or a combination of the two). In the end it seemed that Federer saw this as well, as he was obviously rather content with winning silver.

I agree. Tennis is a gruelling game and the marathon tired him out. Federer will be
31 laster this week while Murray is just over 25; so Murray was going to catch up
on him. And I am just pleased that Murray managed to do that for this Olympics.
valiry adams is picking one up for new zealand tomorrow. I hope we can stay ahead of australia.
Is she the shot-putter? If whatshername the Ukrainian girl keeps at it, no gold for you.
Another sailing gold is essentially locked in for tonight, apparently we have an unassailable lead in the 49ers class.
Whereas evey Australian boy and girl loves to go out on a Saturday and play in their Laser class boat!
Dr. Evil wants all his freakin' boats with freakin' lasers!
Apparently not paid enough. 4-3? Come on.

Canada was leading 3 times though.

Every decision went against Canada, and the referee called the most free kick inside the box ever. Though America probably should've scored from a free kick at that range, they managed to hit the ball at a Canadian players arm (which was close to her body, so it was completely accidental and thus nothing) and the referee gave a penalty.

Also she smiled when she carded the Canadian player earlier on. :mischief:
I live in London, I hate the Olympics.
The park is encircled in a ring of steel, SAM batteries on residential rooftops, electrified fences, more soldiers than are serving in Afghanistan currently, private security, a warship in the Thames.

The Olympics stands for everything paranoid, reactionary, capitalist to me.

The 'Olympic Spirit' is a media hype, posited by 'impartial' journalists and sycophantic hangers-on, preaching nationalism and other such divisive false-consciousnesses. Attacks on the working classes are at a record high. All I hear is how many god damn medals team GB won, and how much wealth that no-one I know is ever going to see, is or isn't being generated by the influx of tourists to London, while people pay out their arses for tickets to a venue where they are strip-searched for illegal items such as bottles of water, for the pleasure of entering a totally sterile corporate wasteland-park and enjoying the non-existant 'community' atmosphere.

The Olympics are supposedly going to 'Inspre a Generation', but if they are, then it won't be my generation, because I have seen my generation rise up in riot and protest for the past 2 years, we couldn't care less about the Olympics, but the more we shout, the less we are heard.

All this at a time when Capitalism is cannibalising it's own support mechanisms, the things that keep people out of poverty, it's a perverse joke.

Sorry to be a downer but I had to get this off my chest somewhere.
Canada was leading 3 times though.

Every decision went against Canada, and the referee called the most free kick inside the box ever. Though America probably should've scored from a free kick at that range, they managed to hit the ball at a Canadian players arm (which was close to her body, so it was completely accidental and thus nothing) and the referee gave a penalty.

Also she smiled when she carded the Canadian player earlier on. :mischief:
And she GIGGLED and walked away when the Canadians asked her to reconsider. :mad:

All this at a time when Capitalism is cannibalising it's own support mechanisms, the things that keep people out of poverty, it's a perverse joke.

Sorry to be a downer but I had to get this off my chest somewhere.
I felt angry and disillusioned by the Vancouver Olympics, since VANOC made such a mess of things - including blowing up part of a mountainside to "improve" the highway to a site that shouldn't have been used in the first place! And all the crap dished out to the homeless and poverty-stricken people who were in the way... :mad:
I don't see it that way. If the basketball team doesn't win, I will care, and blame it on Queen James. If the US doesn't medal in the equestrian sports, I will almost definitely not even know.
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