Open SG: Cheiftain Babylon

Peacefull infrastructure building and age of discovery and exploration.

(1) 320ad Ur Worker Started, Granary done. Nineveh switched to aquaduct.
(2) 330ad Republic researched, changed goverment to republic. Started research on polyehtiems (4turns)
(3) 340ad Ur Worker done, worker started
(4) 350ad Ur Worker done, worker started. Munith library done, aquaduct started, Zimbbabue Settler done, setler started.
(5) 360ad Polyethism researched, Monarchy Started
(6) 370ad Kevinicus Worker done, start library
(7) 380ad Elipi worker done, worker started
(8) 390ad Zimbaubeue settler produced, courthouse started
(9) 400ad Continent found! Large wetland jungle continent thing to the east of our island.
(10) 410ad Palace expanded, Ulundi and dyes linked to main road system. Monarchy researched, starting on currency.
(11) 420ad Nevereit finished courthouse, start great walls
(12) 430ad Pink border found by galley, moving towards to find out who they are. Ellipi worker done, worker start.
(13) 440ad Golden age ended
(14) 450ad French are pink, they want to sell currency but I won't buy it since we will get it in 1 turn. They have contact with Germany, Russia, England, and China.
(15) 460ad Currency discovered, middle ages start, Monoethism discovered, engineering research starts.
(16) 470ad Found chineese, established French and Chineese embasies. They're way behind on infrastructure.
(17) 480ad Explored.
(18) 490ad Killed a barbarian galley, our galley now a veteran.
(19) 500ad Ur made a settler, changed to produceing docks for trade with other civs.
(20) 510ad Nineveh grows and riots, changed ratio to 6/3/1 for 10% entertainment. Temprorary mesure until the gardens are finished next turn.

Summary: Great Gardens will be done in 1 turn, which will make civ management easy. (1 happy everywhere). I think that makeing the lighthouse for easy travel to new continent and piramids for free grainaries should be a priority. Also, finish colonising our island so no other civ tries to put something on it. Finaly, I'd recomend joining 4 workers to babylon once the gardens are done, and using it to produce wonders very quickly.

Other civs:
Chineese (embassy), in middle ages
French (embassy), in middle ages
German (undiscovered)
Russia (undiscovered)
England (undiscovered)

Aparently, they're all on the big continent to the east.
Ok I think I'll give it another go!
520AD-Engineering learnt (Feudalism), HANGING GARDENS FINISHED IN BABYLON!!, Hammurabitown founded
530AD-Babylon produces worker.
540AD-Munith builds aqueduct, Barb galley sinks our galley!! :cry:
560AD-Babylon builds walls (great lighthouse)
580AD-Expansion to palace!
590AD-Feudalism learnt no learning Chivalry, Revolts in Nineveh
600AD-Order restored in Nineveh
610AD-Zimbabwe builds barracks, Nineveh builds
GREAT WALL!!!, and we have contact to the English.
Oh god silly me :crazyeye: :crazyeye: :crazyeye: :crazyeye:
Ok...Damn my aces suck.
Pre turn:
Increase science rate by 10%, reducing research time by 2 turns.
Production in Nineveh changed from granary to settler. This city has plenty of extra food and will reach size 12 long before hospitals are available so a granary is not really necessary at this point. We have some area on our island to settle and this city will quickly replace the 2 citizens that the settler costs.
Production in Zimbabwe changed from granary to marketplace so that we will get both the income and happiness benefits, plus the city is going to be stuck at size 12 long before hospitals are available.
Production in Uruk, Addad and Kevinicus changed from library to temple. Temples are quicker to build which will expand our borders quicker, will help happiness and the cities have such high corruption that libraries won't really help our research rates at this time.

Workers around Hammurabitown changed from building mines on the tundra to planting forests. Forests give an extra shield on tundra over what mines do.
Worker outside Ur taken off converting mine to irrigation on grassland. This city only has 4 shields being produced currently, taking one of those away will make it very slow to build anything at this time.
Worker outside Akkad taken off building road on jungle. Will start cutting jungle, then build road which is a much quicker way of getting this to be a productive square.
Worker outside Ulundi taken off building road on jungle square with dyes. We already have dyes on road network and we can't trade excess luxuries yet. Plus there are cleared squares around this city that can use quicker improvements.
Worker outside Nineveh taken off converting mine to irrigation on grassland. This city has six extra food right now and has undeveloped flood plains that cannot produce any shields but will produce plenty of foods.

Some military units are moved around as we have some cities with multiple defenders and some with no defenders at all.

I am hoping that the unknown civs will help us learn some tech with our Great Library. I decide that since we are ahead of all known civs in tech by Engineering and Feudalism that I will trade Engineering to everybody and get communications with the unknown civs and as many maps as possible.
For engineering I get:
France gives us comm with Russians, tm, 1 gpt and 90 gold.
China gives us comm with Germans, tm and 8 gold.
Germany is in the same position with techs and they give us tm and 13 gold.
Russia must be almost done researching engineering because she only offers 1 gold, she doesn't get it from me at that price.
England gives tm and 6 gold.
We still do not know one civ, but neither does anyone else.
We know much more of what our map looks like.
It appears that the Great Library is going to be useless unless we totally stop our science research.

(1) 620AD
Settler wakened in Ellipi and sent to settle city between Kevinicus and Zimbabwe.

(2) 630AD
Nineveh completes settler, starts on pikeman to defend some of our undefended cities.
Settler sent to settle city between Ellipi and Ur.
4 spearman upgraded to pikeman for 80 gold.

(3) 640AD
Science rate dropped 20% to maximize income on last turn of research.

(4) 650AD
Finish research of Chivalry and begin research of Theology for Sistine Chapel. Science rate raised back to 50%. Research will take 6 turns.
Nineveh builds pikeman, begins another.
Spearman upgraded to pikeman.

(5) 660AD
Eridu founded, begins temple production.

(6) 670AD
Kevinicus completes temple, begins aqueduct.
Akkad completes temple, begins aqueduct.
Another spearman upgraded.

(7) 680AD
Munith completes granary, begins marketplace.
Nineveh completes pikeman, starts cathedral.
Samarra founded, begins temple production.

(8) 690AD
Ashur completes galley, begins aqueduct.
Hammurabitown completes temple, begins harbor
Science rate dropped 10% with no change in research time.

(9) 700AD
Ur completes harbor, begins aqueduct.
Science rate dropped another 20% with no change to research time.

(10) 710AD
Complete Theology, start Invention.
Entertainment tax raised to 10%, science rate to 40%.
Palace is expanded.

(11) 720AD
Chinese started building the Pyramids.

(12) 730AD

(13) 740AD
Zimbabwe completes marketplace, begins pikeman. We still have an undefended city.
Ellipi completes galley, begins aqueduct.

(14) 750AD
Nineveh completes cathedral, begins marketplace.
While reviewing all production orders I make the following changes:
Babylon from Lighthouse to Sistine, usefulness of Lighthouse expires quickly, Sistine is always useful.
Ulundi changed from library to aqueduct as it will soon be stuck at size 6 otherwise.

(15) 760AD

(16) 770AD
Invention discovered, gunpowder research begins.

(17) 780AD
China wants to trade tm for tm, I turn them down. We already have theirs from awhile back and I like to keep the opposition in the dark as much as possible regarding the overall map. Plus if I trade it to them on their turn they will trade it to everyone else and get the benefits of all those trades. Nope, not gonna do it, wouldn't be prudent.

(18) 790AD
Joanie of France wants to trade tm's. See above.

(19) 800AD

(20) 810AD

Establish embassy with England, London is 85 turns away from Pyramids. City only has a palace. They have 2 iron available.
Establish embassy with Germany, Berlin is 78 turns away from Pyramids. City only has a palace. They have one horse and one iron.
Establish embassy with Russia, Moscow is building a settler. City is only size 3, with only a palace. They have one horse available.

We are ahead of all known civs in tech by Invention and Chivalry.

After completing marketplace Nineveh can start a wonder, I would suggest Leonardo's. The other wonders either expire soon or are limited to our continent and thus less useful. I am not a big proponent of Leonardo's but in this case I think it is the best alternative.

Workers need to clear the jungle area. Those cities will soon be limited in growth otherwise.

Both galleys have been working toward the northeast corner of our island exploring out as far as they safely can. I am wondering if the missing civ isn't to our south though, one of the galleys should probably head that way.

There are two more sites that can be settled. Down in the extreme southwest corner of our island and on the coast between Babylon and Hammurabitown. Neither is a great place but it will block other civs being able to settle on our island.

We should decide if we want to build our forbidden palace on our island or to wait until we get to another island. I think we are far enough ahead of all the other civs that either will work out.

Good luck to the next leader.

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Hmm i think i will give it a try...just tel me if i can't or somethin...b4 i post thx

I think i did ok...

Preturn: Grand Admiral Thrawn is elected president of the Babylonian Republic. He hopes to continue from where others left off.

820:Zimbabwe has begun to construct Leonardo's Workshop
Ships have docked at cities awaiting upgrade because they are not able to travel further from the coast.

830-Library begun in Samarra

840-The secret of black powder is open to us. work has been started on educating our people. Almost all workers are concentrating on clearing the continent of jungles


860-Cathedral started in Munith workers sent to connect salt peter to pur mighty empire


880- Work started on road to saltpeter

890-library started in Hammurabitown


910-Education finishes, our people work on the science of looking at the stars. President Thrawn resigns back to the position of Grand Admiral.

I tried to do what you had suggested. I think we should stay at peace w/ everyone for now and as soon as we get astronomy we can upgrade galleys to caravels which will let us explore further. Ther was no diplomacy during my peron take it!
It was a very quiet 10 turns, Astronomy was learned started researching banking. Still unable to trade with any of the Countries on the other contient. Continued improved area's around the core cities. Started building courthouses in the smaller cities as they finished up their Libraries. One additional galley finished on the northwest coast. All quiet the diplomatic front. Everyone is polite with us.

Here's the game.

Good luck to future rulers!
Samarra production changed from courthouse (corruption is almost nonexistent) to harbor which will allow for more growth. Nineveh production changed from wealth to Copernicus's, we don't need the income and we can always use free research boost. Hammurabitown changed from courthouse (very little corruption) to aqueduct. I notice that someone has again been overirrigating our lands. Outside Nineveh someone has wasted time converting mines to irrigation. This city is already at size 12 and won't be able to grow beyond that size until we have hospitals. The mines offer extra shield production which is vitale to infrastructure building. There are flood plain squares to the north and west of the city that can be irrigated once we have hospitals and will allow for plenty of growth.
(1) 1020AD-Ellipi completes aqueduct, begins marketplace. Germans are building Sun Tzu's. I bump science rate 10%, this drops research time from 3 to 2 turns and we have a very healthy treasury right now.
(2) 1030AD-moving workers and galleys.
(3) 1040AD-Complete research of Banking, start Economics (its not a required tech but it gives Smith's which is a wonder I really like). Sistine's Chapel is completed in Babylon, start a cathedral.
(4) 1050AD-Uruk completes library, starts aqueduct.
(5) 1060AD-Munith completes musketman, starts university.
(6) 1070AD-Ulundi completes aqueduct, starts cathedral. China is building Sun Tzu's.
(7) 1080AD-France wants to trade tm. I decline. Complete Economics, start Chemistry.
(8) 1090AD-
(9) 1100AD-Russia wants to trade tm. I decline. Babylon completes cathedral, starts marketplace.
(10) 1110AD-Germany wants us to give them Chivalry in order to trade wm. I decline.
(11) 1120AD-Our palace is expanded.
(12) 1130AD-England makes the same offer Germany did, she gets turned down as well. Ur completes marketplace, starts cathedral. Eridu completes library, starts aqueduct.
(13) 1140AD-
(14) 1150AD-Complete Chemistry, start Physics. Our palace is expanded again.
(15) 1160AD-
(16) 1170AD-Babylon completes marketplace, starts Smith's.
(17) 1180AD-Ashur completes aqueduct, starts cathedral.
(18) 1190AD-Munith completes university, starts bank. Samarra completes harbor, starts aqueduct.
(19) 1200AD-Russians start Sun Tzu's.
(20) 1210AD-China wants Chivalry to trade tm. I decline. We finish Physics and start Navigation, it would be nice to get Magellan's. As we are on an island we need all the help we can get in our travel over water. Hammurabitown completes harbor, starts cathedral. I switched the cities producing Smith's and Copernicus to get Smith's completed earlier. Smith's will really help us with finances and we already have a significant tech lead so I didn't feel Copernicus was as important.

Please don't convert mines to irrigation unless you can explain why it would be helpful. My reasons for mining include:
We need the shield production that mines provide. Our cities are currently limited to size 12, until we get hospitals, so irrigation is limited in its usefulness. We need to concentrate on infrastructure and building/modernizing our military and this will require shield production.
I didn't upgrade our existing units because we are close to getting Leonardo's and that will cut our upgrading costs in half. Once we get Leonardo's we should upgrade all of our outdated units.
Good luck to the next leader.

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I'm gonna give it another go..i have the file and will post shortly.

During my reign no mines were irrigated by me. However there could be some workers running around on Auto. They have the bad habit of turning mines into irrigation.

Keep up the good work!

I think it's time we started talking about what kind of victory we want. With all the wonders we're building, we'll have the cultural victory by the time we reach modern tech.

I think the space victory is out, we'll reach cultural way before that.

Military victory would probably be the most interesting, what with us on an island and everyone else on the big continent...

Diplomatic victory, considering we're ahead in industry a sinch. Especialy if we do some politicking to get everyone mad at one civ.

Anyways... (anxiously awaiting the latest save so he can play again)
Hey i haven't been able to get to my computer siknce i dled it...sry!
well here goes

1210 AD. Admiral Thrawn once again takes command of the Babylonian Republic

1220-The cities of Ur and Ellipi finish their work on Cathedrals. Ur begins a university and Ellipi begins a library. Workers throughout my turn wil continue to build mines and cut down jungle. The people of Akkad rejoice in our name

1230-Ur joins the people of Akkad in rejoice

1240- Un eventful

1250- Un eventful

1255- Our sages discover navigation, metallurgy shal be their next research project. We can finally travers the oceans! Leonardo's workshop is complete. Universtiy began in Zimbabwe

1260-Ashur completes aquaduct and begins cathedral

1265-The backwards French start construction on the ancient pyramids.

1270-Ellipi finishes Library and begins marketplace

1275- English start the Art of War by Sun Tzu

1280-Metallurgy is learned and the great wall is obsolete! Magnitism is begun.

My turn was the norm...building and improving. At the rate we are going if we want to stay as a republic we will be in the Industrail age in the 1300's. I think we should advance to the industrail age and get steam power then discover democracy.

I also think that a cultural victory is the most likely out of them all. But a diplomatic victory doesn't seem far behind that.

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