• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Open Spots in NES.


Perhaps this would be useful as a stickie?
AbNESVI - To·tem'ic Candomblé Jejé

to·tem |tōʊtəm|
Pronunciation: toh-tuhm
Use: Noun.
a. An animal, plant, or natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor, or guardian.
b. A representation of such an object.
c. A social group having a common affiliation to such an object.
d. A source of magical power.

Welcome to the tropical island of Jejé! The Taino tribes of this area have just began their ascent to civilization. There has been basic domestication of dogs, with other wildlife subdued for food as well as a few plants developing into potential crops. The seas are warm, calm and shallow. The fish are bounteous, their colours vibrant under the bright sunshine; indeed one might think they were in paradise.

That is not all, for on Jejé there are totems, they radiate magical power from another plane of existance. Those who understand the lores of Magic may tame this, weaving it into a physical presence in this world. The power to create, the power to destroy. Each tribe has bent the magic in its own way, the tribal leaders and shamen working together to drive their tribe onwards to greatness. Can you lead your tribe to glory?

Join GermaNES: Governors and Emperors.

Many players needed. Excellent action and wars going on.
In regards to a spot in FFH NES II,

FFH NES II is a fantasy NES (Never-Ending-Story) based (loosely sometimes) on the fall-from heaven mod for CIV made by kael (and others). Its a fairly slow moving NES and is perhaps a little complicated but there is lots of room for diplomacy, building and war.

Currently i am looking for players who can commit to a long-term NES with weekly to bi-weekly updates and who are willing to write some fiction.

So if players would like to take over any of the following civilizations they are welcome to:
  • Luchuirp: small nation, currently involved in a stand-off with the Sidar over the massacre of escaped 'Als slaves
  • 'Als: medium-sized nation, currently trying to recover escaped slaves
  • Kappa: medium-sized nation, involved in infrastructure development
  • Elves: small nation, involved in infrastructure development, isolated
I will accept up to four new players.

EDIT: If you don't know the FFH universe, you should probably be willing to read a bit of the lore posted about it in the FFH thread (or ask some questions). I would love to get some new players who have some experience with classical NESes (old-school players) who could also provide some advice as to how i could improve my MODing as i go (since i am new to this).

Bombnes II based off of the comic book series, Batman, has three or four good open spots including: The Falcone Crime Family, Hush, The Ventriloquist and Great White Shark.

Two successive plague outbreaks and an earthquake of 7.6 magnitude have caused the United States Government to temporarily abandon Gotham City. With much of the population evacuated, the bridges that connect the city to the mainland destroyed, and The Dark Knight no where to be found, traditional criminals and freaks alike have come out of hiding to carve their own empires out of what was once America’s greatest city.

In this NES, you will take control of one of several criminal empires that have gained power in Gotham City. In order to become Criminal Kingpin you will have to lie, cheat, murder and steal your way to the top, all while not only fighting other costumed criminals but vigilantes and Gordon’s Boys in Blue as well.

Lol, guys, you could at least include links? Or a descrption of what your NES is?
Anyone starting a NES should put their opening post in here too, so we can easily find new players and spots for them.

Read the op? :p
I would like to start NES'ing but i can't find any good ones with empty spots, please tip me off
A Brave New World 2 by EQandcivfanatic.
Ffh NES II by Immaculate
AbNESVI by Abaddon
Super SuperPower NES by stalin006
MilarNES: Birth Of A Civilization by myself.

All of them have empty spots. Have a look at the ruleset of each of them and see what you like.
Teutonic Knights in BirdNES 3 is open.
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