Orbis 1.0 Bug Thread

You are correct about the Crusade thing. I saw that all the civs where in it and I freaked out because the Civopedia says (I think) that Civs can't engage in diplomacy w/ enemies while in Crusade. I later realized this wasn't the case. Then again, I could be getting confused from all the FFH2 daughter mods I've been playing. Orbis is certainly the best of those daughter mods.
So... any chance of seeing Orbis 1.1 released soon?

I hate to sound impatient. This is only my second post on these forums, the first being a bug report. I guess I've tended to feel that I have little to contribute to the modding community, and therefore little to say.

I greatly appreciate the work that has been done on Fall from Heaven, Orbis, and the like. In a way, asking when the next release is going to happen makes me feel like that kid in the back of the car saying "are we there yet?" But to be fair, I wouldn't be asking if the mod wasn't awesome. And Orbis is very, very awesome.

I've been playing Master of Mana recently. The blight double-firing thing was just too frustrating, so I figured I'd try something else to bide my time until the next release. But the more time that passes, the more I realize that it's just not the same. Sure, the art in MoM is fantastic, and the A.I. is (slightly) better, but too many things are missing. I miss the adventurer promotion, the added religions, the warlords, the espionage system, the little bits of flavor tucked into the edges. Haunted lands that are more than re-skinned forests. Caster units that can actually *learn* new spells.

Simply put: I want Orbis back and working well. And I'm getting really impatient, despite all my attempts not to be. And I really appreciate the work that's been put into all this, but, even so, I can't help but asking...

...are we there yet?
One more thing if you can get to it in time. I remember playing the Dao and had a good string of luck with some of the earlier elementals and they achieved a good high level. I thought I read in the pedia that they were supposed to be promotable into the Elder Elementals at level 5 or something with the appropriate technology but I was not able to do so. This made me sad.

Thanks. I'm glad to see you are fixing some of the lingering bugs! Orbis is my favorite version of FFH2 too.
Overall, this is one of the funnest mods I have ever played for Civ IV (and yes, I am aware that it is technically a modmod).

The only thing that is detracting from my enjoyment is the late game. For some reason, it tends to crash late game. Also, when I exit the game after playing it for awhile, an error message pops up on my desktop screen and I am not sure why it does that.

I feel like it may be something to do with MAF, but I have no idea why because my RAM is far superior to CIV IV's requirements and so is pretty much every other spec that is required for CIV IV.

So what I am basically saying is that I feel like my computer should easily handle the task, but for some reason, it just gets these random errors in the late game and after I exit the game that I cannot explain easily. It's upsetting.
Overall, this is one of the funnest mods I have ever played for Civ IV (and yes, I am aware that it is technically a modmod).

The only thing that is detracting from my enjoyment is the late game. For some reason, it tends to crash late game. Also, when I exit the game after playing it for awhile, an error message pops up on my desktop screen and I am not sure why it does that.

I feel like it may be something to do with MAF, but I have no idea why because my RAM is far superior to CIV IV's requirements and so is pretty much every other spec that is required for CIV IV.

So what I am basically saying is that I feel like my computer should easily handle the task, but for some reason, it just gets these random errors in the late game and after I exit the game that I cannot explain easily. It's upsetting.
You need at least 4GB RAM, 4GB is fine on a 32-bit system, 6GB is recommend on 64-bit systems (shouldn't be any MAFs with those settings)
Overall, this is one of the funnest mods I have ever played for Civ IV (and yes, I am aware that it is technically a modmod).

The only thing that is detracting from my enjoyment is the late game. For some reason, it tends to crash late game. Also, when I exit the game after playing it for awhile, an error message pops up on my desktop screen and I am not sure why it does that.

I feel like it may be something to do with MAF, but I have no idea why because my RAM is far superior to CIV IV's requirements and so is pretty much every other spec that is required for CIV IV.

So what I am basically saying is that I feel like my computer should easily handle the task, but for some reason, it just gets these random errors in the late game and after I exit the game that I cannot explain easily. It's upsetting.

Have a look at this thread it might help http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=439570
Upgrade from Illusionist to Archmage (Svartalfar) is buggy. When you upgrade your Illusionist, she changes her model from dark elven sorceress to old civ IV prophet model. But when you place Archmage unit on the map manually from the World Editor, she looks correctly.
Could anybody please fix that bug? It is so annoying.
Hi! I've been playing Orbis for ages and everything was ok.

Several month ago I had to reinstall windows xp + sp3 and of course Civ 4 + Orbis. Since then I have a problem while playing on turns ~300-400: suddenly the game closes with error while changing the turn. Event log shows "Application error civ4beyondsword.exe, version, module cvgamecoredll.dll, version, adress 0x0010d120." Usually computer reload helps and the game continues as if nothing had happened for some time. I have to save every turn just in case. Besides saving the game now occurs with a time delay about 10sec. But yesterday I've faced with another problem - the game just freezes while changing the turn, globe-pointer is spinning but nothing happens, application dramatically captures the memory, it can last forever so I end the app manually.

What is installed:
Civ 4 + 1.74 patch,
BTS + 3.19 patch,
Orbis + 1.0b patch
no additions or language packs installed

I've already tried reinstall all this once, and no positive results.

Would be grateful for any ideas... :rolleyes:
I've noticed and that really helps me to play Civ 4 at any turns: run the game after loading PC, before do not run any media programs or internet browser. If you did, reload PC again and run only Civ, this method is working very good for me :king:
Hello, i play orbis a lot of times and run perfect, but when i play on LAN it crash with a synchonous fail continually, it usually start when the npcs trade or declare war to a human player, or when a special unit is created.

Thank, i hope it help to make it better.
I hope someone can help me. I play orbis with much pleasure, but sometimes in every game my saves get broken. I can play furhter but as soon I want to load a save the game crashes (c0000005). Then I try loading multiple saves and find out all are broken to a certain round number where I can load them. I play from this point on and making new saves but they are also get broken.

Here round number 298 which is fine and round 301 which appears broken.

I have FfH2 patch "o" installed and Orbis patch 1.0b. I tried reinstalling and DEBUG option.


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