• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Orcs and Humans

Officially cancelling this NES for the following reasons:

1. A couple key players failed to get in their orders.

2. I'm attempting to break my World of Warcraft habit, and moderating this NES doesn't help.

3. I want to focus my full efforts for the time being on Capto Iugulum, and as always, this was simply a diversion from that while things were going slow. With a new decade upon us, CI requires greater attention.

4. I've got numerous feelers out for employment at the moment and one's certain to come through, and I have other things I want to accomplish before I get employed. Too many NESes makes that a little more difficult.

5. I just can't muster up the energy to care.

Anyways, apologies for the situation, and I hope you all enjoyed what fun we did have. We took a sledgehammer to the Lore already, and if anyone wants to take up the NES and moderate it themselves, I have an alternative ruleset that does not require the use of a Warcraft 3 mod to run the NES.


My efforts to build a Steamtank, gone down the drain! :(
My efforts for A zeppelin blasting apart enemy fortifications, then dropping power armored shock troops... Gone :(

Anyway, Good Luck, EQ
Nailix is taking up management of the NES with my approval, I have sent him all relevant information except for your orders. Send in your orders to Nailix, and he will do the update. In the meantime, I'll be taking over the management of the Horde as it provides the least amount of spoilers into your overall plans and will lead the Blackrock Clan as Warchief to the best of my abilities.

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