Few turns after start I found copper with our scout warrior, quickly change production to settler and settle there on my original spot. We have no religion but I don't bother with Judaism, if we want the happiness we can steal Qins buddhism. Obelisk in Pyong, hurry warrior from Seoul and then back to wonder. I doubt anyone will attack us this soon. For tech path, decided to go for our unique unit, which replaces cats. So, writing, maths. Noticed it's faster to contruct Oracle in Pyong after obelisk than researching construction, so I did it. About 10 turns left till oracle comes in. Instead of construction, started research on animal husbandry. Whipped barracks in Seoul, extra shields in 1-turn worker. Copper connected, time to get out some units. Qin actually settles wine city few turns after I settled Pyong, some luck there. He also settled one city southwest to crappy position.
+ Soon unique unit out, Hwacha
+ Settled 2nd city, copper connected to both cities
+ Great wall done, oracle almost
- No military, only 2 warriors!
- Dunno what I was doing with worker before I could connect copper
- Qin has two new cities just near us, protected by archer+warrior both