I look through the cities and break out the mighty and dreaded VETO STAMP! Actually, I only stop the stable in New York. I know the city is evil, but theres no sense in building something were not going to use. A barracks would be marginally useful (and a much better long-term investment because it helps everything). I cancel that and start another workboat -- as a scouting unit.
I wouldve done Pottery before IW, however. Knowing where the iron can be found is important. But especially since granaries are half-price, we really want to get to work on them so our cities can grow faster. Bigger cities means more squares worked means more hammers and more commerce. Im going to let IW finish, though, because we have a lot invested in it and iron is important. I do turn science down a bit to start building up some cash, because its good to have some gold on hand for random events.
Im curious why the scout wasnt moved. Its generally better with Succession Games to completely finish a turn. No biggie. Oh well.
After the chariot, Washington builds a worker. We had more cities than workers. Thats rarely wise. We want to get all our good squares up and running as fast as possible. Plus, chopping some forests will help us get our settlers and more workers faster, which is very good.
I also feel like this entire continent is going to have to belong to us at some point. So New York gets going on a barracks. It can a major military pump once we get our bronze hooked up.
Iron Working completes showing that we have that metal around, too. I am going to keep pushing north first, however, to keep the pressure on Mansa and Saladin. We can claim the south later safely.
Chariot vs. warrior -- I won. Goodie huts are generally worth the risk of combat. I want to know what's there, even if it's just maps or cash.
Naturally, I get the worst option.
They kill our chariot, of course.
Shortly thereafter, I get impatient....
Actually, it wasn't impatience. A few key points convinced me to do this:
- We were at our happiness limit. See the 6 vs. 6 up there? We can't grow without getting unhappies.
- *3* pop. The more pop you whip, it's generally better. Washington will have time to regrow 2 full pop before the unhappiness from whipping will be an issue. It also will have lots of carry-over to help with the next build (a worker as it turns out).
- Whipping a settler. Settlers and workers stop a city from growing, so they're often highest on my list to get done quickly.
I'm not sure it was a good move, but that's WHY I did it.
After Pottery, I went with Writing. Libraries give culture which is nice. Plus, theyll help us use extra people as scientists, who are a lot better than regular citizens. I also whip granaries in all 3 of our cities.
That settler I whipped went on a long trip. Fishes and gems rock. Plus, itll help start sealing our borders.
That warrior you see was sent a bit earlier to make sure no barbarians were in the settlers path. Settlers move 2 and warriors only 1. So sending the warrior earlier let the total time to arrive safely be lower. Though it is dangerous.
Not that Philly was grateful....
I said "NO" of course. That's OUR city. Once we get the fishies work-boated and the gems mined, it will be a great city.
Empire overview:
Writing is set to complete next turn. We should discuss what to research next.
- Metal Casting
- Religion path (Mysticism into other techs)
- Hunting/Archery
- Aesthetics
- Mathematics
Metal Casting provides forges (and Colossus). Forges are a huge hammer multiplier that I tend to build as soon as possible. This is a very good tech.
Religion path -- eventually we will need to go down this to get to Monarchy to get our wine connected and move on to other techs. Theyre cheap, too, which is nice. Judaism is still available, too, so we might be able to found that religion. Its a longshot, as well need a few techs before we can even research Monotheism.
Hunting/Archery -- we dont need scouts really any more. We have a pretty good map of most of our island. And Archery is one of those techs that can wait a long time, if we want. But I also understand liking to have good defenders, so I wouldnt complain too much about this.
Aesthetics -- leads to lots of wonders. But we dont get any bonus for wonder building. And we dont have stone or marble, so I dont think building wonders is the best use of our hammers at this point (except maybe Colossus, since that gets a bonus from copper, which we do have).
Mathematics -- Makes chopping forests worth more hammers. And it leads to Currency (a really nice tech for allowing additional expansion) and Calendar (which allows us to use some more of our resources). Useful.
Id vote pretty strongly against Aesthetics. Metal Casting would be my choice. I am really fond of forges. But Im curious about other opinions.
Rex Tyranns -- on deck
justinious -- in the whole
Arathorn -- on base -- waiting to be driven in
arkenstone -- at bat NOW