Patch v1.17f README is here!

Woo Hoo!!!!

Thanks for the stack-move addition, guys!

Now people will have less to complain about, meaning we will have fewer people :cry: about anybody that dares to criticize Firaxis. :goodjob:

BTW, WHEN DO WE GET MP????????? :rolleyes:

Ooops, well, sorry guys, but all you a$$ smoochers out there will just have to deal with me until I get a complete game :D
Stack Movement! Yes!!!

I HATE cleaning up polution! That will be a great help. Thank you.

As for the despotic pop-rushing, it makes sense now. You can still rush, but it leaves the unhappy citizens behind. As it should.

:enlighten:NEXT PATCH:

Editor Mini-Map

Great work, Firaxians, have a drink on me. :D
Missed the graphical display bug for additional resources but were not supposed to add them anyway.

Patch on friday right?

How long till the hacked civeditor is out after that with the add and remove buttons? Patch good, but Patch creates problems. I have just about every unit I could find installed. Gonna have to go through and do it again but ill have to wait for that hacked editor. Not Firaxis fault but just wanted to point it out.
Originally posted by oog
My problem is that civIII will not start on my system at all, and the support organisation is no help at all. It's obviously a safedisk issue, because I had the exact same behaviour with Max Payne (as in perfectly the same), and they acknowledged that it was safedisk (after a month of hassle). All I get from Infogames is grief.

So, here I am waiting for a patch that actually lets me play the game. I'm actually at the point of returning it to the store. Especially since I can do it as a "warranty return", since the copy protection prevents it from running on my system.

Jason Pollock

Great game though. Must say that the 1.07 nocd crack works well enough.

If you installed from a location other than your D drive, it's probably not a safedisk issue. The patch introduced a bug during the patch installation itself. It rewrote the install source to D:\ regardless of the actual install source location. This patch has a fix for that problem (checks all CD drives for the disk).

I'll finally be able to get rid of the cracked .exe! :D

Of course, there is a serious problem with Infogrames tech support. Namely, they take intollerably long to answer, give the wrong answer and then tell you you're SOL. Meanwhile, a short amount of time on can usually solve the problem.
Originally posted by oog
My problem is that civIII will not start on my system at all, and the support organisation is no help at all. It's obviously a safedisk issue, because I had the exact same behaviour with Max Payne (as in perfectly the same), and they acknowledged that it was safedisk (after a month of hassle). All I get from Infogames is grief.

Not that advocate piracy but safedisk is annoying and I really hate having to dig through my cd file to find the game cd to play a game. Ive got 100's of games.

Moderator Action: Link removed. Please don't post link to No CD crack in the forum!
Please read the forum rules: Theres usually one there for a game about 15 minutes before it hits the shelfs. While granted this can be used for piracy I used it cause of software companys idiocy. Safedisk does nothing but annoy people. Only copy protection scheme that works is a serial number which is checked against a database and it has some major failings as well (like you have to be connected to the internet for it to work.).

That being said they have some fixes for safedisk itself there (generic remover) as well as a patched exe for 1.16 and Max payne as well. Try those, they might just be the fix you need.

You'll have to check back on friday for the 1.17b updated hacked exe.
Ah... I think I'm going to stop playing Alpha Centauri for awhile and give Civ3 another chance... great job on the patch, Firaxians.
Thumbs up to FIRAXIS!:goodjob:

This patch contains way more than I expected.:)

Keep up the good work guys. Civ III is great. Saw the commercial on the History Channel the other day. :goodjob:

AND... last time I was in Comp USA the woman in line in front of me was buying Civ III! :love:
Originally posted by jeffersonebell

Yes, I would say that you're missing the small arrows with transparent backgrounds on the side of the diplomacy box. Look carefully, it's there.

Actually I'd say he's running the first version of 1.16f rather than the second one. That first version had the bug where no lines were being drawn between figureheads in the diplomacy screen.
Practical question.

Will the patch be downloadable from CivFanatics? Might be available here earlier then at where they update 28 dec for the last time..... They might have to rehire a webmaster or something like that to put the patch online. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
donsig, was she hot? ;)
Wow!! Look at all of those improvements/enhancements! And to think, I would have been satisfied with just a simple tweaking to the game's speed late in the game on huge maps, and for that "Show Civil disorder pop-up" bug to be fixed, which was causing my game to crash incessantly before I disabled it.

My compliments to the Firaxians. It certainly looks as if they were hard at work all this time trying to improve their product. Realistically, as consumers, that's really all we can ask for. :goodjob:
Awesome patch Firaxis, Thankyou.

Well I thought they would severely cut back pop rushing but if its gone for good i'm happy. It's how I got those huge scores that put me at the top of the leaderboard but to be honest pop rushing was ruining my enjoyment of the game. Now we are going to see some close scoring in the GOTM's and I'm going to have to work hard to stay at the top - excellent.
Something else that looks promising is the dice roll for mobile units, they were really overpowered.

A game company that listens to the players.
:goodjob: TOP MARKS FIRAXIS :goodjob:
Originally posted by skywalker
Does this mean cruise missiles will be able to kill units now?

Cruise missiles could always kill units. The bug that this patch fixes is that you currently cannot bombard a unit that has only 1 health remaining. It makes sense for normal bombard units as they can't destroy units. The bug was that you couldn't send your cruise missles against those 1 hp units either. If you wanted to bombard something before hand, you had to be careful to only knock them down to 2 hp and then send the missile in to destroy it.

For those complaining about safedisk, supposedly if you contact Infogrames and prove you purchased the game, they'd send you a non-Safedisked version of the executable. Dunno what'll happen post patch though.
Originally posted by Thunderfall
This just in! Enjoy!!! :)


* Eliminated 'Despot Pop Rushing'.:cry:
* Fixed bug which allowed civs with no capitals.:cry: :cry:

That capital bug was my best strat. in might take 2000 years to find someone....but it worked like a charm:king:
Originally posted by Johnny Bo
While the corrections/additions are certainly welcome, how can Fraxis NOT address the most annoying graphical glitch in the game .... The dissapearing lines in the Diplomacy Screen !!

Actually, it's more than a glitch. This problem really impedes gameplay.

Or, am I missing something?

Originally posted by jeffersonebell

Yes, I would say that you're missing the small arrows with transparent backgrounds on the side of the diplomacy box. Look carefully, it's there.

Actually I'd say he's running the first version of 1.16f rather than the second one. That first version had the bug where no lines were being drawn between figureheads in the diplomacy screen.

Yes, Sideshow. Although I'm pretty sure that I have the second version of the 1.16f patch. The problem, more specifically, is that the WAR/PEACE/MPP/ROP lines between leaderheads disappear. When I first access that screen (F4) after loading a saved game, the diplimocy lines appear. Then after I play the game for a while, those lines magicially have vanished. I'm just getting tired of exiting the Civ3 app and reopen it just to see the diplomacy screen. Also, outlines of the city boxes sometimes apprear on the F screens. Hopefully, 1.17 will correct this problem, but I didn't see it mentioned in readme.txt. This may be a device issue because I'm using a Voodoo 2 Banchee (you can stop laughing!), but it seems strange that I have no other grapic problems.


* Eliminated 'Despot Pop Rushing'.:cry:
* Fixed bug which allowed civs with no capitals.:cry: :cry:

That capital bug was my best strat. in might take 2000 years to find someone....but it worked like a charm:king:

All I've ever been critical of was stacked movement. It is the only reason why all of my games have not continued beyond the industrial age. The rest is like... extra icing! Looks like now, I'll be going to bed later than earlier.

My poor girlfriend. I suppose the release date of Feb 15 was not a bug, eh?:D

Great Job Firaxis!
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