Originally posted by Johnny Bo
While the corrections/additions are certainly welcome, how can Fraxis NOT address the most annoying graphical glitch in the game .... The dissapearing lines in the Diplomacy Screen !!
Actually, it's more than a glitch. This problem really impedes gameplay.
Or, am I missing something?
Originally posted by jeffersonebell
Yes, I would say that you're missing the small arrows with transparent backgrounds on the side of the diplomacy box. Look carefully, it's there.
Actually I'd say he's running the first version of 1.16f rather than the second one. That first version had the bug where no lines were being drawn between figureheads in the diplomacy screen.
Yes, Sideshow. Although I'm pretty sure that I have the second version of the 1.16f patch. The problem, more specifically, is that the WAR/PEACE/MPP/ROP lines between leaderheads disappear. When I first access that screen (F4) after loading a saved game, the diplimocy lines appear. Then after I play the game for a while, those lines magicially have vanished. I'm just getting tired of exiting the Civ3 app and reopen it just to see the diplomacy screen. Also, outlines of the city boxes sometimes apprear on the F screens. Hopefully, 1.17 will correct this problem, but I didn't see it mentioned in readme.txt. This may be a device issue because I'm using a Voodoo 2 Banchee (you can stop laughing!), but it seems strange that I have no other grapic problems.