Patch v1.17f README is here!

Thank you for adding the Sentry command Firaxis, us old Civ1-Civ2 players were having a hard time dealing without that command. ;)

Well, I must admit, pop-rushing made me play in Despotism all game long. :D Reminded me of Civ1, where I would play under Despotism all game too, and still beat the computer in the tech race on Emperor level. :lol:

I guess it's not so bad as long as it only gives you a mad citizen. I rely heavily on pop rushing because you have so much corruption in this game that some cities can't make anything without pop rushing...I wish they would slightly decrease corruption just a little more...maybe give two production in cities that are far far away from your capital instead of just one.

:jump: [dance]
While corruption is my biggest cripe, I am much happier with these changes. Thanks Firaxis!
Yay...They fixed MY bug!!! Now Theory of Evolution is usable, if not totally worth building.

This patch should make the game a lot more playable, less boring, and more meaningful. It should help out the GOTM as everyone will have to play by the same rules (though the computer still doesn't :) )

Great job Firaxis, still waiting for actual scenarios though

Me too.
I don't think they're going to eliminate pop rushing alltogether, that would be too major a revision. Maybe they simply mean the AI won't pop rush and produce settlers like mad anymore?
"It is now possible to completely suppress a city's cultural reversion with enough military units.".

About time. The game should not have been marketed last November without that ablity. Hopefully this also does something about the disappearing garrison problem.
The new patch sounds good but it is to bad the crippled editor was not fixed for placement of civilizations by name rather than random locations. Just my personal opinion, not really complaining just disappointed that we will have to wait that much longer for the editor to be fixed. :cry:

Desert Fox :p
Almost all of the changes sound good. Also nice to see worker problems being addressed. I just feel something should have been done regarding pollution. The unavoidable (at least based on many games, and many attempts at modifying things in the editor) global warning is rather annoying in the latter parts of the game. If they could just have put an option in the editor so you had greater control over it... Well, I might be too demanding. At least many things are being improved with the patch.
What's the "infinite city growth exploit"? (How do you do it?)

As for the pop rush, I can't even do that correctly!
The patch sounds great!

I hope the "improved activation sequencing" refers to the game not jumping all over from one part of the globe to another when you are doing your moves.
Any word about the Civilization3.exe crash bug? Could Firaxis comment on whether that has been fixed?

Wotan, I'm not sure we know what's causing that -- I've never experienced it myself. A while back I asked people who had the non-safedisc patch if this made the problem stop, and I didn't really get any followup on that. It *sounds* to me like it's a SafeDisc problem, but I'm not sure.. this patch does address a lot of miscellaneous crash bugs and should (hopefully) increase stability across the board, though, so perhaps the bug you're describing is caused by one of things the patch addresses.

Great patch! I wish Despot pop rushing hadn't been modified though. I still wish bombers could kill aircraft and musketman and up should NEVER lose to swordsmen and down. Oh well, Firaxis still has plenty of time to fix those :) Overall, it's a pretty good patch because of the stacked movement and sentry. Oh yeah, i dont know if they said it but it now says how many turns until cultural expansion happens on the city screen.
Great patch ... for what it includes. Everything has already been said about that (stacked movement etc.). I am a little unsure about the elimination of despot rushing though. At Deity it gives the AI even more of an early advantage than they already have. Can't we choose to have, or not to have despot rushing?

My gripe is about what is not in the patch. Where is the trade managemant screen? Recently I've stopped playing the game because of the sheer boredom of checking my active trades with every other civ every other turn. This has to be done at Deity, especially now that pop rushing is gone. This really spoils the game for me.

We need a separate screen with all this info ready to hand:

Aztecs -- Ivory (10 turns) ......... 20 per turn -- Egypt

Romans -- Iron (5 turns) .......... 35 per turn -- Egypt

China -- ...

Russia -- ...


You get the picture.


P.S. Great about the stacked movement though ... at last ... although its been 10 years coming!!!!!!
Poor Gonzo! :rolleyes:

But anyway, he will down download the patch because he will want to submit a game for the next gotm. :lol:
What? How do I pawn off Free Artistry and such dead techs now?
I haven't played civ 3 for very long but I've have seen a few problems that I did not see in the patch info.

1. When you get a gov tech while in the gov Anarchy it asked me if I wanted to have a revolt. (Hitting yes reset the Anarchy timer). It was a little strange choosing "No. I am happy with Anarchy"

2. A city next to me was taken over and the next turn I cultry covnerted it. I found out that most of the population was revolting, (what did I do? They choose to join me why are they revolting).

3. Who cares about the long pathfinding time for players in a huge map taking 10 seconds, when it takes a minnute and a half later in the game for the computers to take their turn. (Along with the occational announcement that one civ delcared war on another that stopped it from thinking, and made me wait longer when I was not at my computer waiting for the minute and a half to pass). (I have a 1.2 AMD processor)

(Things taht I would like to see)

4. There should be a smaller penitly/bonus for different map sizes in reference to beginning techs. (In the beggining the map size does not determine how big your empire is).

5. Where is all the info as to score calculations, golbol warmning, ect. SMAC told you exactly how your score is determined.

6. A compression system for saving a *lot*. (I like to have a history that I can go back to and see how I was doing at various points). Saved game space for one game collection of saved games 1.2 GB (314MB compressed). It would be nice to see dependent saves.

7. Automaticly convert unused tech points into money (I am tired of changing the tech rate when there is 1 turn left to maximise my profit level.

I was wondering if when you patch you will be able to load any saved games or if it's only going to work with new games. Does the patch work with scenarios like Singer's world map?
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