Patch v1.17f README is here!


Oct 25, 2000
This just in! Enjoy!!! :)


Additions v1.17b:
* Added Sentry command: y = wake whenever next to friendly or enemy unit(s) / shift+y = wake whenever next to enemy unit(s).
* Added stack movement. Hitting 'j' will produce the goto cursor. Once you select a destination, every unit of the active unit's type in that square will move to the specified location. Air units of the same type will attempt to rebase.
* The procedure for checking if the CD is in the drive has been changed to search all possible CD drives on a machine instead of simply the drive they installed the game from.
* There are now two types of "Improve Nearest City" commands. shift+'i' = Improve Nearest City. ctrl+shift+'i' = Improve Nearest City Without Altering Improvements.
* Editor: Added Undo/Redo functionality.
* Added Civilopedia links and cursor to diplomacy window.
* Added "Show Wonder Initiation" preference.
* Added "Turns to Expansion" readout to culture meter on City Display.

Changes v1.17b:
* City population drop shadows are now a pref and default to off.
* Scrollbar in Domestic advisor lengthened to make use of previously unused line.
* Civ-specific units are now part of the regular upgrade chain.
* Mobile units now have to make a die roll to determine if they withdraw. Success is also modified by their experience level.
* Workers on AI Automation (A/Shift+A) will now sleep in a city when there are no more actions to take. They will automatically awake when something needs to be done (such as clean pollution).
* Improved unit activation sequence.
* Expanded size of production popup drop list.
* Added mention of Wonder and improvement culture contributions doubling after 1000 years to Culture Civilopedia entry.
* It is now possible to completely suppress a city's cultural reversion with enough military units.
* Reworded luxury resource impact of marketplace and gold contribution in Marketplace Civilopedia entry.

Fixes v1.17b:
* Fixed bug which allowed the user to continue espionage even after the spy is killed.
* Fixed bug which prevented cruise missiles from targeting units with only 1 hit point.
* Fixed bug which miscalculated average scores (esp. for future techs).
* Fixed bug involving explorers and rail movement.
* Fixed a number of bugs involving recon missions.
* Fixed bug which let coastal fortresses hit submarines.
* Editor: You can no longer select Bonus Resources as a prerequisite resource.
* Eliminated 'Despot Pop Rushing'.
* Fixed pop-up bug involving citizen unhappiness on City Display.
* Fixed bug which did not destroy an enemy spaceship if the enemy capital was razed.
* Fixed bug which allowed the AI to keep trying to build cities if the city limit had been reached.
* Fixed bug which allowed infinite bombardment/precision bombing range.
* Fixed AI worker loop bug.
* Fixed missing-city-line bug in domestic window.
* Fixed AI disband unit bug.
* Fixed City Display bugs involving selling improvements and drafting citizens.
* Fixed bugs involving unit ordering.
* Fixed crash bug involving the civil disorder pop-up.
* Fixed bug with the cleanup pollution order.
* Fixed Flood Plain Civilopedia entry to correctly state increased food.
* Fixed Fortress Civilopedia entry to correctly state +50% defensive bonus.
* Fixed misspellings in Communism Civilopedia entry.
* Fixed AI bug giving value to worthless techs.
* Fixed bug with how capital/spy/embassy icons were being drawn for foreign cities.
* Optimized pathfinding for human player to prevent 10-second waits for various orders on huge maps.
* Fixed bug which sometimes caused depletion of resources so that there would be < 1 per civ.
* Fixed bug which sometimes caused you to not get any techs from Theory of Evolution.
* Fixed Communism Civilopedia entry to reflect the correct draft rate of 2.
* Fixed typo in Coast Civilopedia entry.
* Optimized save and scenario for speed increase.
* Build Railroad bubble text now lists the hotkey (Shift-R).
* Fixed bug which caused some government buildings not to function correctly.
* Fixed bug which allowed civs with no capitals.
* Spaceship parts pop-ups now only appear if you have a spy with the corresponding civ.
* "beginning wonder" pop-ups now only appear if you have an embassy or spy with the corresponding civ.
* Fixed infinite city growth exploit (involving granaries and size 6 cities).
* Corrected graphic display corruption on horizontal scroll bars.
* The correct scroll bar now always appears in production popup.
* Fixed spelling of Archimedes in Physics Civilopedia entry.
* Fixed title of "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" in the Theory of Evolution Civilopedia entry.
* Fixed typo in Jet Fighter Civilopedia entry.
* Fixed typos in Modern Armor Civilopedia entry.
What is meant by 'Eliminated Despot Pop-Rushing'. This would be a major change if it means what I think it does. I like that fast units will not always retreat, and that UUs are in the upgrade chain.
OMG! They finally did what everyone was whining about! Now we get that extra scrollbar line!

Seriously though, sounds like a nice job by the Firaxians. Most (if not all?) of the gameplay issues have been addressed. I wonder about the despot pop rush elimination though. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Wow! It looks like some of the changes are going to be quite game-altering. The four Civs with UUs in the Horseman->Cavalry path will get a big boost. I think the Chinese may become my favorite Civ :) Score and strategy are going to be affected by:

* Eliminated 'Despot Pop Rushing'.
* Mobile units now have to make a die roll to determine if they withdraw. Success is also modified by their experience level.
* It is now possible to completely suppress a city's cultural reversion with enough military units.
* Fixed infinite city growth exploit (involving granaries and size 6 cities).
I'd like to know what "Eliminated Despot Pop-Rushing" means too. I was expecting added penalties, not removal of the entire feature. It also doesn't mention pop-rushing for commies.

I'd also love to hear more details about "* It is now possible to completely suppress a city's cultural reversion with enough military units." How many is 'enough'?

Beyond those two questions, all I can say is Fantastic job, Firaxis! This is way more than I was expecting in this patch.

Some of this I didn't even know was a problem. What government buildings weren't working properly? Do you mean courthouses were supposed to have a more noticeable effect? That'd be nice.
They eliminated despotism's ability to rush-build improvements with population? Uh the way, i didn't see any word on the bug concerning potential city borders no longer appearing around your settlers as you move them about the map. I'm happy about the stack movement though, that in of itself makes the patch worthwhile.......:goodjob:
Omigod!!! An end to army-group killing city flips!!! No more endless debates on civfanatics!!! What will I do now?
Hooray for Firaxis!

They have fixed a lot of little things that were annoying me, but that I hadn't really thought of as bugs.

It looks like they have solved all the gripes anyone ever had regarding workers!:goodjob:

My only remaining issues are:
- mini map in editor
- unit and city placement in editor
- adding to/ upgrading armies

Not too shabby!:cool:
This list of improvements is much more than what I expected. Firaxis really listen to players. :)

My fav additions:

Sentry command, stack movement. Civ specific units in upgrade chain, suppress a city's cultural reversion with enough military units, Eliminated 'Despot Pop Rushing'.

Good stuff! :egypt:
Originally posted by Richard III
Omigod!!! An end to army-group killing city flips!!! No more endless debates on civfanatics!!! What will I do now?

Oh I'm sure there'll still be problems... for instance they state that "enough units can prevent a city from culture flipping". They didn't mention whether they changed how much an army was worth -> the computer only counts an army that is actually 4 units as one unit! Therefore, if you need 5 units to prevent flipping, and you only have 4 armies (but 12 units in those armies), the city will still flip!
I love the new sentry duty mode. I have around 60 Cavaraly that I have to keep awake in case I forget them when I war is on. Now I can just put them on Sentry duty, then I don't have to spend 5 minutes pressing spacebar, and wasting turns of the next units along...
Huzzah for the patch, sounds like the game's just gonna be getting better and better!
Hey, fantastic job Firaxis! :goodjob:

They fixed practically everything people were whining about!

If everything in the patch works as promised, then Civ 3 will finally become a well-polished game! :D

So I guess now Firaxis can finally start work on a scenarion/multiplayer expansion pack, now that practically all wishes of the fans have been fulfilled! :cool:

I am greatly looking forward to playing the patched version!

Btw, does "Civ-specific units are now part of the regular upgrade chain" mean that I will finally be able to upgrade Knights to Cossacks?

Now, the enemy resisters will pay dearly for the havoc they caused previously, for all the units lost due to flipping! :ar15:
Overall it seems that this patch will vastly improve the game.

I am surprised and confused as to why Firaxis would take away the option in the editor of using the bonus and luxury resources as strategic resources (such as wheat or ivory).

I don't use this feature myself, but I can see that it could be a useful feature for mods that I think is worh toying with.

Thanks, nonetheless.
What exactly is this fixing?

Half of the fixes they put in I didn't even know were problems...

Thank God for the group moves...:goodjob:

Sean D.
Excellent! this patch is KEY!

Firaxis, thank you for adding some MUCH needed improvements to Civ3 (unit stacking, sentry command)

Thank you for the fix telling the game to look at multiple CD drives! I complained about that back in December and thought it had been forgotten -- excellent!

I am disappointed though that i dont see a fix for the bug that causes your own cities to attack your own units/workers that try to enter the city. I had to quit a game a while back because i couldn't get them to stop and couldn't figure out when it started. 8(

other than that, verruh nice!
If the automated workers actually end up working intelligently (as it appears they will) this feature alone will eventually give me an extra day or two of my life to do other things. YAHOO!!
Wow, just wow.

I bet some despot rushers are going to be MAD.

I didn't want to whine, but I really did miss the sentry function.

And my fave civ just got more powerful.

Big ups for a big big patch.
* Added Sentry command: y = wake whenever next to friendly or enemy unit(s) / shift+y = wake whenever next to enemy unit(s).

* Workers on AI Automation (A/Shift+A) will now sleep in a city when there are no more actions to take. They will automatically awake when something needs to be done (such as clean pollution).

* There are now two types of "Improve Nearest City" commands. shift+'i' = Improve Nearest City. ctrl+shift+'i' = Improve Nearest City Without Altering Improvements.


No more having to control my workers. Never trusted the ai, for lack of above options.
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