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Perdition or Salvation? The Final Battle

Lord Malbeth

Feb 28, 2006
Tower of Fornost

"It is the year 2060. For decades, war, disease, and climate change have ravaged Earth. Recently, the Lord Himself has announced that the end is nigh. In response, myriad angels have donned their armor, and billions of saintly souls have emerged from their peaceful slumber, ready to fight for Heaven. Meanwhile, in Hell, legions of tormented demons have been unshackled by their overlords and are preparing to wage the final war against God. Who will be the ultimate victor? Heaven or Hell? You decide!"

So, this is a scenario that features the forces of Heaven (led by Regent Michael) at war with the forces of Hell (led by Regent Beelzebub). This has been inspired by my interest in Judeo-Christian esoterica, syncretic religion, and media franchises like Supernatural. Its got a lot of new elements, units, improvements, etc., but the main goal is to conquer your enemy. If you're playing as Heaven, that means vanquishing the forces of Hell, and if you're playing as Hell, the opposite is true.

You can only play as the celestial powers, and while your units are very, very powerful, many are beings of primordial creation and cannot be re-created once they have been lost, so use them wisely! Additionally, humanity is present in the game and while their units aren't as powerful as the angels or demons, they can still hurt! And finally, in the depths of the multiverse, there lurks the Grigori. These are unaligned angels who can be a great ally or a horrid foe. Be warned!

With this scenario, I made use of a lot of the cool building and improvements graphics found on these forums... but I also tried to use a lot of the graphics included in the vanilla game, implementing them in new and unique ways. (For instance, the Yamabushi Warrior Monk is now a Nephilim and the Ancient Leader is now God). I thought this was a fun, creative challenge, and it made me focus more on the story-side of the game, and less on just having sexy graphics.

If you notice any typos or goofs/bugs, let me know and I'll upload a new version and/or a patch!


Player Selection
Spoiler :


...or Hell?

Spoiler :




Improvements & Wonders
Spoiler :


Tech Tree & Other Stuff
Spoiler :
Tech Tree

The Siege of Hell

Enemy at the Gates

Watch out for the Grigori!


Right Here via Mega + April 2, 2018 Patch


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For some reason I was able to control the governments of every other civ so I could basically destroy my enemies economy by moving their citizens around. I also had complete knowledge of their units.

I imagine that's why the turns took too long.

but it's a great idea. I love how it's set up.
For some reason I was able to control the governments of every other civ so I could basically destroy my enemies economy by moving their citizens around. I also had complete knowledge of their units.

I imagine that's why the turns took too long.

but it's a great idea. I love how it's set up.

Oh, oops, did I include the DEBUG version of the .biqs? That would explain why you can see everything.

For a quick fix, go into the Civ3 Editor and uncheck "DEBUG" on the "Scenario Properties" screen. I'll try to post a fix'd biq soon.
How do I upgrade God to Jesus? I have researched all the tech so I have "The end", do I need to wait till Satan arrives? The option to upgrade him isn't there.
Oh, oops, did I include the DEBUG version of the .biqs? That would explain why you can see everything.

For a quick fix, go into the Civ3 Editor and uncheck "DEBUG" on the "Scenario Properties" screen. I'll try to post a fix'd biq soon.

This is seriously the best mod I have ever played, I am learning a lot about these prophets and beings and haven't even heard of half of them and I love the art and animations. So many different units and it feels like a real apocalypse, waves of demons trying to get into heaven, always out numbered but holding the line. all the prophets preparing for the final fight to destroy satan.

So far I have been pinned down because they are sending huge armies like 40 demons at a time to my city but I am beating them back with a huge army set up in the city and I still have all my named units except bhuda who got killed early in the game. It seems hell has lost everyone except for 3 horseman of the apocalypse. I was hoping to hold the line until Jesus arrived and then I could hold them down until satan arrived so I could finally destroy him but nothing is happening, I have all of the tech and I still cannot upgrade God, I planted a spy and stole their plans and Lucifer is still in the pit. there is no option to upgrade him so I am kind of stuck holding the line against the endless wave of demons. If I can get Jesus and satan doesn't come to the gate then I will build up a huge army of 100s of archengels then take him down myself.
This is seriously the best mod I have ever played, I am learning a lot about these prophets and beings and haven't even heard of half of them and I love the art and animations. So many different units and it feels like a real apocalypse, waves of demons trying to get into heaven, always out numbered but holding the line. all the prophets preparing for the final fight to destroy satan.

So far I have been pinned down because they are sending huge armies like 40 demons at a time to my city but I am beating them back with a huge army set up in the city and I still have all my named units except bhuda who got killed early in the game. It seems hell has lost everyone except for 3 horseman of the apocalypse. I was hoping to hold the line until Jesus arrived and then I could hold them down until satan arrived so I could finally destroy him but nothing is happening, I have all of the tech and I still cannot upgrade God, I planted a spy and stole their plans and Lucifer is still in the pit. there is no option to upgrade him so I am kind of stuck holding the line against the endless wave of demons. If I can get Jesus and satan doesn't come to the gate then I will build up a huge army of 100s of archengels then take him down myself.

I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying this mod! I had a ton of fun making it, and I loved combining bits and pieces from Judeo-Christian lore, pagan mythology, and pop culture to make a really unique but syncretic world.

I found out the reason why you can't upgrade to Jesus: I forgot to check the "upgrade" box in the editor. :( I'm not sure why Hell hasn't upgraded Lucifer yet. I think in your case the best course of action might be to just built up a big ol' army and lay siege to Hell. However, I've posted a patch on the first post that should fix the upgrade issue.

Regarding an earlier issue: I'm not sure why you had control of the other civs' units. It doesn't look like debug has been checked in the editor, which is the only thing that I could think would have done that. Hmm. Perhaps the patch will fix this anyway?
I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying this mod! I had a ton of fun making it, and I loved combining bits and pieces from Judeo-Christian lore, pagan mythology, and pop culture to make a really unique but syncretic world.

I found out the reason why you can't upgrade to Jesus: I forgot to check the "upgrade" box in the editor. :( I'm not sure why Hell hasn't upgraded Lucifer yet. I think in your case the best course of action might be to just built up a big ol' army and lay siege to Hell. However, I've posted a patch on the first post that should fix the upgrade issue.

Regarding an earlier issue: I'm not sure why you had control of the other civs' units. It doesn't look like debug has been checked in the editor, which is the only thing that I could think would have done that. Hmm. Perhaps the patch will fix this anyway?

I seemed to have 3 maps. One of them was called angels and demons and that's the one that gave me access to all the cities in the game. I could change their placement and see every unit they had and the turns took forever. Then I discovered that another file was in my game called the final battle. That's the one that only gave me control and knowledge of my civ.

I am not sure I can beat hell though, I was riding on the chance that satan would try to attack so I could eliminate him and instantly end their civ. Every turn they basically send 7 jinnis after me and they have a handful of fallen serpahs with them. The only reason I am beating their superior forces is because I am holding them at that city south of purgatory. and quicklely taking out the attackers with my few jinnis and having them retreat back to the city in that turn.

But I can't invade since they are producing so many soliders. I was hoping jesus would come so I could build an army of archeangels then maybe I would be able to turn the game around and actually invade hell. So for this game I am not sure what I can do. all of my named units are alive except for bhuda and one of my archeangels. I have killed everyone in hell except for 3 of the 4 horsemen who are not moving. I did an espionage mission and found that they are camp out south of the humans never moving and that Lucifer is of course still in the same place.

If this Is fixed though I would be more than happy to start again with the patched version and this time I will kill satan.

Seriously though, this mod is incredible. I never knew about half of these beings and I was raised by a Christian Pastor. Everything from the animations and art style like how the demons die and turn into a ball of fire or the design of the seraphs is just better than anything I have ever seen on civ mods. Also like how the prophets chant when they fight.

Thank you for fixing this. It's perfect
I seemed to have 3 maps. One of them was called angels and demons and that's the one that gave me access to all the cities in the game. I could change their placement and see every unit they had and the turns took forever. Then I discovered that another file was in my game called the final battle. That's the one that only gave me control and knowledge of my civ.


Thank you for fixing this. It's perfect

Ah-ha, that explains it. Yeah, "Angels and Demons" was the temp name I gave this scenario when I was working on it. It was set to DEBUG so that I could see how the AI would play. It makes the turns take suuuupper long. "The Final Battle" is the 'correct' version, and it's the one I patched.

I hope you get a chance to take the new version for a spin. Hopefully, this time you can actually kill Satan. ;)
I did it, Tiferet difficulty, This was an incredibly difficult fight, At first I was pinned down like last time by countless waves of demons, I planted a spy to keep an eye on their military and they had over 100 fallen seraphs, 20 leviathans and they were constantly churning out jinni's. Whenever I would kill a stack another 6 or so would show up next turn so the spy didn't really show me an end or how they were getting them so quickly but by attacking first and holding up in my city I destroyed them as they came since the jinni's have no defensive abilities I was able use just about anything to kill them.

Spy was captured right about the time the final tech was unlocked and I was unable to plant another until I was almost done with the war

Once Jesus and Satan entered the battlefield I amassed a huge army that I was saving little by little. As I had very few casualties as opposed to the devil it made no difference, They were always ahead in numbers, After making Jesus elite on the attackers and getting a few more archangels I brought all my witches, pagan gods, jinni's and a large number of those lesser monsters from the jinni war, and an army of ophan cherub etc. about 110 units total and while they were gone I had the 7 archangels and an army of Ishim to defend from about 25 jinni's, It worked since I attacked first, When I broke through I realized that Satan was going to hide in the pit. Plan A goes out the window. When I reached the door to hell I ended up slaying the antichrist, cerebus and 2 of the 4 horsemen but I lost Mahdi. Moloch never showed himself so I didn't get to kill him. Then I brought Jophiel in to see the jinni's as I captured the first cities by rushing them with jinni's then after burning down several of their cities I had to push straight down in a line to make a bee line for the pit. Attacked on all sides seeing my army get smaller as I progressed. Once I controlled a good line I brought Jesus and archangels in and when I made it to the pit Satan was hiding behind 10 fallen seraphs. After losing 3 named archangels Satan was finally exposed, I made every single lesser monster self destruct on him and unleashed all of my witches barrages on him as well as bombing runs, Then I had Jesus finish the battle. Close call because they retook the cties in the line leaving me surrounded on all sides with a weak army beaten from the constant attacks and battles with the fallen seraphs, and my plan to bring wraths of god was stopped when they cut off the path and all my units were preparing for the final battle


Now I guess I will bring down the giorgi while the church and the state have their fight. Most epic war in civ
I did it, Tiferet difficulty, This was an incredibly difficult fight, At first I was pinned down like last time by countless waves of demons, I planted a spy to keep an eye on their military and they had over 100 fallen seraphs, 20 leviathans and they were constantly churning out jinni's. Whenever I would kill a stack another 6 or so would show up next turn so the spy didn't really show me an end or how they were getting them so quickly but by attacking first and holding up in my city I destroyed them as they came since the jinni's have no defensive abilities I was able use just about anything to kill them.

Spy was captured right about the time the final tech was unlocked and I was unable to plant another until I was almost done with the war

Once Jesus and Satan entered the battlefield I amassed a huge army that I was saving little by little. As I had very few casualties as opposed to the devil it made no difference, They were always ahead in numbers, After making Jesus elite on the attackers and getting a few more archangels I brought all my witches, pagan gods, jinni's and a large number of those lesser monsters from the jinni war, and an army of ophan cherub etc. about 110 units total and while they were gone I had the 7 archangels and an army of Ishim to defend from about 25 jinni's, It worked since I attacked first, When I broke through I realized that Satan was going to hide in the pit. Plan A goes out the window. When I reached the door to hell I ended up slaying the antichrist, cerebus and 2 of the 4 horsemen but I lost Mahdi. Moloch never showed himself so I didn't get to kill him. Then I brought Jophiel in to see the jinni's as I captured the first cities by rushing them with jinni's then after burning down several of their cities I had to push straight down in a line to make a bee line for the pit. Attacked on all sides seeing my army get smaller as I progressed. Once I controlled a good line I brought Jesus and archangels in and when I made it to the pit Satan was hiding behind 10 fallen seraphs. After losing 3 named archangels Satan was finally exposed, I made every single lesser monster self destruct on him and unleashed all of my witches barrages on him as well as bombing runs, Then I had Jesus finish the battle. Close call because they retook the cties in the line leaving me surrounded on all sides with a weak army beaten from the constant attacks and battles with the fallen seraphs, and my plan to bring wraths of god was stopped when they cut off the path and all my units were preparing for the final battle


Now I guess I will bring down the giorgi while the church and the state have their fight. Most epic war in civ

I'm really glad to hear that the patch worked for you, and that you were able to succeed. Sheesh, that looks like it was a very close call! I wanted this to be a tricky war for either side, and hopefully I succeeded! Now all that is left is mopping up the Grigori and possibly conquering Earth. I'm not 100% on how the Grigori fight, but I'm assuming they'll load up units in their ships and attack your center via the four 'rivers' that flow into Heaven. They will probably also head for the Gates to Hell and the Maw of Tartarus.

After all of this, Earth should be a breeze to mop up, too!
I'm really glad to hear that the patch worked for you, and that you were able to succeed. Sheesh, that looks like it was a very close call! I wanted this to be a tricky war for either side, and hopefully I succeeded! Now all that is left is mopping up the Grigori and possibly conquering Earth. I'm not 100% on how the Grigori fight, but I'm assuming they'll load up units in their ships and attack your center via the four 'rivers' that flow into Heaven. They will probably also head for the Gates to Hell and the Maw of Tartarus.

After all of this, Earth should be a breeze to mop up, too!

The gigori are almost impossible to fight, This is proving to be a tad more difficult fight that satan but not as dangerous if that makes sense. Basically they have built so many eagles that I cannot land any units in their land without them being shot down and every turn they do a bombing run on my cities so I have lost just about every improvement I have made on my cities. Getting boats into their land is hard as well because there are cataracts making some cities impossible to sail to so I am taking more casualties than they are. What I did was basically sacrifice 2/3rds of my army trying to get the few that successfully land on their territories to take over a city then after capturing that city I safely made eagles transport units by moving bases instead of aerial drop off. They can't shoot down my units if I do it like that but it delays a turn because I have to manually send the eagles back to my city to transport more over.

After I brought a sizeable army in there I was able to spread out a bit and I have burned down about 4 of their cities and captured one lost prophet plus killing one of their princes.

Sadly my cities all have low population now and no entertainment because I have no way to counter the bombing runs, The archeangels and the only unit that can do it and their chances of actually bringing a bomber down are very low.

Also I am conflicted on invading the main island one because I have lost huge armies just to take a simple minor city. But also I want to be able to save all the lost prophets before I end it.

Will their civ end if I kill the leader or do I have to kill the lesser kings as well along with the dark lady to end them? If so I will have to re prioritize my targets to save them all.

Also They can't really get into my areas as well. We are basically unable to invade each other so progress is going slowely. But after I take them down I will rebuild everything that was restored, Bring heaven back to glory then all that's left are the humans.

I think I am going to need to make like 50 wrath of gods for this next city though, They have it filled with about 20 giorgi and nephalin and my land attack of 30 some genies failed on it. This will be a brutal war but I will get the lost prophets back then clear them out
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The gigori are almost impossible to fight, This is proving to be a tad more difficult fight that satan but not as dangerous if that makes sense. Basically they have built so many eagles that I cannot land any units in their land without them being shot down and every turn they do a bombing run on my cities so I have lost just about every improvement I have made on my cities. Getting boats into their land is hard as well because there are cataracts making some cities impossible to sail to so I am taking more casualties than they are. What I did was basically sacrifice 2/3rds of my army trying to get the few that successfully land on their territories to take over a city then after capturing that city I safely made eagles transport units by moving bases instead of aerial drop off. They can't shoot down my units if I do it like that but it delays a turn because I have to manually send the eagles back to my city to transport more over.

After I brought a sizeable army in there I was able to spread out a bit and I have burned down about 4 of their cities and captured one lost prophet plus killing one of their princes.

Sadly my cities all have low population now and no entertainment because I have no way to counter the bombing runs, The archeangels and the only unit that can do it and their chances of actually bringing a bomber down are very low.

Also I am conflicted on invading the main island one because I have lost huge armies just to take a simple minor city. But also I want to be able to save all the lost prophets before I end it.

Will their civ end if I kill the leader or do I have to kill the lesser kings as well along with the dark lady to end them? If so I will have to re prioritize my targets to save them all.

Also They can't really get into my areas as well. We are basically unable to invade each other so progress is going slowely. But after I take them down I will rebuild everything that was restored, Bring heaven back to glory then all that's left are the humans.

I think I am going to need to make like 50 wrath of gods for this next city though, They have it filled with about 20 giorgi and nephalin and my land attack of 30 some genies failed on it. This will be a brutal war but I will get the lost prophets back then clear them out

Perhaps it would be best to make peace with them, stomp the humans, build up an army again, and then attack the Grigori? I didn't realize that they'd pose such a big ol' challenge, but I actually think that's sort of a nice surprise. They're supposed to be volatile and hard to predict: a powerful ally, and a dangerous foe.

You will have to kill Ereshkigal, as well as the lesser kings, so that's gonna be a bit of an excursion.
Hello, you did a very good job with this mod, but i have a problem, when i open it, it say me "Select mission type" and it close the game... what i can to do? thank you :-)
Hello, you did a very good job with this mod, but i have a problem, when i open it, it say me "Select mission type" and it close the game... what i can to do? thank you :)
Are you playing Civ3 through Steam? Because it sounds like your problem might be with the mod's labels.txt file, which is not Steam-compatible (at least, it's not in my copy of this mod).

If you are on Steam, you need to tell Windows to navigate to the location where you installed the mod, and open the 'text' subfolder (should be in ...Civilization3/Conquests/Scenarios/Angels and Demons/text/ ). Then find the labels.txt file, copy it to your desktop, and rename the original (in the mod folder) as e.g. 'labels OLD.txt'.

Open the copied 'labels.txt' file (using e.g. Notepad) and scroll down through it until you find the lines 'PING' and 'Host' (they're quite near the top of the list -- relatively speaking!). For Steam (multiplayer), the line 'Unknown' is required to be inserted between the lines 'PING' and 'Host', otherwise all the subsequent labels' positions are thrown out of whack (because the game counts the lines, to find the right labels).

Insert the new line, save the edited labels.txt file, and then move it back to where you found it, in the mod-folder: that should fix the problem.
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Hello, thank you for your informations, i will try to check, but i'm not playing throught steam, i'm playing with the CD game that i have from many years :-)
Maybe the problem could be also because i have civilization III in italian language, and the folder "units" is in italian, but i renamed all files in english, because it didn't work with only italian. But all others folders are in english language, and it is not an units problem :-/
Hello, thank you for your informations, i will try to check, but i'm not playing throught steam, i'm playing with the CD game that i have from many years :)
Hmmm, OK... Sorry I couldn't help.

@Lord Malbeth:

Even if I didn't solve Agamennone's problem, I've encountered one of my own.

I'm not sure what's going on, but something definitely seems screwy with this mod's labels.txt (line missing?) -- either that, or it's incompatible with my setup. I'm not using the Steam version either, BTW: my Civ3InComplete-installation was originally downloaded from Gamers Gate. My machine is running Win8.1, fully updated AFAIK.

Although I've had this mod on my machine for a couple of months now, I'd never actually started a game of it to date (so many mods, so little time...!). While I was poking around this morning looking at the mod's files, I realised that I'd only installed the (debug) Angels and Demons.biq, rather than your patch (which I'd also downloaded, but apparently not applied). So I did that.

But here's what I saw just now when I went to Civ-Content and chose the 'Perdition...' .biq (purple boxes highlight apparent wrong labels):

Perdition Mod labels error.png

And after I exited the mod from this screen, my main menu had turned into this mess

Perdition Mod labels error after exit.png

(Ignore the buttons, I think they don't display properly because this screen shouldn't really be shown: I'm running the [official!] NoCD-version of the conquests.exe that installed with 'Civ3Complete', but I renamed my start-screen .pcx files so that I get to see the Samurai picture)

Any idea what I need to do to fix this?
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This is what I get too trying to start this mod: "Select mission type" and then CRASH! I play using the CD.
Any idea what I need to do to fix this?

A speculation :think:: Normally the Steam-labels-text problem is that the Steam version cannot play 'normal' scenarios without playing havoc among the text files cause of the insane addition of the line 'unknown' amid the labels text lines in the Steam version. What is, if a scenario was made with that 'unsane' Steam version and now is played with a C3C version, that has the normal labels text? Will this cause the mess you posted here? In this case the sabotaged labels text of the Steam version would be twice as bad as I considered it just now. Not only all old existing Civ 3 scenarios would be spoiled by the Steam version, but also all scenarios, that are created, with the Steam version of Civ 3 Complete that are played on all other versions of C3C.

I would test, if the labels text of this scenario contains the additional line 'unknown' in its labels text. If this should be the case, I would delete that line in the labels text of the scenario when playing it on a normal C3C version.
Hmm, I'm not sure what the issue is. I modded this on a computer that was running Civ III from a disc. I might need to take a look at the labels file. Unfortunately, that computer died awhile back and I'm on a Mac now, which can't play the game.
I would test, if the labels text of this scenario contains the additional line 'unknown' in its labels text.
I already checked that, when I tried to help out @Agamennone in the posts above. The labels.txt supplied with this mod does not include the 'Unknown' line.
I modded this on a computer that was running Civ III from a disc. I might need to take a look at the labels file.
Since your screenshotted Start-Menu looks normal, then there must be something different between your setup and mine -- and since neither of us are playing via Steam, clearly that is not the source of the problem.

So I'm wondering, is it possible that we are getting different results from the same labels.txt file because our .exe files contain some substantially different code?

I ask because I remember noticing that when I ran a hacked .exe file (one of Antal's, I think: @Civinator will know, since I'd DL'd that file specifically for use with CCM 2.x) with my setup, then the buttons in the Start-Menu looked the way they ought to look (i.e. not like they do in my screenie above!). IIRC, Antal's file was originally hacked from the CD-version.

Conversely, my screenie above was obtained after running the conquests.exe which was supplied with the installer-package from GG, which -- because it is a DL-version of the game -- does not need the CD.
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