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Pick Your Candidate

That is funny. As much as the two-party system may not cater to many millions of voters, somehow I don't think Kucinich would really win in a landslide.

Its also possible it was linked en masse to some kucinich site or something upsetting the balance.
Interestingly enough, it seems like all of this is on the up-and-up. I just inspected the code and matched the +/-'s from my survey, it looks right.


The table's the only bit I haven't researched. Go figure.

Spoiler :
Kucinich 46
Gravel 37
Obama 32
Edwards 28
Clinton 28
Richardson 25
Dodd 21
Biden 21
Paul 19
McCain -7
Thompson -14
Cox -17
Giuliani -20
Brownback -24
Huckabee -33
Tancredo -39
Hunter -43
Romney -43

Edit: If unknowns are zeros, it stands to reason someone like Kucinich who has the entire table filled out will have more volatile scores, high and low.
I think the reason Kucinich does so well is that in the end, most all of us would love to live in the world as Kucinich wants to create. It's kind of this utopian version of modern day America. So of course we support the kinds half-sentence issues Kucinich supports. But when it comes to really creating a fuctioning government he's just realllly not the guy to do it, and his ideas aren't spot on. They're not terrible, but just out of touch with most of our shared reality.
I'm not american, but here goes:

Kucinich 70
Iran Sanctions

Obama 52
Patriot Act, Border Fence, Same-Sex Marriage

Clinton 52
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Same-Sex Marriage

Gravel 52
Iran Sanctions

Edwards 49
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

Richardson 48
Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 47
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence

Biden 37
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Same-Sex Marriage

McCain -11
Paul -17
Giuliani -19
Huckabee -33
Cox -34
Thompson -40
Brownback -40
Romney -54
Hunter -55
Tancredo -56
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