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Pick Your Candidate

Tancredo 44
Guns - Background Checks, Torture, Iraq War, Iraq Withdrawal, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

Hunter 33
No Child Left Behind, Guns - Background Checks, Torture, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

McCain 32
No Child Left Behind, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Wiretapping, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Net Neutrality, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal

Paul 32
Death Penalty, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Wiretapping, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action

Romney 27
No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Torture, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

Thompson 23
Embryonic Stem Cells, Net Neutrality, Iraq Troop Surge

Brownback 20
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Guns - Background Checks, Wiretapping, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Net Neutrality, Iraq War, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

Cox 17
Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Iraq War, Iraq Withdrawal, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

Giuliani 11
Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, Assault Weapons Ban, Torture, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Net Neutrality, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Same-Sex Civil Union

Huckabee 10
No Child Left Behind, Guns - Background Checks, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

Dodd 7
Abortion Rights, No Child Left Behind, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Wiretapping, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Minimum Wage Increase

Biden 6
Abortion Rights, No Child Left Behind, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Assault Weapons Ban, Wiretapping, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Minimum Wage Increase

Richardson 3
Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, Kyoto, Wiretapping, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Civil Union, Universal Healthcare

Clinton 2
Abortion Rights, No Child Left Behind, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Wiretapping, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Civil Union, Universal Healthcare

Edwards -1
Obama -6
Gravel -28
Kucinich -40
I had about 5 people within a couple points on the top of my list... I tried to go add more opinions on minor issues, and it reaffirmed this. I guess time will tell on this one...
I had Cox with the highest score...I did not even know who he was and had to visit his website.

Wierd how most people are getting the viewed extremists of the respective parties (Tancredo, Kucinich).
I got Hunter, Kucinich, and Clinton. Something is very, very wrong with this quiz. :lol:
Spoiler :
Kucinich 57
No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban

Gravel 50
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Richardson 29
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Obama 27
Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Edwards 26
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Clinton 25
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Paul 24
Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Kyoto, Guns - Background Checks, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare

Biden 23
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 21
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action

McCain -4
Thompson -18
Cox -23
Brownback -24
Giuliani -26
Huckabee -32
Hunter -50
Tancredo -50
Romney -57

No real suprises, except Romney finishing dead last. The Democrat frontrunners pander too much to match my views enough to finish at the top and the guys closest to matching my political compass finished at the top. Doesn't change my voting intentions at this point though.
They covered ANWR, but there's more to it than that. I don't recall alternative energy being in there either. Same for the deficit! And more education problems beyond NCLB, especially for post-secondary students.
Energy policy would be huge, which is one of my favorite issues (really?), but I don't think there's a simple "agree/disagree" statement to make on it. On the other hand, the rest of the issues were phrased stupidly enough to make a one-liner "ethanol: oppose/support" or something like that.
Piqued my interest! Like what? :)
Along with energy policy I'm also looking for a discussion on the medicare/medicaid disaster on the horizon, health care proposals that discuss what would be offered more than how to get there, budget deficit reduction policies, school reform, AMT and what the substitute will be, dividend and capital gain resolution, Sarbanes-Oxley, the new Homeland defense sink hole, what they'd propose for homeowners in trouble and ultimately how they'd bring together both sides to accomplish the issue.
Spoiler :
McCain 37
No Child Left Behind, ANWR Drilling, Guantanamo, Wiretapping, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Thompson 31
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Giuliani 30
Assault Weapons Ban, Torture, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Hunter 28
No Child Left Behind, Guns - Background Checks, Torture, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

Cox 25
Assault Weapons Ban, Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Civil Union, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

Tancredo 25
Guns - Background Checks, Torture, Iran Sanctions, Iraq Troop Surge, Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Civil Union, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

Romney 21
No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Torture, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Civil Union, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

Paul 17
Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Guantanamo, Wiretapping, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Same-Sex Marriage

Huckabee 8
No Child Left Behind, Guns - Background Checks, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Civil Union, Same-Sex Constitutional Ban

Brownback -2
Gravel -19
Richardson -22
Biden -23
Dodd -26
Obama -29
Clinton -31
Edwards -31
Kucinich -35

McCain will never get my vote. I think it's weird that McCain comes out ahead of Thompson when I have no disagreements with this candidate (ironically, Fred's my guy, although I wish we could do better.)

It's kind divisive really. I mean, abortion: What about someone like myself that finds it morally appalling, but supports its constitutionality? Or Stem Cell Research. Good for stem cells, but I don't think it's the governments place to fund it. Patriot Act, I don't support all of the Patriot Act. Wiretapping? What kind of wiretapping? The troop withdrawal. Jeez, I support the war as big as anybody else, but even I would like to see troop withdrawals.

It could be put together a lot better to more accurately reflect peoples views.
Oh, and I would also like to say, that if this Kucinic trend is so broad, that everyone here should start rallying support for him. Start sending him your money. Do everything you can to get him to win the Democratic primaries.
Kucinich repulses me and as I've said on this thread, this quiz doesn't take into account many issues, including issues that would fully expose Kucinich's nuttiness.

I doubt there's anyone on here basing their vote on what they got on this quiz.
Kucinich 39
Death Penalty, ANWR Drilling, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Civil Union

Clinton 33
ANWR Drilling, Patriot Act, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Civil Union

Gravel 32
Death Penalty, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Civil Union

Dodd 32
ANWR Drilling, Patriot Act, Iran - Military Action

Edwards 32
ANWR Drilling, Patriot Act, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Civil Union

Biden 30
ANWR Drilling, Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

Obama 29
Death Penalty, ANWR Drilling, Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Civil Union

Richardson 27
Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Civil Union

Paul 7
Abortion Rights, Death Penalty, Embryonic Stem Cells, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare

Thompson -12
McCain -13
Giuliani -19
Brownback -21
Cox -23
Huckabee -28
Romney -32
Tancredo -34
Hunter -39

Kucinich is my closest match. Democracy fails apparently:sad: and if you're not a cliche stereotypical liberal or conservative so does this quiz
Yeah, I'm starting to think this survey was designed by Kucinich's election campaign.

I don't really get the "key" versus "important" versus "meh" thing, although that's probably how you can agree with somebody 100%, but have someone you agree with 80% come out on top. The 80%er might just be more passionate about the things you're passionate about, and is making them central to his campaign. I guess focus is important. Sometimes, just having all the right positions isn't enough.
What's funny is that Kucininch has 80k+ 1st place votes.

2nd is under 10k...(Gravel, then Paul, then Romney).

That is funny. As much as the two-party system may not cater to many millions of voters, somehow I don't think Kucinich would really win in a landslide.
Oh, and I would also like to say, that if this Kucinic trend is so broad, that everyone here should start rallying support for him. Start sending him your money. Do everything you can to get him to win the Democratic primaries.
As soon as you do the same thing for McCain.
Yeah, I'm starting to think this survey was designed by Kucinich's election campaign.

I don't really get the "key" versus "important" versus "meh" thing, although that's probably how you can agree with somebody 100%, but have someone you agree with 80% come out on top. The 80%er might just be more passionate about the things you're passionate about, and is making them central to his campaign. I guess focus is important. Sometimes, just having all the right positions isn't enough.

I think something meh is worth 1 point, important is 2, and key is 3. Of course I could be easily off on the amount of points, but thats how it works.
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