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Poll: Which Scenario?

Which Scenario

  • Steampunk

    Votes: 20 48.8%
  • Apocalypse NY

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • The Super Scenario

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Searching for the Holy Grail
Jan 21, 2003
I have so many scenarios on the go and want to finish at least one some time soon.

I need some focus and can't decide which to concentrate on.

So I've got it down to 3 (quite a few didn't make the cut so let's not go there).

I'm trying to find out whether one is likely to be better received hence the poll.

Links are in my sig if you want more info. I will abide by the unanimous choice (should one arise) and spend 100% of my time on it till completion. (I'll purge the others from my hard drive so I'm in no way tempted to tinker with them).
I'm very tempted to say the "Super Scenario," but "Steampunk" seems much more interesting. :)
I will backup the 'losing' scenarios on an external drive. I just don't want them on my PC because I can't trust myself not to tinker with them.

That's OK then! A good idea, too...
I voted the Super Scenario, although I also wanted to vote for the NY scenario (and now that I look at it, that would have completely evened everything out ;))
"Super Scenario or Steam Punk? Super Scenario or Steam Punk? Super Scenario or Steam Punk!!"

*calms down*

"Super Scenario, because it sounds like he had wackier ideas."

*Clicks Super Scenario*

"But wait, the Steam Punk timeline would be so cool, and who am I kidding, Arthur can make anything wacky. Did I make the wrong choice? "

*Continues screaming in confusion until knocked unconscious by a member of the family*
Blimey it's close. I'm thinking now that I shouldn't have set the poll's end date so far in advance now.
I say an Civ III version of the Jules Verne CivII scenario would be awesome...so I say steampunk me!
Steam Punk. But I strongly suggest :) you find a cooler name. Suggestion: The Age of Steam.
I voted for the Super Scenario, since it's the one I'm most familiar with. However, on second thought, I'd like to vote for a fourth option: do the one you want to make most. I'm sure with your skill, that any of the three will be great. If you end up making something that was not your top choice, it will feel too much like a chore. Anyways, good luck, as always!
Just goes to show how much all of your projects are appreciated!
thanks for saying so, it just makes me more determined to actually finish one of these.

I would have voted for Apocalypse NY, but I couldnt do it in good conscience...So I went for Steampunk instead :)
I understand ;)

COAtlantis1745 said:
I say an Civ III version of the Jules Verne CivII scenario would be awesome...so I say steampunk me!
Never played that one so I can't comment. Maybe you can give me the lowdown on it later and I can incorporate some of its ideas.

You could make a Steam-punkish New York Super Scenario!
Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Looks like Steampunk is storming ahead anyway.

I've been collecting images & starting to make some "steampunkish" Tech Icons. I can probably come-up with a tech tree's worth, although they may not all match the exact techs you're looking for.
That'd be great Blue Monkey. If it does win I'll be reviewing all the techs (which were never really finalised for that scenario anyway).

Steam Punk. But I strongly suggest :) you find a cooler name. Suggestion: The Age of Steam.
But steampunk is the label for the genre whereas Age of Steam is too generic. I'll think of something funky though.

I voted for the Super Scenario, since it's the one I'm most familiar with. However, on second thought, I'd like to vote for a fourth option: do the one you want to make most. I'm sure with your skill, that any of the three will be great. If you end up making something that was not your top choice, it will feel too much like a chore. Anyways, good luck, as always!
I couldn't make up my mind and would be happy working on any of them. Even if the Super one doesn't win I'll finish it at some point because all your work on those great Super Hero/Villain units can't be left to go to waste.
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