Pope Benedict XVI: Europeans are selfish for not producing children

The sheer ignorance of the Roman Catholic Church as well of Benedict XVI's past would surprise me had I never seen a CFC thread before.

Okay, so you all do not like the Church or B-XVI. Fair enough. Does that mean you make things up and cry abut his viewpoints, even when they are not infallible and you aren't even Roman Catholic? Are you people serious?
Zarn, if the pope was only addressing Catholics, you might have a point, but he's addressing all Europeans.. and I am a citizen of the EU.. so I think I have a right to respond :)

He addresses Catholics all the time, and do we ever listen? Just about never. :lol:;)

He simply has to say it. He may also be just concerned over the low birth rates. To be honest, I am as well.

I do not know what you said specifically, but the NAZI stuff, the infallible stuff, and the Catholic stuff is beyond ******ed in this thread.
Yeah, it is kind of odd that the people most adamant that others have lots of children are themselves celibate.

Also, yeah, I think he was sort of seen as an interim choice.

IIRC (and I may be wrong) but I thought Pope JP wanted Ratzinger as the next pope (and Ratzinger) was his right hand man. According to wikipedia:
"Because of age-related health problems, and in order to have free time to write, he had hoped to retire, and submitted his resignation three times, but had continued at his post in obedience to the wishes of Pope John Paul II."
I really don't understand why some people react so violently to stuff the pope says. He is a religious leader, of course the stuff he says will sound illogical for people who do not follow said religion!

From the catholic POV, using contraceptives is wrong and people should be having more babies. Do I agree with this? Not at all, for me this is illogical and contraceptives are great (though maybe europeans should have more babies). But I don't get all upset because the pope says contraceptives are wrong; he never put a gun in my head and forced me not to use them.

He is merely expressing his opinion, which is his right as a human beign and his duty as a religious leader.

QTF! For example, I'm protestant so I believe birth control should be allowed, but I don't take umbrage to the Pope saying stuff about things which I may or may not agree with.
What??!! :eek: His views do not resemble those of John Paul II at all. He is a lot more conservative and close-minded.... A LOT! How can you say his view are even remotely close to John Paul when he claimed about his "brother" Christians: "protestants do not deserve being called a church, they are a company, and orthodoxes are a huge heresy built by a foundation inherently wrong", while Pope John Paul II was the one who said "I hope all the Christian churches will one day become one in all regards, for the benefit of the souls of us all" *? Do you realize these views are EXACTLY OPPOSITE? He is going in exactly the wrong direction! He is inciting hate through all the Christian Europe, while John Paul was bringing love! He claimed numerous times how wrong everybody else is, while I've never seen John Paul II do that ever... I saw John Paul II as a fantastic religious leader for myself (a true saint, IMHO), though I am not a Catholic, while I despise this guy and his hate-based views from the deepest of my heart.

*loose quotes, translated by me...

I'm Protestant Christian and I don't really care whether the pope says I'm in a church or not. I guess I'm just confident enough in myself that I don't care. ;)
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