Pre-xIOT: Prone to Whim


Jan 31, 2012
Hi. I’m Bair. This is a pre-IOT. And by pre-IOT here I mean a worldbuilding and history-writing thread. And that's really all it is.

Go on.

Get started.

Oh, you want mechanics? Well there’s no mechanics that I’m willing to give to you right now, sorry, but I will lend you a set of spare stats I have instead. They may or may not change when the game actually starts, if/when it does. But back to mechanics, I'm going to say that mechanics will play an important part in this eventual game, but they'll be operating primarily in the background. I want this to remain as externally freeform as possible. But for now, take a look at these.

Example Stats:

Russian Empire/Random Player
Government: Absolute Monarchy/ Nicholas I Pavlovich of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov
Short: Russia
Capital: Moskva
EP: 234 (+102)
Economic Growth: Shrinking
Industrial Capacity: 2.43%
Infrastructure: 19.45
Dissent: 21.24%
Population: 68,500,000
Population Growth: Growing
Imperial Russian Army: 9001 Conscripts
Imperial Russian Navy: 1 Dreadnought
Projects: Port Reconstruction [452/1,000]
Completed Projects: None

They look arbitrary, and they kind of are, but I assure you that that's solely because certain portions of these stats have not been fully sketched out as of yet. Worry not, they will be in due time. Take solace in the fact that I’m not a person inclined to completely arbitrary nature, and little if any of the aforementioned secret mechanics will be determined by stochastic methods. It all works out in the end, in an intricate, complicated, and efficient web. Currently, it's a complicated web. But for now, amuse yourself with this map:

Spoiler :

Draw yourself a nation. Or ask someone else to draw you a nation. Post that nation here. Give me a name. Be reasonable with it too. Give me a capital as well. Write a history if you want. Even collaborate on one. Make yourself at home.

Oh, I suppose I should be considerate enough to provide you with a setting. Here it is.

The year is 1850. Make things up. Make an entire history up. This is a collaborative worldbuilding history-writing thread. No more. I’m not here to hold your hands all the way, though I will attempt to facilitate logical discussion. If you need a more substantial setting, then you can operate under the assumptions that an arbitrary point of divergence occurred sometime in the 14th century.

Happy building.

Oh, and please be reasonable with your nations, and be realistic for the sake of my sanity or lack thereof. I would hate to repeatedly reject pleas for the Republic of Übergangnamistansealand due to the fact that it doesn't mesh well with the rest of the world. And speaking of the rest of the world, I guess I'll leave on little demi-mechanical tip. The more land you claim, the more your eventual dissent will grow. Exponentially.

Finally, I'd like to request that colonial states and territories be left out of the primary stage of this thread. Later on, we'll get to colonial conferences and the whole shebang if this gets that far.

Requesting permission to try an idea I wanted to try on an NES- the Meta Empire. Basically, it's Shtick would be being Meta about the game. Don't worry- I'd add a culture as well.
Gonna claim the Mississippi to the American eastern seaboard, as far north as Maine at least down to Florida. Maybe a couple islands too. Will flesh out later.
EDIT: Actually, claiming land from Rhine to Alps to Pyrenees i.e the lands once known as Gaul and considered France's "natural borders".

Assuming our GM doesn't mind my Meta idea on the basis that Pre-IOTs don't tend to demand too much in the way of historical realism.

Name: Neverwon Cult
Government: Cultish Roman-Emulation (NOTE: In theory, emuluates the entire govenrmental structure of the Roman Republic. See backstory for more)

Backstory: Since ancient times, the "Neverwonagame3 cult" or "Neverwon Cult" for short, have began dominating affairs. As the Roman Empire collapsed, the mysterious Warlord "Arrogantus" (he had changed his name as he was a former criminal and didn't want to be associated with his past) used a well-timed rebellion to claim most of Britanny.

As time went on, the Cult managed to maintain a more Romanesque administration than its rivals and restored a portion of Roman discipline. By pragmatically willing to accept submission to the strongest power of the day, despite practicing borderline pagan worship of "Neverwonagame3" and babbling things in secret most would consider insane, the Cult expanded piece by piece throghout history. The general strategy was admirably consistent throughout history, according to the later Cult propaganda because of the guidance of their God- focus first on Diplomacy, second Economy, third Military, submit to avoid destruction, time rebellion well.

Although the Neverwon Cult was behind its rivals in the race to establish a colonial empire, for approximately one hundred years they ruled lands in northeastern South America, all of Cuba, and all of Jamacia. They also had claims which were considered credible in international law, though not actual control, over Florida and most of Mexico thanks to skilled lawyers.

Under Carinthos the Great, the Neverwon Cult would enter into the Great War. After sixty years of warfare, the "Great Neverwon Empire" was established. The Empire controlled all of Central America and Mexico, the Carabbiean, the north coast of South America, and eastern America. It also launched several unsucessful invasions of Florida.

However, this overstretch was a near-disaster due to dissent. Hoping to create sucessor states, Carinthos's sucessor Yadalus divided the conquered lands into a series of "Neverwonian Kingdoms", abandoning all his colonies as hopeless. The sucess of the sucessor states varied.

Culturally, the Neverwon Cult has little aptitude for warfare but is far superior in philosophy. More importantly, this spills over into "natural philosophy", political philosophy, and the social sciences. In particular, "Neverwonia" boasts the best economists in the world. They also have superior lawyers, both in legal shennanigans and the countering of such. However, they are not only inferior in warfare but slightly below average in practical sciences.

The state is formally Pagan in theory, but in practice, like ancient Rome, has . The government consciously attempts to emuluate ancient Roman Republican government, with corrections for modern times. To their credit, Tribunes really are popularly elected and have real powers of veto. However, no proposal can be passed without the consent of the noble-ruled Senate either.

The Neverwon Cult, however, possesses most real power. This institution (OOC: Comparable to the Cabinet in how well-accepted it is despite having no formal role) posseses all the major players in politics, who tend to be swayed once they 'meet Neverwon' (which is entirely mysterious to outsiders) and cooperate. Most decisions are made here and brought before the Senate as a fait accompli. The Tribunes, however, are not always so easily swayed. Since a Senator who gets to "meet Neverwon" has a considerable rise in the real power they wield, opposition is rare and culturally discouraged.

The primary executive individual is Neverwon in theory, but those who don't believe in him claim that it is in practice his Prime Speaker, chosen in strictest secrecy by the Cult. The Prime Speaker is said to have the most influence with Neverwon, and it is usually his policies the Cult adopt.

1850 was the "Year of Prophecy" for the Cult, and a religious festival was held. It was said that Neverwon would begin directing policy more directly from here (though still in the secrecy of the cult). It was also said by Neverwon that his rivals would come into the world. A final clash was near, which would decide the course of history...
My greatest apologies NWAG, but in this case, I would mind, seeing that here, my whole purpose is to make a viable, interesting, and realistic history. I'd certainly lie to have you in, and you can certainly mold that idea to something else, but I definitely do want some modicum of reality present.

Though I must admit I'm interested in seeing however your meta idea does pan out. It seems like it would be rather fitting for one of Terrance's new-style games if they do ever come out.

Finally, while I know you've certainly put a lot of effort into your idea, I'd must also point out the 1300's PoD, making rather difficult for a Roman cult to indeed remain for centuries prior.

Again; I'd love to have you in, it's just that with the direction I want to take this game, your application currently isn't a good fit.
Claiming OTL Mexico+American Southwest (including Texas) and California for the Empire of Mexico.

More to come.
Merchant Republic of Vancouver

Spoiler :
I started editing my map before you posted, so don't get butthurt over that.
Mind if I join this? Looks quite interesting and I'd like to play in more IOTs.
If there are no objections, let me present:

The Kingdom of Ireland

Spoiler :

Essentially, Ireland never gets conquered by the English in the 14th-15th centuries and turns into a mid-level colonial power, laying claim to a few territories in northeastern North America and the Caribbean.


  • Of0mcyU.png
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Three New Worlders, Two Old Worlders.

Priority for conflicting territories has so far gone to Mexico unless y'all can get something worked out. We can, however, give Vancouver the remainder of the State of Washington if they want.

EDIT: Unprovided colors have so far been given manly shades and colours.
Three New Worlders, Two Old Worlders.

Priority for conflicting territories has so far gone to Mexico unless y'all can get something worked out. We can, however, give Vancouver the remainder of the State of Washington if they want.

EDIT: Unprovided colors have so far been given manly shades and colours.

All I wanted to do was be Pacific Venice. I was editing a massive map and Sone just did a throwaway post. It's not like I could've gone and claimed everything I grabbed via text.

Of course, Sone will just friggin invade me turn 1 if my complaining actually gets me what I want because he's clearly RPing Santa Anna's wet dream, so fine, I'll just take Washington and more Vancouver. Oregon needs to be a buffer state, though.
Claiming most or all of the Middle East if possible. Map to come later.
I'm out then. I don't think we can mange realistic in an IOT.
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