Preview! New Mod: -~-Warrior Pharaoh-~-

i kinda hate to ask him for any more graphics....
since he made that lovely Khamudi of the Hyksos after my
request.....but if i get really stuck i will.
Having not played Civ3 in a while now, I'm looking forward to trying this out. It looks very well done. :thumbsup:
thanks :D
the tech tree is all figured out, i'm just tking care of the pedia stuff atm.
hm wonder why i haven`t droped into this thread long before...

first of all, this looks very very promising and good!!!

the defeat of the hyksos is in my opinion the best period to get a good warfaring scenario on egypt.

as i see you are using MaisseArsouye great egypt_plus map, only croped at the edges, i`ve used that map for mods like thamis mediteranean or lp`s great lost civilisation. and i really love it :D

also i have to admit to CoAtlantis that it would be great to have
Sekenenre-Taa mentioned in the intro texts as the one who took the sword and died heroically to free his country of the "asians".

maybe you should also go here:

an old projekt by loulong wich saddly never came to a finish and could give you quite some more ideas.

i won`t dublicate all the stuff i had written in loulongs thread, but maybe you find some of it useful and it would be my pleasure to help you with anything i can do: pedia texts or improvments, changes to the map anything .)
only with military units and their balance i`m totaly over asked :mischief:

i also have lists of "useful" egyptian buildings and wonders for i had been thinking about trying to create something like this myself for a long time....

for example:

The Nile Floodscale (Nilometer), it was used to mesure the water level of the Nile and to predict the coming Flood. The Flooding level indicated the fertility of the land for the next harvest and with it the amount of taxes to be payed to the officials.
-nile flood scale, gives a tax increase, must be restricted (via resource and freshwater need) to the nilevalley, faijum and delta, serves as plain marketplace.


House of Life (Per-Ankh), In Ancient Egypt most temples had a so called 'House of Life', where records of all kinds were kept; mathematics, medicine, astronomy, geography, law and the interpretations of dreams. .The House of Life was all under the protection of Thot. Only scribes, the 'Followers of Thot, had access to this, a resource centre with a wealth of papyri; medical manuals, mathematical problems, instructional writings etc.
-House of Life, increases the research output of your city, must be restricted to cities with a Temple. serves as library.

or (since you use MA`s map with the shipable nile as well)

Nile Ferry, both sides, western and eastern, of the nile had always been of great importance. Since it was not possible to build briges on the mostly muddy riverbanks, and the yearly flood would have torn down constructions to near to the river,
ferrys, smaller and bigger ones, crowded the nile banks to carry everyone, or everything safely to the other side for a small fee.
-nile ferry, enables air trade to connect cities along the nile before seatrade is enabled. must be resticted to nile valley faijum and delta (like nilometer)



Temple of Thot (locatedat Chmun) Thot, is the god who is said to have invented writing, the measuring of time, music, magic, art, medicine, mathematics and astronomy.Thot was regarded as the protector of all sorts of knowledge, he was seen as the giver of the knowledge of how to read and write by pictures and symbols. Therefore hieroglyphs were regarded as sacred and could always carry great power. The eye of the baboon was said to always be on the lookout for scribes who misused their ability to read and write.
-temple of thot, doubles research output, could be restricted to Chmun by special resource.

or many more like this.....
i`ve used graphics from various mods like a slavemarket (looking like a masive block with a stair on its left) as the nilometer
or the karnak temple graphic from GLC for all the Temple wonders.

also: maybe you could skip the idea of a Great Library Wonder for your mod,
since this building belongs to the hellenistic era of egypt, and use a Temple of Thot or sanctuary of thot or something like this.
would add historic accuracy and just be really great :D

well before i get lost in my ideas again....

what you are creating utro looks really promising!
you said it should not become to complex so i will stop here for now.

if you think you could use any of my ideas please let me know and we could try to fit them into your work.
i`d really love to help with this project for it`s exactly what i had in mind since i first came upon MA`s map .)
wow.....these are really useful....

i have already scrapped the library idea.

my mod is 3 eras:

Ma'at (just has some lovely art, and a "Future Tech" icon.

there are some interesting things such as:

smWonder: Sun Cult
smWonder: Royal Harem (can only be established in capital city),
and the tech "Polygamy" is required.

gtWonder: Temple of Horus (produces Horus Warrior every 5 turns)
gtWonder: Great Hymn to the Aten (requires the "Monotheism" tech)

and i'm fitting in some interesting buildings like:
Mammisi (perhaps medicine is required?)

and a tech i thought was interesting was "Journey to Punt",
which will enable certian resources to appear in capital cities.

i think i have the units figured out....but i could really use some
building graphics. if your interested, i'll gather up what i need
graphics for, and maybe you could help me (pointing me in the direction
of some ones that would work, or making some) i'd be able to get more
work on the tech tree and pedia.

i really like these ideas too!
i would love the Nile Ferry!

the idea with this is that i want the player to be Ahmose I, Khamudi, or the nubian king.
Khamudi was new to the throne and was trying to restore order after Khamose rebelled.
Ahmose also was young, and trying to change the world he lived in, to rebel.

that's really what this is all about, and i have tried to make the tech tree reflect that.
for instance the last tech is: Burial Preperation, and you build the wonder of a "Royal Tomb",
essentially preparing to end your reign.

also there are gov types such as Dynastic Monarchy, which you must first establish a
"Dynasty" with that tech.

you see?
this is what i'm trying to do, and your help would be most appreciated! :D
hm sounds good :)

i`ll help as much i can, so point me out the buildings and i`ll see what can be done.

i hope i don`t offend but what time period exactly are you planing your mod in?
course the things you want to put in will strech a quite large timeperiod for a small mod.

as i understand you want to start in the 1550s BC while ahmosis (1552) and Khamudi (1550) started their reign.

to be accurate the theban king khamosis would already have concqered middle egypt.
but for gameplay it`s much better to have middle egypt still under hyksos influence as you already put it on your map.

the problem is when you play as Hyksos the thebans would be an easyer match due to lesser teritory.

to solve this, making egypt and hyksos playabla alike id fit in a filler civ, wich would also be historic accurate.
the XVI. dynasty, called "lesser hyksos" was allied to the hyksos king at auaris and ruled middle egypt. it`s asumed that there even had been a few local dynasties in this area all under hyksos influence, one at men-nefer (Memphis)and one at Henen-nesut (Herakleiopolis) for shure.

with fiting one or maybe even two of these "fillers" in you have a better situation from both sides:

for thebes: ahmosis would have to fight his way through the filler states , so they could be seen as under Hyksos influence.

for the hyksos: they have to fight the fillers like they were already part of the theban influence.

this could make the situation from both sieds more historic.

also, you should strech the hyksos influence to southern palestine.
important as already to bee seen on the your "political map" is the fortess of sharuhen, the last hyksos stronghold.

well back to the timeline...

when you add in wonders regarding the suncult of aten you strech the mod into the late 18th dynasty.

thus you should also add in egypts golden times of the tutmosids.
that would include the founding of the valley of the kings,
hatshepsuts rule , the voyage to punt ypu already have, maybe the deathtemple of hatshepsut should be fitted in as well?

tutmosis III. his battle at megiddo, and his war with mittani when he crossed the euphrates and conquered karkemish.

amenophis III. that reduced the influence of the ammon priests and created numerous temples and his grand palace at malqatta.
and amenophis IV. echnaton who started the sun worship and thus crated the sun cult and hym to aten wonders you also have in your game by now.

and these are only some of the great things that happend in this time period.

so quite a lot of very epic stuff .)

as to the mammisi, the Birth-house, that is a structure created by the later dynasties, foremost by the helenistic and roman rulers of egypt.
the first mention of a so called "mammisi" would be with ramses II. as part of his deathtemple, but as a building itself it was a much later fashion.
i`m not sure what function you have for this building though, maybe it could be used or maybe there is just another name needed?

i like the royal harem idea, for every pharaoh had quite a number of wives.
only one of them being the "great royal wife" the first among many, that aided the king himself in rituals.

the idea of the "royal tomb" wonder in order to win the game is also very good. this would make a formidable timeline if resticted to only one pharaoh.

the division of the eras to aket peret and shemu is originally :)

although i`m not sure what the three diffrent periods of the egyptian year have to do with eras :confused:

i don`t know if its possible, but is there a way to change the game timeline?
like deleting the normal janauary to february month and just taking aket peret and shemu instead?

i know i have many differing ideas from yours utro and i apologize...
it`s just that i`ve made qiute a lot of thoughts on this topic and how it could be "translated" into a civ scenario.

hm best you only tell me what improvments and wonders you want to add and i`ll see what i can do with grafics and pedia for them :D
i like everything your saying. everything.
i don't have nearly the insight you do on this subject.

as regards the timeline, i wanted to include these many cultural advancements
for egypt. i find the Atenist period fascinating, and thus was hoping to somehow
include it in the mod.

really there are two ways i see this mod going:

A) a very tight, linnear timeline only allowing advancement for 15 years
from 1540-1525 BCE (since the focus is Ahmose).

B) a full fledged 4 era mod covering the entire 18th Dynasty.

now, the more i think about it, and with your insight on this piece of
history that i really am still just learning about.......i think we could make
this an AWESOME "A" mod, using the turns as weeks giving us 780 turns to
work with. a real epic!

now, as for the use of the seasons for era names, that was just to try to
add something Egyptian to the tech tree. if you have some other ideas,
i'd welcome them. now...with reguards to Khamose's victories in
Middle Egypt....i have given that some thought, and could give more territory
to Ahmose.

also....i couldn't use the "Nileometer" because it's from the 8th century AD. :p
(but if you made one, it might be cool in the PCX Makers Challenge this month. ;))

honestly, the Nubians are the ones i worry about in this mod.
they could go either way. and if i make them as warlike as they were,
that could mean very bad things for Egypt.....

the "mammisi" was just a little idea, but not important.
and the idea of a unit producing wonder (Temple of Horus),
isn't really historicly accurate, but it's darn good fun! :D

if your willing to give a hand (which it seems that you are) then we could
make this a joint creation.
so here are some of the buildings i need graphics for:

Artisan's House (improves production)
Embalmer (increases luxury and culture, requires natron ;))
Stable (1 culture,increases luxury, requires horses)
Nile Ferry (i love that idea of Imhotep's)
Physician's House (1culture,1 happy face, removes population polution)
Fishmonger (must be costal, requires fish, increases food in water)

i think i have the rest figured out (and a bunch from other mods).

any help with these will be much appreciated! :)

also i need some popHeads for these citizens:

Scribe (boosts science)
Artisan (boosts production)
Nomarch (reduces corruption)

i also had the idea to add a SMALL WONDER for Egypt only....
The Tomb of Ahmose son of Abana

what it does i don't know yet, but i thought it might be interesting.
puhh good :)
it`s always well difficult to point out some things while you don´t know the other one and his ideas, and since you have already taken your mod quite far ...

bur im really glad :)
i´d help with anything i can specialy egytian data, i`m an architect and very interested in history, and along that historic buildings of course ;)

your right either :

A.-the close focus on ahmosis I. his life, his achiefments, his monuments and close it like you sugested with a great "royal tomb" wonder only available when the "empire" reaches to its historic borders, (like special resource at southern palestine and upper nubia, - i`ll have to check on the realistic borders at ahmosis death)

B.-or a full mod on the new kingdom, wich would include horrible amounts on famous buildings and battles :D and be well really very very BIG work.

i`d say, as you also sugested, a concentration on Ahmosis would be best.
if this works out fine there is still more than enough stuff to create a "sequel" to Warrior Pharaoh, taking in the New Kingdom from Ahmenhotep I till maybe Ramses III. defeating the seapeople. or maybe best to split that as well for it`s just to much history for one mod in my eyes.....

so here we go concentrating on Mod A:

Ahmose I. (assumed reign:1552-1527)

so as far as i have infos the historic situation:

Sekenre-Taa (got no ruling date on him) opened the war against the hyksos.
during his campains he conquered parts of middle egypt and at his dead, his son Khamose took over.

Khamose (~1555-1551) only had a very short reign but scripts tell about his raids around the hyksos capital of avaris.

during the 17th dynasty also nubia was reconquered up to the 2nd catheract (Buhen/Mirgissa) but constand nubian attacks made the situation there very unstable.

when ahmose became Ruler he was still a child and his mother Ahhotep ruled on his behalf. She was always a very important influence in Ahmoses life and it`s on her recored to have stableized the situation regarding the hyksos until ahmose was old enough.

in his 11th year (~1540) he restarted the conquest of lower egypt.
there is not much known of this war though...

it`s widely believed that the Hyksos control on lower egypt was restricted to the area north of Per-Bast (Bubastis) including the delta itself. and quite important southern palestine, with cities like gaza and sharuhen.

Ahmose captured tjaru (sile) at the east end of the delta (here is the start of the horus road connecting egypt and southern palestine) and with this the hyksos were cut of from their "homelands".
it took 4 attempts to take avaris (there had also been a minor rebellion somewhere he had to cut down).
so egypt was freed of the "asiatics" but ahmose went futher and made a campain to southern palestine do drive the hyksos off for good.
in his 16th year he conquered Sharuhen the last hyksos stronghold.
he even made campains up to the area of Byblos, but it`s the Tutmosids that really take that area to egypts control.
these campains were also largely undertaken with the help of "greek merchenaries" ( so maybe have a greek traiding town at the north west edge of the map?)

the nubian campain is better known, as you already stated with
Ahmose son of Abana, the admrial that was also involved in Ahmsoes northern wars. his tomb at nekhen (el kab) would indeed make a nice wonder. maybe a +1 shipmovement, for the fame of egyptian marine?

so at the end of ahmoses campains the egyptian teritory should strech from southern palestine (sharuhen gaza) up till the 2nd catheract. id also like to see some of the western oasis under egyptian control. they had been the main route for the hyksos and nubians to deal with one another, and only becourse the thebans intercepted the letters the nubians did not aid the hyksos in the first place.

hm so far for the history line :)

i think we could "bend" history with the facts that thebes already posessed quite a large part of land and rather take it like you suggested already on your map at the first page.

-so giving thebes the land between lets say Sawty (Sauty) and Abu (Elephantine)

nubia streches from Abu down till the end, and as i suggested in the nubian king? thread, maybe divide nubia into kush and nubia.

-kush as the old nubian teritory of the middle kingdom would be more "egyptic" thus not so very warlike.
it could strech from abu up to the nile bend after kerma its capital.

-nubia, the more african part being very warlike , like you sugested giving them good units so they will mean constand danger for egypt.

nubia and kush should be in locked alliance. so egypt can deal with kush and capture its cities but if it lets his kuhorsehockye borders unobserved the "real" nubia will reconquer.

- for the hyksos, as said i`ve spend quite some time thinking about this...
i`d personly give them the delta southest Per-Bast and southern palestine with ganza sharuhen and maybe some later cities like askalom asdod ekron (all had been settled before the philister captured them)
so give them a good base in south palestine up to the dead sea.

the space between hyksos and egypt ....
from Iunu (heliopolis) to Chmun (hermupolis) well either as i sugested put a filler civ like Men-nefer and or henen-nesut in there wich would be historic correct as the 16th dynasty. and have them in alliance either to thebes (if playing as hyksos) or in alliance to the hyksos (playing thebes).

i think giving this area to either thebes or hyksos right from the start would create to to big domination by pure land.....

that for the main civs.

now for the "trade" options?

to add byblos with a special fine timber resource, that enables special buildings? units?

to add either an island in the north west corner giving a special "greek" resource, to enable greek merchenaries,
or a small lybian civ with this "greek" resource

the lybian civ could also be ruler of the oasis citystates in the western desert with very special resources like silicats, for glass making
or "desert glas" a greenly shimmering glas found far in the western dessert, created by meteor impacts and used as gemstone for egyptian royal jewlery (like the scarabeus in tut-ank-amons breast pectoral) and quite more things.

this would create at least 8 to 9 civs.

the "egyptian" culture group: Thebes, Men-nefer and or Henen-nesut, Kush

the "asian" culture group: Hyksos and Byblos

the " african" culture group: nubia and lybians

the "greek" culture group: Minoans? , there is proof of relations between egypt andcrete and even minoan art was at least dubicated in egypt at this time (like mosaiks)

i`ll break up here...

and post some suetable buildings in the next post:D
while i agree that there is a great deal of historical accuracy in what your saying,
i really don't want that many civs on the map. and no minoans for sure.

i think adding Kush could be quite interesting.
as for the Lybians i have them represented via a "Lybian Mercenary" unit.
and, we can do something about greek mercenaries too.

i am considering the Men-nefer idea, but i really wanted this to be about
mainly Ahmose and Khamudi. and not so much with these other civs.

i really think they can be represented by the Hyksos, Thebians, Kuhorsehockyes, Nubians.

those 4 civs can really represent the the dominant power in the area.
like, i'm not totally ruling it out....but let's get the tech tree finished,
the buildings in, and THEN talk about more civs. okay?

as for your other ideas i quite like them.
i have added a number of unique resources, such as:

Natron (strategic resource, found in Egypt, required for Embalmer bld)
Nubian Gold (luxury,found in Nubia, maybe change to turquize)
Lions (luxury, Nubian)
Giraffes (luxury only found in Nubia)
Papyrus (strategic, found in the Thebian area and Nile delta)
Sheep/Wool (found in Hyksos territory, Goshen region (really only the Hyksos
can make much use of it, since the egyptians didn't like sheep much)
Stone (i don't really know where to put this)

anything we should add?
Just had an idea about pollution. I'm sure others have had it before; I'm not claiming to be unique ;)!!

Could there be some buildings that can be built only by those cities near the nile, causing "pollution" which, with a graphics change, in this mod could represent the flooding of the nile?

In terms of your luxuries, don't forget about glass. I'm sure glassmaking was popularised in ancient Egypt under Ahmose I.
Good, there is no need for 100% historic accurancy it´s still a game :D
and the intention is to have fun, so it`s perfectly fine to stettle with the 4 civs, i`m just giving the complete things i know of and then it`s to pick out whats suitable for the game :)

so mercenarys are setled:
lybians are already in, greeks are a posibillity

for the buildings:

i don`t know if you already use some of Supas Pharaoh pack buildings?
there is an enbalmer (pack2), a jewler and many more buildings, along with some resources:
see his sig for the other packs there are 1 to 5 and a hunting lodge and some more.

for the stable maybe from Aoe? there were quite a few graphics out there , i just have to find them again :cool:

the ferry: there is a "quay" in thamis ancient mediteranean mod that wwould suite.
the physician i still have to think about.

i don´t exactly know what a monger is :confused: but it must be a fishing warf? sorry i`m not native english ;) there are plenty of these around

as to the nilometer, the one you are refering to from 800AD is only the one at cairo, there are older ones at elephantine or phile and they had been in use in pharaonic times.
as said befor they were the main instrument to measure the taxes.

i specially like the tomb of ahmose son of abana idea, since i forgot about him at your nubian king thread :D
maybe the tomb could give a +1 movement for ships? since he was the admiral to ahmose.

as R8XFT sugested in the other thread there could be a
horus road wonder for the hyksos, it was a very important connection for them, maybe even place a railroad connecting tjaru and gaza?
temple of seth, he was the main hyksos god of the egytian gods, it could generate a military unit, or grant some militaric specialty
as small wonders two fortresses so the "theban" player will have a hard time taking avaris and finally sharuhen.
fortress of Avaris,
fortress of sharuhen

for the kuhorsehockyes, there is not much data of the kerma culture...
great walls of kerma maybe generating walls in every settlement? so the kuhorsehockyes would be the more defensive, while the nubian the more ofensive civ?
royal tombs at kerma, to give special trade bonus? due to luxurys for the tombs.
also again as small wonders, there could be the middle kingdom fortresses around the 2nd cateract?

for the Thebans, there has been much renovation and rebuilding done by ahmose, most of it was finsihed by his succesors, but again its a game so why not let him finish some of his great works ;)

-Tomb of queen tetisheri (grandmother of ahmose) located at Abdju(abydos).
-Tomb of queen ahotep (mother of Ahmose) located at thebes west
both woman were major influences on ahmose and the reunification of egypt, maybe only one of their graves giving a mlitaristic wonder?

-royal tomb to ahmose at thebes west (but not yet kings valley)
as you suggested needed to win the game finaly.
-death temple and pyramid! (~ 52 meters high) at Abdju (abydos)
hm something to boost theban military? giving a larger army?

-tomb of ahmose son of abana, at Nekhen (el-kab) as said maybe a +1 ship movement for his admiral job?

to deal with corruption, since the map is quite streched there should be more than one forbidden palace, historic correct locations would be:

- palace of men-nefer, it was the military capital
- "viceking of Kush" palace at Buhen (like R8XFT sugested)
and maybe even
- "Govenour of Canaan" palace at Gaza
there is a way to have more than 1 forbidden palace i only have to find the thread again :crazyeye:

since you don´t want the minoans included, how about a
minoan trade wonder, instead of the punt expedition, wich was much later with hatshepsut. the minoan art was quite famous in the beginning 18th dynasty, and as you sugested it could giva a special resource.

also R8XFT`s idea for
-turquise mines at the sinai (turquise resource)
-glas makers with silicats? resource
-limestone quarrys (limestone)
and your
-artisan house
would make good production improvement buildings that can be restricted to available resources near the city, and so giving a nice variety.

quarries and mines are also included in supas packs if i remember right.

how you want to solve the city size levels?
i`d personally would not like a aqueduct runing through a new kingdom city...

the cities at the nile will have level 2 due to the river water,
for the others maybe a shadouf wich came in fasion in the new kingdom, there is also a graphic of one the existing mods. ( was ist the dunking stool from anno? i just can`t remember :sad: )

for city size level 3, maybe a hospital? a special temple ?

hm i have a unfinished improvement list for the new kingdom period, i`ll put it in an extra post.

for resources:

Natron (strategic resource, found in Egypt, required for Embalmer bld)
-should be in the western desert
Nubian Gold (luxury,found in Nubia, maybe change to turquize)
-id leave it at gold for luxury and the normal gold maybe strategic?
Lions (luxury, Nubian)
Giraffes (luxury only found in Nubia)
Papyrus (strategic, found in the Thebian area and Nile delta)
-there should be some more, of course much in the delta but also in faijum
Sheep/Wool (found in Hyksos territory, Goshen region (really only the Hyksos
can make much use of it, since the egyptians didn't like sheep much)

Stone (i don't really know where to put this)
-should be split in:
-sandstone (could be needed for bigger temples)
-limestone (for sacred buildings)
-granite (obelisks)
-maybe even basalt (great statues)
i have sufficient data on the right locations for these quarrys.

i came upon:

-precious oils, for enbalming
-alabaster, for special crafted art. (like the canopes)
-salt, to be found at the dead sea and the delta shore
-flax or linen, for the enbalmer, along the nile
-turquise, to be found at sina peninsula
-lapis lazuli and amythistsfrom nubia
-silicats, from the desert for glas production
-barley, for possible brewery or senet house
-birds, for food and commerce same as game

as special bonus resource:

-Giza Plateau, commerce bonus
-Saquaara, commerce bonus
-Pyramid Field, commerce bonus
-sphinx, commerce bonus
with these the map looks realy good ;)
and pyramids and sphinx can be neglegted as wonders themselve for those rituals were no longer held.

hm with popheads i cant help :( never done anything like that...

i`ll see to some building graphics, i have a good temple and temple with courtyard that could be used. and some statues.
problem is sometimes there is still this magenta colour in the pedia icon picture and i just have no idea why:confused:

hm R8XFT that would be a grand thing, having floodings leaving the land unused until a woker takes "care" of it.
i didn`t know pollution could be resticted to certain terain? for it would also pollute the desert inside city radius.. and that would look hm... strange...
any idea how this could work out right?

ah utro, what terains are you using?
since the use of the real floodplains is not working on MA`s map...
i always take the LM grassland, rename it to Nile floodplaine and give it the same atributes as the normal floodplaine, so it will still cause illness and give food bonus in spite of normal grasland.
hm R8XFT that would be a grand thing, having floodings leaving the land unused until a woker takes "care" of it.
i didn`t know pollution could be resticted to certain terain? for it would also pollute the desert inside city radius.. and that would look hm... strange...
any idea how this could work out right?

Don't forget it's not pollution here, but flooding....

Perhaps another thing you could do, which is similar is making volcanoes part of the nile and letting it spill pollution/flooding onto nearby lands; again, with altered graphics, it could look like flooding and not pollution.
this is my old building list for eventual improvements to a new kngdom mod.
some of these would not fit in an ahmose mod because they were later, but maybe some could be handy.


-Shrine (1 happy, 1 culture) (Temple)
-Temple (2 happy) needs Shrine (Colosseum)
-Temple with great courtyard (3 happy) needs Temple. (Cathedral)
-Senet House (1 happy, needs barley)
-Artists (1 happy)

-Mortary (culture, linen)
-necropole (doubles sacrifices/ removes pop.pollution, needs mortuary)
-Physician (city size 3,herbs)
-well (city size 2)
-Shadouf (city size 2)
-Granary (doubles groth rate, needs wheat)
-artisan workshops (luxury output, gold, precious stones)

-Nile flood Scale (+50% taxes, restricted along the nile)
-tax collector (+50% taxes)
-bazaar (increase luxury trade)

-Scribal Scool (+50% research) (library)
-House of Life (+50% research) needs scool (university)
-Sanctuary of Thoth (+50% research) needs house of life (researchlab)

-recruiter (verteran ground units) (barracks)
-Fort (defence +, special locations)
-city walls (defence +)

-Sanctuary of Maat (reduces corruption, war weariness) (courthouse)
-City Guards (reduces corruption, war weariness) (Police Station)
-obelisks (resitance to propaganda, needs granite)
-grand statues (resitance to propaganda, needs basalt)

special production buildings:

-hunting lodge (production bonus,wild animals in city radius)
-Beef farming (production bonus, cattle in city radius)
-Papyrus maker (Prod Bonus,papyrus reed in city radius)
-Brewery (prod bonus, barley in city radius)
-Potter (prod bonus, clay in city radius)
-Weaver (prod bonus, linen in city radius)
-Timbercamp (prod bonus, fine timber in city radius)
-quarrys (prod bonus, limestone granite sandstone in city radius)

common production building:

-Weapon smith I (prod bonus,pollution, copper)
-weapon smith II (prod bonus,pollution, copper-tin) replaces wsI
-weapon smith III (prod bonus,pollution, iron) replaces wsII

-Ferry landing (air trade, restricted along the nile)
-Fisching Warf (food in water)
-war Harbour (veteran sea units, +shield in water, fine timber in city radius)
-Trade Harbour (enables seatreade + trade in water)
-Costral Fortress (defence +)

-Debes (wealth)

X-Worker Camp (prod bonus, 1 unhappy, pollution) needed for all "building" wonders.

great wonders:

Temples rebuild or renovated
X-all needing a worker camp first!

-Chnum -Abu (+1 ship)
and Horus -Ombos (trade)
-Horus -Edfu (halves upgrade)
-thot -Chmun (2*research)
-Osiris -Abjdu
-Seth -Nubt (military)
-Sobek -Hetepsenusret (safe sea)
-Anubis -Sauty
-Hathor -iunet
-Ptah -Men-nefer (trade)
-Ra -On
-Neith -Sais
-Bast -Bubastis (healing)
-Amun -Waset (treasury)
-Seth -Auaris (combat strenth vs babarians)
-Udjat -Buto
-Nechbet -elkab
-Herischef -Hen-nesew
-Min -Ipu

temples of new kingdom:
X-needing work camp

-Amun-re -waset/luxor
-Amun-re -pi-ramesse
-amun-re -mendes
-Amun -Napata
-Amun -Kerma
-amun -soleb
-Hathor -serabit
-Apis -men-nefer
-Montu -waset
-Mut -waset
-Abu Simbel

X-needing work camp
- at men-nefer
- at Malgatta
- at Achet-aton
- at Pi-Ramesses
- at gaza
- somewhere in nubia

Pyramid Fields (already placed so only culture)

-Pyramid of Abu Roach
-Pyramids of Giza
-Pyramids of Saqqara
-Pyramids of Lischt
-Pyramids of Dashur
-Pyramids of Meidum
-Pyramids of Faijum

needing X-working camp

-Sphinx, to be freed from sand by tutmosis IV.
-orcale of Siwa
-great obelisks at Karnak
-valley of the Kings /Queens


-campain to megiddo
-campain to Carkemish
-Campain to Nubia (4th cateract)

Fortresses as small wonders:

-at Avaris (Hyksos)
-at Sharuhen (Hyksos)
-at Buhen (Kush)
-at Mirgissa (kush)
-at Tjeku and Tjaru (egypt)

Trade Wonders:

-Minoan Trade
-Punt Expedition
-Delta Trade Port (safe sea travel?)

Death Temples (Houses of a Million years) as small wonders:
X-worker camp needed

at Abydos:
-Ahmose (with Pyramid)
-Seti I.
-Ramesses II. (small)

at Thebes west:
-Mentuhotep I. (preplaced)
-Amenophis I.
-tutmosis II.
-tutmosis III. (both temples)
-Tutmosis IV.
-Amenophis III.
-Amenophis son of Hapu (small)
-Eje und Haremhab
-Sethos I.
-Ramses II.
-Ramses III.
hm, i really like the idea would add a great realism :)

but seeing the higher leveld desert been flooded would be no good in my opinion.

Perhaps another thing you could do, which is similar is making volcanoes part of the nile and letting it spill pollution/flooding onto nearby lands; again, with altered graphics, it could look like flooding and not pollution.

hm that would restict the "flooding" to the tiles next to the river (volcano)
problem now is can the volcano graphic be changed looking like coasttile?
and can the erruption, be changed to no smoke?
then with a nice grafic this would create a neat flood even some high flood.

still i`m to limited with my editor abilities to get this going in any way :confused:
In order to help you, utro43, I'll release the set of Egyptian buildings I'm working on from Pharaoh. With these and Supa's, you should have a fair selection. There's 24 I'm doing at the moment and I don't think I've done any Supa's done already.

It'll be about another day or so before I've completed them all I think ;) .
hey this is great!

always wondered why supa stoped ;)
but these will be great for utros mod!!!!

hm pharaoh is still one of my favourites :D

these are really great R8XFT!!!!

hm don`t know if it works put im putting a jpg up:
graphics from various mods:
-nubian house , could serve as palace
-ale house, i use it at cityguard house
-dunking stool?, for me its a shadouf
-slave market, i use this as nilometer, due to the staircase
-karnak temple from glc , it´s the luxor temple, i use it as temple wonder
- ? , could be used as a fort
-quay from glc, could serve as ferry or fishing warf
-copurthouse, could be a maat temple
-scribal scool by supa
-senet house by supa
-library by supa
-mine by supa
-jewler by supa
-enbalmer by supa
- a stable looking egyptian enough i think
-brewery by supa

copy pastes by me:
-a temple
-a temple, i use for secred palace
-courtyard to temple
-obelisks, from cotn
-sphinx alley, from cotn
-stela, cotn
-mastaba field, cotn
-temple, cotn

edit: well upload of the jpg din`t work ./
have to try later again
Those buildings are amazing, R8XFT! Excellent job.
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