Off-Topic Overlord
carlosMM said:nice trolling here, reported as such.
It is time you cut the act and stop flaming all non-members of your American sect.
Why Carlos, didnt you, yourself post this not long ago?
Did you know that a lack of a sense of humor is often a co-indication for extreme religiounes, which was, until 1997(*), considered a mental illness by the American association of psychatrists and phsycologists?
* I guess they finally caved in to the pressure of the religious groups
Moderator Action: Warned for flaming. - The Yankee
Does your lack oh humor indicate that you are a closet theist or religious type person?

Or do you remember this in the same thread:
If you can't laugh about something (as long as there is no harm done to people or animals by the joke), then it is probably a thing to fear in you!
So maybe it is because you fear me?

Oh the hypocrisy!

FredLC said:Well, as animals cannot enact consent, I doubt that many western nations will adopt that concept.
Maybe I'm wrong, but can't animals inherit assets in the US? (in Brazil they can't, not even if the owner writes it in a Will.)
Fred, I have often heard of such cases where a persons estate is indeed left in trust to some beloved pet. Here is an obviously pro-animal rights website that seems to have some links to legal matters down at the bottom of the link.
Might provide some interesting reading.